MegaServer Fix Idea

MegaServer Fix Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codeman.3425


Ok , 2 problems seem to be appearing and fueling these hate responses;

1) Guilds are split up and cannot complete Guild Missions unless extensive taxiing.
2) Getting to events and unable to complete events as you get moved into a map either event is completed or nearly finished.


1) Let Guild Leaders and Officers perform a function to summon a Guild to a certain map or be on the same map to perform the summon.

2) Provide a Taxi NPC on every map to the map where the player wishes to go. For example as maps are layered maybe a symbol in the top left or Lower right hand could indicate the map number. Then the player would select Taxi NPC and say maybe for 1s fee be ported to the Map number required. Players could say Event is located on Map number on this Map. Cities could provide a NPC that ports anywhere on any map for a higher fee for example 5s or even 10s.

MegaServer Fix Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mistress.8034


I think that this is a great idea. I like the idea of an NPC taxi. It would be nice if we could just go to the NPC and he says something like “Would you like to join your guild?” Then we all get teleported to the map of the person how activated the bounty, rush, challenge and/or puzzle. That would solve a world of mess.

However, this still doesn’t solve the issue with other guilds from other servers on this mega server system crashing your guild party. I’ve done guild missions twice and each time there are other guilds that are there trying to do the same mission. So if we are waiting for the rest of our guild to get to the next part of the puzzle let say, another guild will activate the next part and we lose guild members due to being locked out.

The only way I see that being fixed is if puzzle, challenge and rush are converted to an instance instead of being in the open world. Bounty I don’t see working as that’s a whole map but if the others could be instance that would solve a ton of issues. Great idea!

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

(edited by mistress.8034)

MegaServer Fix Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Selsi.9675


Inventive and clever idea, only one problem. It shouldn’t actually be a necessary idea… While I think your solution would actually help, and is creative, Well… The fact that you had to come up with said solution at all is the primary issue.

Girls can be toxic, too! Let me prove it to you!~