

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Dude, this is the game that renamed Superior Rune Of The Pirate to Superior Rune Of The Privateer because Pirate seemed inappropriate. It’s a very youth-friendly game, don’t get your hopes up for marriage being added. Also, try not to be such a jacka?? when people disagree with your suggestions. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean you have to be too.

As mentioned above I think there are better thing to spend time on than this but GW2 is not youth friendly at all. With all the alcohol drinking and the solution to all problems is murder(they might have started it but that has never been a good justification for murder).


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


^ Not to mention genocide, experimenting on sentient beings, torture and so on

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Youth-friendly doesn’t automatically mean “ONLY GOOD THINGS HAPPEN!”


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


the solution to all problems is murder

That’s actually realistic. In the words of one of american generals (don’t remember which one, unfortunately) “there’s no problem in human history that couldn’t have been solved with a properly applied carpet bombing”.
It’s one of the truths we really need to start teaching children as early as possible.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunshine.4680


This has been brought up many times and shot down just as many, people need to let this die. GW 2 is barely, barely RP tied. It’s not needed, there isn’t even guild halls yet. There is no reason for it even if it offered nothing. Drama and stupidity would follow and there is so much of that in game already. This isn’t the sims or Secondlife. The team should work on other stuff before this is even ever thought of again.

Unless marriage is the new end game. Haha.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

Marriage shouldn’t grant special bonuses to accounts, and as such should be kept to RP choices made by individual players with no official supported features.

And the whole account bound sharing thing would be so convoluted. Individual chars sharing account bound items from other accounts?

Also please abolish marriage in real life.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunshine.4680


Marriage shouldn’t grant special bonuses to accounts, and as such should be kept to RP choices made by individual players with no official supported features.

And the whole account bound sharing thing would be so convoluted. Individual chars sharing account bound items from other accounts?

Also please abolish marriage in real life.

Agreed with you! Marriage accomplishes nothing but drama. Should be banned.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balsa.3951


Marriage is already possible I think anet already provided u with noble dress dye it white and u have ur Bride.

but gemshop could offer more a item which make the couple get a heart over there heat sometimes lets say after every rezz ?

I think personal rezz animation was suggested once

other ideas can come with houseing

and why not do a Guild for ur shared bank taps?

Im against a marriage animation scene people should get creative and do there own

and i love the Lap partner idea

but plz no buffs for be married or u see only PVPer with ring on there left finger


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoroiookami.3485


Since the forums are buggy, I have to quote people in this manner.

“Your response makes less sense than your original suggestion. Please show me another thread that I made that response to. I hope you can, because if you can’t you’re going to look silly.”

It’s actually your response which makes no sense at all, that’s why I asked if you just copy&paste it into every thread you see.
There’s nothing in the marriage I’ve proposed that makes the game any easier whatsoever. And FYI – I don’t really mind looking silly.

“Why does the OP want this? It seems like s/he wants to share items across accounts, which seems great for multiboxers, terrible for customer support, and not any benefit to others.
RPers can roleplay a relationship without any extra mechanical benefit. I don’t see why development time and effort should be spent on this when there’s so many other things that need work.
ANet could fix the bugged event chains that are keeping people from getting traits under the new (terrible) trait system, or add more stuff to Wintersday, or work on precursor crafting…or they could add a feature that benefits multiboxers and makes CS’ lives harder. No thanks.”

Oh hello. Another “It shouldn’t be in the game because there are more important things” argument. Nice to see you!
Sure they can roleplay. They can roleplay anything. Some additions won’t hurt though.

“Just about every one of your responses is you insulting someone or being condescending. I don’t see how that doesn’t make you a jacka??. Sure you have the right to respond, but if it’s not constructive why take the time? Do you like to put people down? Or are you just a fan of creating drama where it’s not needed?
You want constructive? Your idea is bad. There aren’t enough roleplay elements in Guild Wars 2 for it to make sense. It’s centered around action combat and the personal story makes up a very small portion of what Guild Wars 2 is all about. Marriage would not fit the premise of the games design. Yes, it could be implemented, but so could a new race, a new continent, a new profession, new weapons, any number of things could be added but do they make sense to add? Just because there are married couples in the game doesn’t mean we should be able to get married as players. It’s something better suited to a game that’s heavily centered around roleplay such as, say, The Sims, or Second Life. Add a new set of weapons or a unique profession to a game like The Sims and it doesn’t make much sense does it? "

I think you’re just really over-sensitive. I haven’t really offended anyone. I don’t post random responses in topics and call people “jacka”, like some people do. See? I’m friendly and nice.

Also I disagree, there is definitely setting for a nice marriage system in the game. You say that elements from “The Sims” wouldn’t make sense yet we do have quite a detailed character customization. Hair, eye-shape, figure, colours and you can even dye your armour. You can already add things to your home instance. (Ores, mostly) And there’s a variety of additions from other games like racing, survival game-mode, jumping puzzles etc.
This game has a huge potential and it can go in any direction it wants to. Including marriages, houses etc. It would simply fit.
Then again, you find a new race, continent or a proffession to be out of place, so I guess there’s no point convincing you.

(edited by Yoroiookami.3485)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: novaspire.9801


I’m sorry but, people have clearly given factually based arguments as to why this is a bad idea, and all you seem to be doing is ignoring them.

Like it or not, adding a system where people get benefits for an arbitrary title is a bad idea, you’ll end up with everybody using it for no other reason than extra bank slots and easily abused mechanics. The only people who will actually care “the roleplayers in this case” will end up having to ask if the marriage is legitimate, in a sea of people who have done it for the benefits and no other reason. It might as well not exist.

You may be right in that a game can go in any direction it wants to, but that is not a good idea. This is guild wars 2, not second life. Focus should be made on mechanics that will benefit the game, not cause needless arguments for what is at best a cosmetic buff that isn’t needed to begin with. This addition would be a net hurt rather than a gain. Think of all the messages that would be sent to the admins because of people being scammed through this system. Then think of the slight bonus of a little extra bank space and a super slight increase in roleplaying flexibility. As opposed to someone just saying through chat “im married to x”.

As for the main argument. The entire point of guild wars 2 is co-operation. Not between 2 people, but between everyone. Thats why loot is individual to stop arguing for the best loot, thats why buffs are very rarely for your own use only, thats why world bosses exist, its all for big group co-operation. This feature would benefit 2 people, but force them to be together whenever they wanted to do something like a dungeon for their benefits. Now think of a party of 5. One person is going to be left out if you have 2 “couples” with boosts. Its unfair to them, and an unfair system overall if youre someone who rightly doesnt trust someone over the internet to share some items in the same bankslot.

In short, too many downsides, benefits are minimal/non-existant to the game, and to individual players its an opt-in buff that is easily abused and will cause strife. Its a bad idea.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I can see how this could be taken advantage of by various people.

Gold sellers:
Hack account. Marry it. Use the account’s transmutation points to reskin any ascended gear with the most valuable skins on the account. Remove all ascended weapons and armor, including any Legendarys. Advertise ascended gear and skins for sale. Marry buyers account. Sell the stolen ascended gear/valuable skin/Legendarys.

Or someone could just sell skins:
Get valuable skins on your account, including Legendarys. Advertise skins for sell. Make a deal with someone then marry them. They send you their ascended gear and some gold. You equip, reskin, send back. Divorce. Repeat with someone else.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Sorry, I really tried staying away and not posting this but every time I see the thread’s title all I can think of is …


We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I can see how this could be taken advantage of by various people.

Gold sellers:
Hack account. Marry it. Use the account’s transmutation points to reskin any ascended gear with the most valuable skins on the account. Remove all ascended weapons and armor, including any Legendarys. Advertise ascended gear and skins for sale. Marry buyers account. Sell the stolen ascended gear/valuable skin/Legendarys.

Or someone could just sell skins:
Get valuable skins on your account, including Legendarys. Advertise skins for sell. Make a deal with someone then marry them. They send you their ascended gear and some gold. You equip, reskin, send back. Divorce. Repeat with someone else.

Hmm … how about polygamy?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoroiookami.3485


I’m sorry but, people have clearly given factually based arguments as to why this is a bad idea, and all you seem to be doing is ignoring them.

Like it or not, adding a system where people get benefits for an arbitrary title is a bad idea, you’ll end up with everybody using it for no other reason than extra bank slots and easily abused mechanics. The only people who will actually care “the roleplayers in this case” will end up having to ask if the marriage is legitimate, in a sea of people who have done it for the benefits and no other reason. It might as well not exist.

You may be right in that a game can go in any direction it wants to, but that is not a good idea. This is guild wars 2, not second life. Focus should be made on mechanics that will benefit the game, not cause needless arguments for what is at best a cosmetic buff that isn’t needed to begin with. This addition would be a net hurt rather than a gain. Think of all the messages that would be sent to the admins because of people being scammed through this system. Then think of the slight bonus of a little extra bank space and a super slight increase in roleplaying flexibility. As opposed to someone just saying through chat “im married to x”.

As for the main argument. The entire point of guild wars 2 is co-operation. Not between 2 people, but between everyone. Thats why loot is individual to stop arguing for the best loot, thats why buffs are very rarely for your own use only, thats why world bosses exist, its all for big group co-operation. This feature would benefit 2 people, but force them to be together whenever they wanted to do something like a dungeon for their benefits. Now think of a party of 5. One person is going to be left out if you have 2 “couples” with boosts. Its unfair to them, and an unfair system overall if youre someone who rightly doesnt trust someone over the internet to share some items in the same bankslot.

In short, too many downsides, benefits are minimal/non-existant to the game, and to individual players its an opt-in buff that is easily abused and will cause strife. Its a bad idea.

I’m not ignoring any responses. I answered to the majority of those I agreed with and the ones I’m not responding to are simply not worth it. They are the same, repeatable arguments. (Most of which make no sense)

Like this – “This is guild wars 2, not second life.”. This one was posted by 4 different people, I think. It really doesn’t make much sense. Multiple mmorpgs use marriage system and they’re doing it well. It could be absolutely amazing in this one, since it has a really huge potential.
Now, your main argument makes some sense, unless you take guilds into consideration. Four people of the same guild can join a dungeon, have multiple buffs and the last person will be “left out”. I don’t see anyone who ever had this problem. Not to mention that the ones I proposed are some really minor buffs and ‘advantages’.
As for the account bound items and shared bank space? I agree that this system can be abused. It doesn’t mean it can’t be made in a way that works.
Majority of people doesn’t like the idea of sharing account bound items, but I don’t think adding a wedding dress/tux and some rings will hurt the game in any way. The same for titles and ceremonies.

I can see how this could be taken advantage of by various people.

Gold sellers:
Hack account. Marry it. Use the account’s transmutation points to reskin any ascended gear with the most valuable skins on the account. Remove all ascended weapons and armor, including any Legendarys. Advertise ascended gear and skins for sale. Marry buyers account. Sell the stolen ascended gear/valuable skin/Legendarys.

Or someone could just sell skins:
Get valuable skins on your account, including Legendarys. Advertise skins for sell. Make a deal with someone then marry them. They send you their ascended gear and some gold. You equip, reskin, send back. Divorce. Repeat with someone else.

Okay. I realise there is a problem, but I disagree on a few things:
- If hacking accounts was that easy, there would be way more legendaries&gold stolen.
- Support seems to be doing a pretty good job of recovering items as far as I know.
- Stealing account just to reskin something seems silly to me. It’s a sort of a…“overkill”.
- You can’t really sell any gear unless you will stay married to the buyer.
- Even if you will stay married, there’s a big chance the owner will get his/her account back and receive all of his/her stolen items back.

And that’s with the small system it took me 5 minutes to make. I imagine developers are much better at this.

Sorry, I really tried staying away and not posting this but every time I see the thread’s title all I can think of is …



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I can see how this could be taken advantage of by various people.

Gold sellers:
Hack account. Marry it. Use the account’s transmutation points to reskin any ascended gear with the most valuable skins on the account. Remove all ascended weapons and armor, including any Legendarys. Advertise ascended gear and skins for sale. Marry buyers account. Sell the stolen ascended gear/valuable skin/Legendarys.

Or someone could just sell skins:
Get valuable skins on your account, including Legendarys. Advertise skins for sell. Make a deal with someone then marry them. They send you their ascended gear and some gold. You equip, reskin, send back. Divorce. Repeat with someone else.

Okay. I realise there is a problem, but I disagree on a few things:
- If hacking accounts was that easy, there would be way more legendaries&gold stolen.
- Support seems to be doing a pretty good job of recovering items as far as I know.
- Stealing account just to reskin something seems silly to me. It’s a sort of a…“overkill”.
- You can’t really sell any gear unless you will stay married to the buyer.
- Even if you will stay married, there’s a big chance the owner will get his/her account back and receive all of his/her stolen items back.

And that’s with the small system it took me 5 minutes to make. I imagine developers are much better at this.

1) whether or not support can recover items is not the point. The point is that gold sellers or people selling skins can make and sell or give away an essentially infinite amount of skins if they have the ability to trade account bound items.
2) “stealing accounts just to reskin something.” I didn’t say they would steal accounts just for that. It will be bonus for them.They steal an account and in addition to what they can now steal they will have the ability to steal and sell skins.
3) “you can’t really sell any any gear unless you stay married to them”. What do you mean by that? You sell the reskinned gear or you reskin the item after someone sends it to you and send it back. Then you divorce them. Are you saying that it will then reset back to the previous skin on their account once it’s in their wardrobe?
4) “- Even if you will stay married, there’s a big chance the owner will get his/her account back and receive all of his/her stolen items back.” Even so that makes a lot of work for support tracking down all the ascended items reskinned and sold.

And what about this scenario. Someone buys a skin from a gold seller. Then he marries someone else, for real. He gives that person the skin as a gift. It’s now in that person’s wardrobe. The gold seller and buyer are later banned but what about the 3rd person? From what I’ve read, support can’t remove skins from the wardrobe so they will have that skin even though it was originally stolen. Then the banned buyer buys a new account. He remarries the 3rd person and that person gives back the skin the buyer got banned for buying from a gold seller.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)