Master Jeweler NPCs

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mareak Humner.5672

Mareak Humner.5672


Has anyone else noticed that the Master Jewler NPC’s are selling general items, vice the typical Master Jewelers inventory…ie the Thermocatalytic Reagent is NOT for sale, but mining picks of all flavors are listed.
YES you can buy the Reagents at other Master NPC’s so this is not a show stopper, however, why would a Master Jeweler sell mining picks while standing next to the Jewelers crafting table… Just saying…

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


They all sell that. Select one of the tabs to the left.

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Almost all the craft masters sell that — but not JC. Unless it’s in a different tab on them and Mareak and I have missed it? I know that on my jeweler I kept having to run to another vendor for the reagents when making glass. This is likely because JC only goes to 400 and until the guild hall glass requirements came in JC had nothing to make that used an ascended mat.

So yes, ANet should add that as a JC trainer item, but I don’t think it’s there now.

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Actually, you get some jeweling materials from mining. If you are lucky.

But, you are right. It would be good to be abale to buy the reagents for the glass from the Master Jeweler.

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Anet forgot Jewelcrafter existed.

But then again, as you cannot craft ascended things from jeweler, I guess that’s why they don’t sell ascended ingredients. Still sucks of course.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mareak Humner.5672

Mareak Humner.5672

Master Tailor:
4 dialog choices (non Tailor character)
Materials, the default tab
frame, jute, wool, cotton, linen, silk, gossamer Thread and
Thermocatalytic Reagents.

Master Armorsmith:
4 dialog choices: (non armor smith character)
Materials, the default tab
Frame, tin, coal, primordium lumps, and jute, wool, cotton, linen, silk, gossamer Thread…for some reason…
Thermocatalytic Reagents.

Master Chef:
4 dialog choices (non chef character)
Materials, the default tab
Frame, Vinegar, baking powder, Vegetable oil, Salt, Sugar, Water, Starch, Flour, Soy Sauce, Milling Basin, 10x basins.
(no T-Reagents – this craft does not use them, so this is expected)

Master Artificer:
4 dialog choices (non artificing character)
Materials, the default tab
Frame, tin, coal, primordium lumps, water and
Thermocatalytic Reagents.

Master Leatherworker:
4 dialog choices (on a non leatherworking character)
Materials, the default tab
frame, jute, wool, cotton, linen, silk, gossamer Thread and
Thermocatalytic Reagents.

Master Huntsman:
4 dialog choices (on a non huntsman crafting toon)
Materials, the default tab
Frame, tin, coal, primordium lumps, water and
Thermocatalytic Reagents.

I am unable to check the master scribe in a guild hall.
If someone with access to them, please respond, that would be appreciated.

Master Jeweler:
(on a character that is NOT a tailor.)
only 3 dialog choices, none are “I need jewelery supplies”
(on a character that is NOT a tailor.)
It is missing the needed selection to check what they sell.

With a character that is a master jeweler
3 dialog choices, one IS the “I need supplies” choice:
Default tab is: Kits and Tools – NOT Materials as it is for the other Master Craftsmen Vendors.
crude, basic, fine, journeyman’s, master salvage kits.
copper gathering tool set of 3
iron gathering tool set of 3
steel gathering tool set of 3
darksteel gathering tool set of 3
mithril gathering tool set of 3
Orichalcum gathering tool set of 3

So as you can see, the Master Jeweler vendor needs some T.L.C. as it seems their interaction has been miss-matched with one of the general vendors listing.

Master Jeweler NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mareak Humner.5672

Mareak Humner.5672

They all sell that. Select one of the tabs to the left.

No they do not. Please see my previous post, as I checked, and listed everything each vendor sells, or dbl check one of the various Master Jeweler Vendors in game.