(edited by VaLee.5102)
Megaserver system needs improvement
If you have connection issues a fix for the mean time would be to join a party. That way if you DC you can rejoin your group in that instance as long as no one has taxied in to cause the map to reach it’s hard cap.
Because programming wise is stupidly easy to implement.
As a developer myself, I often see myself smiling when reading such assertions. “easy” fixes can often in reality be developing nightmares depending of the current implementation.
Proposing changes is allright (I tend to agree with your current demand), but please don’t demean the work of ANet’s teams by assuming a fix is easy while we know very little of the actual server architecture and codebase of GW2.
Per above, you assumption that doing this is an “easy” fix is just an ignorant comment and makes everything you say from that point on questionable. I’m not sure how easy or hard it is to put this feature in place (and I would welcome it), but I DO KNOW there is solution that you seem to ignore…..join a party...this is an MMO and it’s entirely possible that this feature has not been implimented to prompte THAT solution to the problem (partying up).
The suggested feature is not a bad idea, but making a request then tossing in backhanded insults at the development team does nothing but make you look petty and arrogant (and a bit ignorant with the “easy” assumption).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
They do not even change WvW achievements’ unachievable needs since beta 1 and it probably needs only an integer change.
Do you really think they will do any improvements on their HOLY GLORIOUS MAGNIFICENT ZERO-BUGGED ALMOST-NO-FLAWED megaserver system?
About the “join party” solution, the only issue is many times the server you were is full, so you won’t be able to join again.
The solution for the server queue save your spot for 30~60s after you leave sounds nice, but we don’t know if it easy or even if it is possible at all, but is a good suggestion nonetheless.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I am a programmer and developed a similar system for a project so I know is not that hard to implement, especially for a AAA company. Go search on google or github and you’ll find a plethora of examples on how to keep a queue like this and not drop the player alltogether.
So yes IT IS easy, any experienced programmer will tell you the same. And I’m not bashing Anet or insulting anyone, I know that they can do it if they want. It’s a matter of design decision not technical know-how.
And being in a party only helps if the map is not full. If the map is full and someone else joins it before you relog then you’re screwed. That’s my whole point, don’t let any player take your spot for 1-2 minutes to give you a chance to relog and get back in your original map.
(edited by VaLee.5102)
So yes IT IS easy, any experienced programmer will tell you the same.
I’m an experienced programmer and know enough to not speak in absolutes. Conceptually it may seem straight forward to do what you’re describing, but unless you have intimate knowledge of their systems and codebase, you really have no idea how big of an undertaking it would be for them.
I’m an experienced programmer and know enough to not speak in absolutes. Conceptually it may seem straight forward to do what you’re describing, but unless you have intimate knowledge of their systems and codebase, you really have no idea how big of an undertaking it would be for them.
I’m not asking for them to change core game mechanics or god knows what, like supporting DX11 or proper MT, it’s just a matter of keeping a session active for a couple of minutes before dropping it alltogether and restore it if the player re-establishes a socket connection.
What you are asking for has been asked for since teq basically was re-introduced. Hopefully something similar is eventually brought into the game. Gotta love easy mentality though.