When I first heard about the MegaServers, I was interested to see more people running around zones, more chances to run into questers or even just guildies. It sounded like a great idea to encourage more PVE and more world exploration.
Now that it is fully rolled out, I have been getting a lot of low FPS. When originally I could run the game at Medium for a solid 40fps in most areas (minus WvW and major metas), now it feels like I can only turn the graphics up in dungeons, fractals, and sPVP…
I have crashed out of too many metas to the point where I don’t even know if I should bother with them. Cities can become unbearable, but I tend to stick to the less popular ones to avoid this. My computer is by no means crappy, because I was able to run all PVE and sPVP completely fine before the Megaservers.
My suggestion for the Megaserver is this: Put a lower cap on the number of players per “layer”.
Instead of 150, try 75 or 50 people per “layer”. (And possibly have a guild function that can override this number if the guild wants to do a huge raid?)
It will still feel epic, but also feel like you are actually contributing to the battle!!! Because right now it’s 150 people on a boss that’s at what, 300% health? How is that different than 50 people on 100% health? or 75 on 125/150%?
All this large number is doing is creating problems for those who can’t afford higher-end hardware and is not helpful for meta events. It would work if the 150 people are spread out across the map, but all condensed in one area is overloading a lot of our machines.