[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive
The issue isn’t so much the armor itself, but the rating of the game and the armor’s place in that said rating.
As in, that armor could sear the eyeballs of some poor innocent chile and forever scar their psyche?
I guess it could happen. Can’t let them chilluns be harmed you know with a underboob flashing them.
The issue isn’t so much the armor itself, but the rating of the game and the armor’s place in that said rating.
As in, that armor could sear the eyeballs of some poor innocent chile and forever scar their psyche?
I guess it could happen. Can’t let them chilluns be harmed you know with a underboob flashing them.
About all I can say on this is, I’m glad I don’t have children getting their sex education from the internet. :P
There are several annoyances with armors in this game. One of the bigger annoyances is the difference between male/female armor.
Personally, I don’t like the female human medium armor. I wouldn’t ever put it on a character, but don’t have a problem with those who love it and want it on theirs.
However! I do love the human male medium armor, and I really wanted that when I saw it. I was incredibly disappointed to find out, as a female character, that armor was impossible to attain.
There are several other armors that do this same thing, most notably some of the new gem armor they released.
I wouldn’t want the more skimpy female armor taken out, but rather, give us more options. Give a skimpy option for male & female, and a more covered (the “male” look) for both female & male.
There are other armor annoyances, such as the designers not caring to make sure more unpopular body types have armor that fit them correctly. I finally gave up and changed my norn to a more popular body type, just to end all the clipping. But that’s an annoyance for another thread.
It’s really sad how in every single MMO having even one piece of revealing armour, some prudes immediately have to rise up and demand its removal, because in the eyes of those people, showing some skin apparently makes you look like you’d work the streets. It’s not enough for them that they obviously have the choice NOT to buy said armour if they don’t like it, but they can’t tolerate other people wearing it either.
I don’t like trenchcoats. I really don’t. Do I demand their complete removal from the game just because they violate my personal standards of beautiful armour design? Nope. It’s called tolerance.
The issue isn’t so much the armor itself, but the rating of the game and the armor’s place in that said rating.
As in, that armor could sear the eyeballs of some poor innocent chile and forever scar their psyche?
I guess it could happen. Can’t let them chilluns be harmed you know with a underboob flashing them.
Ah, sweet memories of my three year old daughter getting me to run around my female Norn guardian (I think of the character as hers now) without any armour on at all. “Siffi’s nudie! Can we get some bad guys now?”
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
As a female, it does bother me. Not enough to ask/want it removed, but enough so that I want…
1.) More choices for female human medium armor. You get one extreme or the other. There’s SO little in between that it barely exists.
Please take a good look at this:
How many more choices do you want? All other races/genders get exactly the same number of sets, what makes human females special??
Define “one extreme or the other” and “in between”. These are such incredibly subjective terms, everyone has their own opinion on what they mean. You want more stuff “in between”, but nobody knows what that means other than you.
All I can see in this thread is more proof that people are impossible to satisfy no matter how hard a developer tries. ArenaNet went out of their way to design a solid number of well-covered armor sets to cater to people who are sick of skimpy armors in MMO.
They let people mix’n’match the sets, customize dyes, transmute item appearances, WHAT MORE DO PEOPLE WANT.
2.)Important! Skimpy men armor. If guys get a piece of digital girl candy to stare at, why can’t girls get ours as well?
You can have your underboob, but let me have my undernuts as compensation
It’s hard to take you seriously because now I’m wondering whether your whole post was a joke, or whether you’re bei ng serious about genitals being revealed in an MMO.
Firstly, please look up what “genitals” are (in a dictionary preferably) and why any part of them aren’t allowed in standard media, why breasts are not considered genitalia.
Secondly, there are a few somewhat revealing sets for males (some show their chest),though it’s not at equal as what females get…I’ll explain why in 3rd point after this…
I wouldn’t want the more skimpy female armor taken out, but rather, give us more options. Give a skimpy option for male & female, and a more covered (the “male” look) for both female & male.
…Which brings us to the 3rd point of explaining why (and it’s a bit more complicated). The MMO gender ratieos are changing, but the dominant chunk of players are still male.
The Daedalus Project was a 6 year study of MMORPG demographics (finished in 2009), with a sample size of 40,000 it found out that 85% of MMORPG players are male across the top MMO’s. Extremely broad MMO’s like WoW had around a ~60-70& male ratio while more specific ones like EverQuest and EVE were 85-95% male.
You do the math and figure out whether ArenaNet should spend resources designing sets of gear that most of the playerbase won’t be interested in. Put away your own opinions and think from a developers perspective, see the big picture.
(edited by Wintel.4873)
As a female, it does bother me. Not enough to ask/want it removed, but enough so that I want…
1.) More choices for female human medium armor. You get one extreme or the other. There’s SO little in between that it barely exists.
2.)Important! Skimpy men armor. If guys get a piece of digital girl candy to stare at, why can’t girls get ours as well?
You can have your underboob, but let me have my undernuts as compensation
Awwwah shiiiet… xD hear that guys, we gotta go naked (why just the undernuts ), WvW full kittening commando….
This armor is the worst. Another example of how things are in a male dominated industry.
[Xian] Terracotta Army – Desolation server
Oh, and it’s a widespread misconception (particularly among male players) that -all- female players resent skimpy clothing. There are plenty who wear it, in game and in -gasp- real life! SOME female players who don’t like skimpy armour wrongly turn this into a debate about sexism when it’s actually a debate about prudery.
Let’s see if my message gets removed for having an opinion again.
Although I do agree to an extent, you have to bear in mind a few things when saying this. Such as;
You do not have to buy that outfit – as you’ve already stated.
Women have breasts. You do not need to look at them. You are in control of your own eyes.
And the human body is beautiful.
Not everyone who uses this outfit will be using it because they appreciate the female form. Some may be using it because it excites them. But there’s nothing wrong with that so long as you don’t project those desires on to real world women. As a species, we’re sexual. We have pleasure with sex which the vast majority of species have not been granted.
Not to mention, what is it exactly that makes underboob more taboo than cleavage? It’s all a very touchy subject because it will vary greatly depending on the person you’re talking to.
I myself, find that male outfits are equally revealing. And could just as easily be equated to explicit and unnecessary. It all comes down to the fact that so long as people understand this is a video game and not real life, which I’m almost certain the majority do understand- then there is little harm being done.
If you really want a subject to stir the pot, you can go research the controversy surrounding the “Elin” from TERA. Which, in my opinion, makes a lot more sense to be upset over. Skin is fine and in many cases complimentary. I enjoy my characters to be wearing somewhat revealing clothing (although as I’ve said I do somewhat agree, which is why I don’t wear the human T3 cultural set). But when it’s on a body like the Elin’s, things can get out of hand fast…
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
@ the OP:
In fuedal Japan, it was common for the upper class men and women to bathe together. I don’t mean swim, with trunks and suits, but bathe in full nudity.
However, it was also considered rude and/or immoral to deliberately show a man the back of a woman’s neck (as one would do in the act of turning away to hide your breasts.)
In our times, in some middle eastern and arab countries, it is immoral (and in some cases illegal) to show your hair…or any of the human form…or the face…. and yet, as “westerners” we do this every day.
The issue seems to be that you (personally) and some others believe this armor is (in your own words) immature, tacky, trashy, and makes one look like a hooker.
I applaud your ability to speak out and defend your opinion, but the fact remains that it is just that… an opinion.
When I first set eyes on this armor back in in the beginning of the game, I absolutely had to have it. Hands down, in my opinion, it is some of the most beautiful and artistic armor in the game.
So, while I respect your opinion (which is truly what this whole thread is about) I disagree wholeheartedly with you.
I enjoy everything you said here. I didn’t know that little fact about Japan.
Peoples opinions will differ greatly depending on the subject. When it comes to skin unfortunately, the subject can be very taboo. Which is sad, really, when you consider how beautiful the human body is. It all depends on the context in which it’s used.
So this character has a visible underboob, perhaps it is not the persons fault who put it on their character, but the persons fault who finds it improper for thinking negatively of it. When I see skin I don’t think bad things like “that’s disgusting” or “that looks trashy.” I think either “I wouldn’t wear it” or “I like it.” Perhaps those who see these sorts of things as bad should reevaluate their opinions. Why is it “trashy.” Is it because you’re looking at it sexually and not artistically? Then that is your own fault.
I’m not shunning OP for having an opinion, nor am I anyone else who agrees. Just that when things like this are so heavily debated, you may want to allow your thoughts to fully blossom instead of jumping to the first conclusion that it’s bad or explicit.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
2.)Important! Skimpy men armor. If guys get a piece of digital girl candy to stare at, why can’t girls get ours as well?
You can have your underboob, but let me have my undernuts as compensation
Was this a joke or was this serious, I can’t tell.
Firstly, please look up what “genitals” are (in a dictionary preferably) and why any part of them aren’t allowed in standard media.
Secondly, there are a few somewhat revealing sets for males, though it’s not at equal as what females get…
That wouldn’t have been meant literally. She just means, the game needs more skimpy male armor to balance things out.
Although it does make me laugh to try and think of an armor that could pull it off. It’d have to be some sort of crazy bondage armor to pull off only showing the undersides without any thing else more dangly.
I wouldn’t want the more skimpy female armor taken out, but rather, give us more options. Give a skimpy option for male & female, and a more covered (the “male” look) for both female & male.
…Which brings us to the 3rd point of explaining why (and it’s a bit more complicated). The MMO gender ratieos are changing, but the dominant chunk of players are still male.
The Daedalus Project was a 6 year study of MMORPG demographics (finished in 2009), with a sample size of 40,000 it found out that 85% of MMORPG players are male across the top MMO’s. Extremely broad MMO’s like WoW had around a ~70-75% male ratio while more specific ones like EVE were 96% male.
You do the math and figure out whether ArenaNet should spend resources designing sets of gear that most of the playerbase won’t be interested in. Think about it from a business and financial standpoint.
The statement above is unfair to both men and women.
You’re lumping all men together, saying they wouldn’t be interested in having a balance of armor. I’m sure a lot of men would like to have their women characters in some of the armor that’s only available to male characters. And they might also be interested in showing off their chest in medium or light armor, and not just in the heavy armor.
You’re also lumping all women together, saying they are the only ones that don’t like the skimpy look. Some women love the skimpy armor! It’s not a matter of men vs women.
Also, just because women are outnumbered by men, and maybe are not the target demographic, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice or should give up stating their opinion. If everyone everywhere just gave up on things because they were outnumbered, there would be no change and improvement.
I can understand they look at the bottom line and that I most likely won’t get things like male versions of armor for female characters, but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t say I would like to have it.
In regards to this armor, it’s a matter of opinion (personal opinion, not male vs female opinion!) if you like it or not, or find it morally repugnant, incredibly cute or just meh.
@Zero Day — I want to see full kittening WvW commando! The full monty zerg racing down from the hill! Rawr! Really though, I would love a kilt and just a chest strap for my norn guy & also my charr.
I don’t like the armor either. If i saw a woman IRL walking down the street in a similiar shirt, I would make an immediate assumption about her moral character. It’s completely inappropiate.
However, this isn’t real life. It’s a game. I remember reading an article one of the devs wrote during the Beta period about ingame armor. He was talking about the variety of armors that would be available when the game launched and I remember he explicitedly mentioned the “practical” vs. “skimpy” armors that female warriors generally wear. He said that A-net realizes that some gamers hate the skimpy armors and want their characters to wear clothes that are realistic and practical to fight Ogres with but that it’s also a game and some male gamers have certain expections when it comes to fantasy Amazon Warrior Women outfits. They wanted to be sure the game had a wide range of armors that would please both sides.
Bottom line: It’s a game. And it’s rated Teen. There is no nudity and the armors overall are a lot tamer than some games out there. Personally, I hate that armor and would never wear it, but my characters are wearing some skimpy outfits that I’d never be caught dead wearing irl.
Here’s my medium armor choice: I’ve been pm’d ingame and told I look like a biker chick.
(edited by The Scarlet Raven.5416)
What I think of the armor itself is irrelevant to this topic.
The biggest problem I have
I can not support designers
what I expect a game should present to you
Yeah. . . requesting lock.
The statement above is unfair to both men and women.
You’re lumping all men together, saying they wouldn’t be interested in having a balance of armor. I’m sure a lot of men would like to have their women characters in some of the armor that’s only available to male characters. And they might also be interested in showing off their chest in medium or light armor, and not just in the heavy armor.
You’re also lumping all women together, saying they are the only ones that don’t like the skimpy look. Some women love the skimpy armor! It’s not a matter of men vs women.
Which is why I specifically used the word “most” and not “all”. I’m not lumping anyone together, you need to read more carefully
There are some sets around which show portions of the male chest for whichever few players are into that.
Also, just because women are outnumbered by men, and maybe are not the target demographic
I never said women weren’t the target demographic (again, read my post carefully). It’s a matter of proportions and resource management.
I think ArenaNet gained big points right off the bat when they decided to have LOTS of options of medium/heavy female armor which are well-covered, sensible and not skimpy. People aren’t appreciating that enough.
doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice or should give up stating their opinion. If everyone everywhere just gave up on things because they were outnumbered, there would be no change and improvement.
Things are changing slowly and naturally, and they should be allowed to change at their own pace.
Considering this is a fantasy MMO about fictional characters, I’m not sure what “improvement” means exactly.
By all means people should keep stating their opinion, but what they should NOT do is make demands based on their opinions (like what the original poster of this thread is doing) and expect change. We all saw how the community itself responded to that.
(edited by Wintel.4873)
@Wintel – Your original post sited the numbers of male vs female players, and told me to “do the math” on what was financially feasible for Anet to spend their resources on given those player base statistics. No matter the wording, that makes it seem divisive: men vs women players, and spending money on what Anet deems that men would want.
You might not have meant to lump people together or used the words ‘target demographic’, but the natural conclusion to your argument was that due to the player base being largely male, it wasn’t worth the expenditure to put money into designing different versions of armor.
In regards to GW2 and armor, I think for the most part we agree. They have done a good job on the armors in this game. I don’t even think of these things as problems, more annoyances. As I stated in my post, I’d fallen in love with the male look for T3 Human, and had been disappointed it wasn’t attainable. It’s not a big problem, not even a little problem. But if we are wishing for things to be different, it is something that I’d wish for.
As far as the original statement by OP, although I personally don’t like the underboob (I can’t stop thinking she’d need double sided tape to keep it there when she moves, but that’s just me), the armor itself is designed with attention to detail and fits into the world of Tyria just fine (in my opinion).
No matter the wording, that makes it seem divisive: men vs women players, and spending money on what Anet deems that men would want.
What most men would want, yes. Not all. Majorities and minorities within majorities and minorities, if that makes any sense.
The goal is to aim for the broadest possible audience while still giving at least something to the minorities, and I feel ANet have done an acceptable job of that.
I love this armor for it’s artistic quality.
So… so…
Do you ladies wanna see some norn/human chests possibly some kilts ;D LOL
Or the grenth hood (I dont think there’s anything close to an executioner hoodie…) + full commando is good?
:P Only armor I can complain about is medium (male) trench-coats…
Oh actually, I think this might be relevant (imgur):
(the issue this post is bringing up is a bit deeper and is on a larger scale (not just this game)…) :P
(took the curtsy of uploading the picture, for those that don’t like clicking on links….)
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
As a female I really like the chest piece.
It’s well designed and looks great.
Here is Zari, my female thief..
I’m proud of her! ;-)
I love this armor its my fav med armor. I honestly see nothing wrong with it.
Based on the following site: http://www.gw2armor.com/human/female/medium_list.php (I am aware this list is out of date, but it’s late and it frankly doesn’t change my point much even if it were.)
23 Medium Armor sets are listed.
Of that 23 only 4 pieces show any unnecessary skin.
Of those 4 only 2 could be considered risque.
2 out of 23… Let that sink in for a moment. Sunk? Good, now you too are aware of how trivial this non-issue is.
( Bonus Fact: Only 12 are actually trench-coats or variations of that style. Meaning you still have 11 sets of gear to choose from that are not trench-coats. )
If i saw a woman IRL walking down the street in a similiar shirt, I would make an immediate assumption about her moral character.
Being judgmental and profiling people is completely inappropriate and is very distasteful.
Any context where anyone would dress in such an elaborate, sophisticated outfit that is also that bold you’d probably immediately understand that it’s part of a production. It’s an artistic piece, and it’s worn as an artistic piece. It makes the people who buy it feel empowered wearing it, & not with any sort of kittenty intentions. Just bold and confident as a statement in game.
I also find it odd that OP doesn’t seem to have a problem with my characters blowing up/stabbing/shooting other characters. Apparently this is fine. Underboob though? Immoral.
Also… you might want to avert your eyes when they put Kasmeer’s bikini in the gem shop. That scandalous strumpet! :O
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
What you seem to miss is that it’s not about my opinion.
It’s about the reasonability that people can be appalled by this.And apparently a lot of people here only care about themselves and show absolutely empathy towards the possibility of this.
Look in the mirror lately?
One, a lot of people like the armor selection, so the point about caring about themselves applies as much to you as to anyone else. You’ve got nothing here.
Second, you seem to be under the impression that you have a right to not be offended. Which is not true. It’s so not true, that I can’t describe it properly due to the chat filter. Also, nobody will buy that ‘but what about other people that might be offended’ nonsense. It’s all about you, and attempting to appear reasonable by saying it’s not is more revealing then the armor you’re complaining about.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
My only complaint with this set was how skinny it made the ankles look.
Consequently, I ended up using pirate boots on her and of my 12 lv80s (mostly wearing their cultural T3 or gemstore armor), this is the only set I mix and match.
So… so…
Do you ladies wanna see some norn/human chests possibly some kilts ;D LOL
Or the grenth hood (I dont think there’s anything close to an executioner hoodie…) + full commando is good?:P Only armor I can complain about is medium (male) trench-coats…
Oh actually, I think this might be relevant (imgur):
http://imgur.com/MMdocdc(the issue this post is bringing up is a bit deeper and is on a larger scale (not just this game)…) :P
(took the curtsy of uploading the picture, for those that don’t like clicking on links….)
I was offended by the nips on the male figure. They need to be blacked out. (Hands you a sharpie).
(took the curtsy of uploading the picture, for those that don’t like clicking on links….)
That is not He-Man, this is He-Man
Underboob is nothing when you have this!
Hey, how’d you pull this one off? (pun intended)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Underboob is nothing when you have this!
Hey, how’d you pull this one off? (pun intended)
By equipping armor that isn’t designed for your race. At one point, you could transmute racial armor and make it non race restrictive, allowing you to run around like that. This was fixed fairly quickly however.
You can preview this, but it doesn’t work for humans [&AgECWQAA]
I would really like to run around on my male norn in nothing but a chest strap and a banana hammock, but arenanet wont make that an armour choice yet.
I see no problem with people liking showing some underboob.
Folks, just drop the subject, you just won’t get anywhere responding to these type of threads. Because the self-righteous arbiters of what is “proper” clothing/armor will dismiss any counter-argument from us less enlightened primitives.
You see, we live in an age of political correctness, where every angry self-entitled ninny feels they have the right not to be offended; in other words, they feel they have the right to dictate to others what is right and wrong, appropriate or inappropriate and so on. Of course when you point out the self-contradiction in this stance, in that others could be offended by what these self-appointed guardians of what is proper may say, do or wear … forget it, you’re just spitting in the wind. Because these holders of the one and only “truth” cannot be reasoned with. And there’s no end to them these days, there is literally an army of these finger-wagging school marm types around every corner. Yes, they’re everywhere, and they love to “remind” you what a racist, sexist, homophobic, patriarchal and unenlightened creature you are.
So don’t waste your time trying to reason with them, they don’t work that way.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
How about we all just let this thread die?
After thinking about the issue for a while, I have formed the opinion that while the OP has the right to express his/her distaste, it needs to be placed in the suggestions forum. (i.e. make the suggestion to cover it up to ANet in the PROPER forum.)
Placing the thread here was trolldom at its purest.
@the OP: You, good sir won the troll award of the week. I even bought into it.
I do not like this armor as well, but it just a matter of taste. There are some really nice armors in the game and I really appreciate the effort not to make ALL of the female armor sets showing as much skin as they can. Some of the male armor sets have showing skin in similiar way too and again, I appreciate that. Unlike some games GW2 is at least trying to comply to all.
You can’t expect that there will be no armor like that. Some people like it. Some people buy games for this. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. You can always find different armor and use trans stone and get the stats if you want…
(Still, sure, we can argue about the functionality of this armor and how it wouldn’t stand a chance in real fight…)
“underboob” could be argued as indecent exposure in the US. The rest of the armors would be considered bikinis. That is a rather large portion of their market. I do think they went a little too far with this one. I like a lot of their skimpy armors, but I dislike that one.
Bikinis are normal. Underboob isn’t.
Plus… how could you actually fight with an armor suit like that? It is not in any way, shape, or fashion, practical. It’s also very imbalanced.
Anyone think this will update on the 10th?
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Ok so let me get this straight;
Some people complained about an armor which (regardless of its origin) looked great, had probably one of the coolest effects, (and in this game we have a serious lack of armors with effects, specially light looking armor) an armor that was making a bunch of people happy, a sell that was supporting the game most of you play almost completely free just because it resembled a cultural armor?
You do realize that a bunch of armor/weapons in the game have similar or identical skins, right? Cultural weapons can be bought without actually playing the race due to similar skins. Hard to get precursors such as Dawn and The Legend have analog skins that can be bought for as little as 350x lesser price, and they are identical.
The newly released armor resembled the cultural armor in the sense that it was modeled off it, but had new particles and added details, so that makes them 2 completely different armors.
“But I for that t3 armor with a lot of gold! I should be the only one showing it off!”
Well, I paid 620 gold for Dawn, how come you can buy one that resembles it for only 3 gold? See? Nobody cares.
“But it is a racial skin, nobody but my special race should get it!”
Exactly, thats why they made it different, with different effects.
“I dont like sharing. I like being unique for the sake of it! How would you feel if Anet took an armor of yours and gave it particles?”
>You see, I’m the kind of people who will share lunch with their friends, Im the kind of person who doesnt hold knowledge that can make countless people happy. If Anet does that, then I would buy said armor on my character that already had it, and then I would buy it on other characters too. Then i would go around looking at people being happy wearing an armor they couldnt wear before, and together we would enjoy it. Try giving instead of always taking for a chance, it might actually give you some satisfaction.
It is sad things like these happen.
Legendary SoloQ
(edited by Fortus.6175)
racial is just that… armor for that race… thats the main problem…
second they need NEW armors not ripped off old armors but made sparkly/(over used) firey
It takes time to make100g to get the t3 cultural armor. Spend that much effort on something, you want to have it remain rare. You imagine there some prestige in having it. When something considerably nicer comes along that has the same base appearance. Then all value of your armor is stolen. It would be the exact same as developers says the GW2 is overinflated, so were going to delete 100g from everyone’s account.
Why don’t you just post in one of the 100’s of threads like these…. instead of making a new one?
Honestly, I didn’t bother reading your whole post….blah, blah
I’m usually typing on my phone
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
I’m Realling hoping they don’t remove this from the game and get rid of this amazing looking skin, I think it would be much fairer just to look in the future to make sure other races have their armor reskinned so that Everyone hoping to get their hands on other racial sets.
This is A Clear example of A net listening to a few people that are upset about the similarities, but now Anet has upset Soooo many more people that have Loved the armor are now upset
Who are you to decide that? I am sure Anet had a team go thought look at how many sets where sold vs the out cry from unhappy people. Then judge what would lose them more money? Until anet releases some earning reports on the GEM store its all speculation to who was the minority. We can make a educated guess thought that the upset people where not the minority.
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Reality
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I love my armor and I am sad if I have to give it back.
But if Anet wants to do people a favor after this..
then let the new armor skin be like the armor of Anise..
pls Anet pls i want the armor of Anise
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Reality
at this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Realityat this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
Because people like to complain… /shrug
The decision has been made. Nothing is going to change that now.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Realityat this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
Because people like to complain… /shrug
The decision has been made. Nothing is going to change that now.
No decision is ever final.
Because of that, complaining (for whatever reason, justified or not) may actually change the decision, for better or for worse.
With your logic ANet made their decision already when they put their armor out. But now that decision has changed so you’re proven wrong.
A group who paid money on an item (Virtual or otherwise) should always out weigh a group that feels their prestige was ruined, no matter what the sizes of the groups are..
Honestly the Armor should stay in game and the prestige complainers should take a good long look at themselves, its a game you play for fun.
Money is real no matter what it buys, these people paid for a service that was systematically taken from them.
I personally feel they should take it to court, these companies cannot keep getting away with these illegal practices..immoral too.
The fact people continue to play after this really is a worry to me.
even if u wanted to take this to court u have to jump thought hoops its 10 dollars people need to seriously just get over it and move on.
I am so tired of seeing it compared to everything under the sun here’s a reality check for you guys
It was 10 dollar item <— Reality
It was a Virtual item that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.If the worse thing in your entire life that happens is you wasted 10 dollars on some virtual non existent armor. Then may we all be blessed with such fortune and good luck.
Cultural armor:
It’s a120 in-game currency set <— Reality
It is a Virtual item set that does not exist <— Reality
In 10 year’s when this game is dead and gone (servers shut down) all your hard work and progress will be gone <—- Reality.
Your complaining over something that you could have easily applied to yourself doesn’t ruin it for ANet, it ruins it for the honest players who saw something and bought something that made them happy. <— Realityat this point regardless of what decision they would have made I felt the same way. They made there decision good or bad so why people keep harping on it like there going to change there minds I dont understand
Because people like to complain… /shrug
The decision has been made. Nothing is going to change that now.No decision is ever final.
Because of that, complaining (for whatever reason, justified or not) may actually change the decision, for better or for worse.
With your logic ANet made their decision already when they put their armor out. But now that decision has changed so you’re proven wrong.
At this point, you can be pretty sure this one is final. Anet is not going to change their mind because a very small number of players do not like their decision. Let it rest.
I love my armor and I am sad if I have to give it back.
But if Anet wants to do people a favor after this..
then let the new armor skin be like the armor of Anise..
pls Anet plsi want the armor of Anise
I want Anise’s armor, but not with orange steam all over it.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet