Max Magic Find Necessary?
Well, to be honest I found MF set a bit usless, especialy coz’ its stats.
I farmed many spots for over an hour and my droprate maybe rised from blues to greens but price on vendor for these are like cooperish
I would buy exotic set for mf, but trinkets, rings, amulet green, Luck sigil and traveler superiors.. but its not worth it.
If you’re going for maximum magic find, don’t bother with 6/6 superior rune of noble, as the 6/6 bonus does not actually give you magic find. Instead put a superior rune of the pirate in that sixth slot to get an extra 10% magic find.
Also try to run Omnomberry Bars whenever you can, as this gives you a decent increase in your magic find and gold find.
However, will all that effort be worth it? Who knows. I haven’t tried it myself. What does 10% magic find even do? Does it make me 10% more likely to find a blue item? Does it give me 10% chance that a blue item will be green instead? Until somebody can give me actual statistics on how exactly magic find even works, I don’t see the real point in trying to max out magic find, it simply doesn’t seem worth the effort.
Being in a group seems to help more with drops in my experience. I can stack up all the magic find buffs (banners, food, booster, etc) and go farm, but I have never really noticed a significant increase in rare drops. Lets say I run across The Cursed Shore, participate in events and kill whatever random mobs I come across solo, I’ll usually end up with a few greens, blues, maybe a yellow. But if I join up with another 4 people in the middle of the Plinx farming group, I’ll see a major increase in not only the number of drops, but seemingly the quality of the drops as well.
Maybe its just my perception or RNG playing tricks on me, but I walked away from Plinx farming with like 4 yellow weapons (which I magic forge’d into a exotic greatsword!) and 1 piece of exotic light armor. Still got the usual greens and blues too. While in a group, of course.
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]