Merge character completions for all characters

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kanexus.2648


i see no reason to just have it on one…for instance if you are level 80 whats the point in goin into a low level area to complete it…you should be able to use an alt to do that….also considering u cant complete every zone before you get 80…just makes it a drag to just go kill mobs and only look for low level items…

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demonchld.9874


this is not WoW i think u are in the wrong game

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amnon.4769


So let’s say you complete a zone with your level 80 character, when you create an alt all the heart-quests would be completed? All the POIs? What about the experience points you get from them?

I agree that creating an alt and doing the same heart quests that you just did with your L80 is a bit daunting; but I’m sure once you’re done with world completion and they’re not as fresh in your mind, it would get better.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nageth.5648


That and more zone completions = more loot. I like how it is currently.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schixeno.8596


So let’s say you complete a zone with your level 80 character, when you create an alt all the heart-quests would be completed? All the POIs? What about the experience points you get from them?

I agree that creating an alt and doing the same heart quests that you just did with your L80 is a bit daunting; but I’m sure once you’re done with world completion and they’re not as fresh in your mind, it would get better.

This, basically. It simply wouldn’t work out.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vzur.7123


Just for vistas and POIs, those are completely pointless the second time around. It’s no longer exploring, just the tedium of checking them off the list again.. Alts would still have to do waypoints and hearts, though. That’s how I’d like to see it.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amnon.4769


So you’d get the map completion bonus 50% faster, which would put things a bit out of balance, wouldn’t you agree?

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nageth.5648


By that logic every character you make post level 80 should be autoleveled to 80 because you’ve technically done all the content before.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


interesting, so what are those alts of yours actually going to do in game?

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhu Dragonblade.8561

Zhu Dragonblade.8561

I don’t agree with this, I can see where you are coming from in a way but world completion and such is not a necessary part of the game it is optional.

Also due to the reward for 100% World Completion being tied in with the creation of legendary weapons I do not think this will happen (especially as it would remove the difficulty of 100%ing the 4 WvW maps).

Still as a person that both loves and hates alts (love the diversity they give me in my playing of the game, hate the time and care I have to put in to them the xth play through).

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingBirdy.3164


I had a little idea myself; the 100% world completion is account bound so that, for example, 100% completion of Kessex Hills on char A and 100% completion of Brisban Wildlands on char B would mean 2/X total maps completed. Char A would still have 0% of Brisban and char B 0% of Kessex, but at least you’re not forced to 100% maps with solely one character.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


I think the OP is talking about the 100% map completion medal, not about alts not having to do hearts and such.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vzur.7123


So you’d get the map completion bonus 50% faster, which would put things a bit out of balance, wouldn’t you agree?

You consider vistas and POIs to be 50% of the leveling game?

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


Do you also want credit for quests you’ve done previously? Why not just create an alt, and have the game apply every benefit from your first character onto your alt? Map completions, quests, money, crafting…apply it all because you’ve done it all before so it should count for all your characters.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


I’d just wish they merged map exploration… and maybe vistas and PoIs, but still gave the XP to every new and existing character that hasn’t yet gained the rewards for discovery.

The current model is an unnecessary, annoying, timesink.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amnon.4769


You consider vistas and POIs to be 50% of the leveling game?

Read my quote again; I said “map completion”, not leveling.
Map completion consists of Vistas, POIs, Skill Points, and Heart Quests. Hence, POIs and Vistas are 50% of map completion.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nageth.5648


Uh, everything you do on an alt is a timesink by that logic.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


if I understand that correctly, it is simply about the achievement/title or whatever? I still donĀ“t think I understand you really. Now you say give 100 % completion, yet retain doing the exploration for xp. What is the difference vs. just doing them without a 100% completion marker? I am flabbergasted, can anyone enlighten me?

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amnon.4769


Uh, everything you do on an alt is a timesink by that logic.

The whole game is a timesink.
Computer games, in essence, are giant timesinks.
Life, is that big time sink you have before you die.

Philosophy aside, if you want to level an alt, then level an alt. It’s a new character, and I don’t see why it needs to have certain achievements you’ve made with your old character. Nobody is forcing anyone to make alts in this game – which is why you can gather all materials and switch between crafting professions (without losing progress).

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlaxitov.5693


“Please shorten my trip to the end where I will start to complain about nothing to do.”

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


People will still want something to do, something that doesn’t involve retracing your steps 5 times or more, doing the exact same thing every time.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


People will still want something to do, something that doesn’t involve retracing your steps 5 times or more, doing the exact same thing every time.

I suppose this is a legitimate concern to a point, but what frustrates me is when an argument like this is put forth about this or any game, that there’s nothing to do, or I’m repeating something and it’s repetitive, and they say they are going to go back to game X.

Yet, game X usually suffers from the same thing as this and every other game in the genre, and it just “seems” to me like really we are all just splitting hairs. Those of us who tire of playing one developer’s game and like to visit new worlds 8-12 months at a time are enjoying ourselves here, and those that decide to go back to game X are just going back to the same thing. I suppose the rationale being, “I’ve invested so much time there.”, but that shouldn’t be what it’s about, at least to me, I don’t know, I guess I’m just frustrated all the circular arguments from every where.

Now, if the statement is one of trying to find the “new” thing that changes everything, being disappointed, and “not” going back to another MMO because you are frustrated with the genre as a whole, I can respect that. I personally am not looking for such big strides each time I play a new MMO, but I can respect that.

Sorry, like I said, a little frustrated, and not directed at you, your post just became my poster boy or straw.

Merge character completions for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kanexus.2648


maybe they should do what diablo 3 did and introduce some sort of paragon levels…maybe for each level of it increase magic find or something like that..i mean im level 80 and only got like 46 percent world completion. i havent even been to orr yet or havent finished my story quest!!!!!!! Havent did all the dungeons either..for me to go around the world completing it just for sake is a bit of a letdown. and as far as loot goes…i would only be gathering mats just to sell on the TP. and the mobs only drop like im guessing 33 percent of the time or so. so the other 66 percent i would just be killing mobs and gaining nothing from it.

Im just saying i want everything to still count like it did before….every mob to grant me something and every poi or vista to at least give some sort of reward.