[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xristosmk.5608


So, as the title that brought you here says, Guild Wars 2 is gonna be soon 1 year old !!!

I remember back then when i prepurchased the game to get some early beta access and play!! Remember when 25 of August was approaching and i was anxious for my first gw2 character! I’ve played all classes in beta and i couldn’t decide which i liked the most !!
Every class seemed cool and interesting !! I wanted to play all of them !!

Well eventually 25 of August the servers went online! My first toon was after a hard decision, a necro !! I felt once again a n00b !! Best feeling ever when starting from scratch a new mmorpg !! It felt so good being able to play the game i was waiting since 2007, the day they announced that it was being developed!!

After getting lvl 29 or so with my necro, i had the feeling that i wasn’t so much into necro for my main – first character reaching 80 lvl !! So i switched to ranger !! Leveling with ranger was a pretty nice experience ! At times easy, i have to admit that, but not boring ! I never rushed my self getting to 80 lvl cause i already knew that there wasn’t a so called end game content like other games i’ve played before! So i enjoyed myself leveling by exploring Tyria more than trying to “finish first…” !!

So, few days before reaching 25 of August, i have mixed feelings about Guild Wars 2! Mostly positive and less negative but i won’t go deeper into expressing my likes and dislikes so far ! My character selection screen shows up 5 lvl 80s full exotic geared (Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian,Thief and Necro) and 3 more waiting to be lvled up (Warrior, Engineer and Elementalist). 100% World explore, almost 7k achievement points, all Orders completed ….but not a legendary !! I won’t be making one cause i really can’t see the point for wasting so much effort – time on it !!

Anyways, i was wondering what Arenanet is going to give us to celebrate Guild Wars 2 birthday !! There has to be something good and cool since they are trying hard all this time for the game, especially with living story !! I personally would like some new permanent content, and not another living story !!! But hey, whatever …. :p

Feel free fellow gamers and share your experiences and what would be cool celebrating 1 year Guild Wars 2 !!

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kossman.8206


datamine…. 400 gems

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Nice to read about your experience during early access. I had similar feelings back when servers went online. I still love the game, for what it is – a game, something to take your mind off RL things and relax and at the same time to set some virtual goals if you’re more into that kind of stuff. It has its cons, major or minor (depends on personal opinion and how it affects one’s gameplay experience), but overall GW2 is the only game I spend my spare time on. I enjoy spending time on working towards the goals I set for each day. And if I’m confused as to what to do at any point of time, I just roll a new alt and start things fresh.

I’m equally excited to see what is in store for GW2’s and our first character’s birthdays!

Tee See

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


datamine…. 400 gems

lmao, this^^

Datamine, RNG box with skins inside

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.


[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

“A thank you to all who celebrate our first anniversary by playing Guild Wars 2 with us. All those who play on August 28, 2013 receive 200 free Gems.”



[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

They might also give out a free hat. I like free hats.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

What do you mean?
I thought this was pretty nice.
We don’t know that this is all there is to it- it is not the 28th or our character’s birthdays yet

Gunnar’s Hold

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

What do you mean?
I thought this was pretty nice.
We don’t know that this is all there is to it- it is not the 28th or our character’s birthdays yet

i dont get me wrong im not fussy about gifts lol, im ghreatful for anything, i just assumed theyd do something good id like a hat though now thats good

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfsergi.2537


better than the mini we are swimming in them as it is.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Not too interested in the 200 gems, I can get them anytime I want. I want something unique, something that in a few years you still remember.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I still think that the gems is only a gift for the anniversary of the game- I am almost sure they will give us a tiny something on the birthdays of our characters so that we can remember in the years to come

Gunnar’s Hold

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xristosmk.5608


datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

They might also give out a free hat. I like free hats.

Free hat eh ?

“I told you guys…never underestimate den power of free hats …! " !!

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

datamine…. 400 gems

200 actually. And only if you log in on the 28th.

omg i thought it was a joke, is this serious??? if so, then im pretty dissapointed in anet dont they care about their own birthday?

They might also give out a free hat. I like free hats.

Free hat eh ?

“I told you guys…never underestimate den power of free hats …! " !!

thats one of my all time fav episodes of south park

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Can’t wait for that scroll they’re giving us, its the main purpose of me playing gw2 for the passed year!

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovac.4372



so the way they worded it, each gift will contain:

1 mini Queen Jennah
1 24-hour birthday boost
1 scroll of experience

… I have 5 characters, all created on day 1 of the pre-order headstart .. does that mean I’ll get 5 miniature Queen Jennahs? Why would I need 5?

Also I hope the other two items aren’t soulbound .. I really do …

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Can’t you forge mini-pets into new ones?


[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Can’t wait for that scroll they’re giving us, its the main purpose of me playing gw2 for the passed year!

A 24 hour booster is pretty good, actually.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Ugh… That’s disappointing really… Birthdays are supposed to have a surprise gift. Emphasis on surprise. They announce everyone will get the same exact thing? Where’s the surprise???

And Mini Queen Jennah? Mini human NPC #236? I hate the disproportionate amount of mini human npc’s in GW2… I miss my mini Aatxe, Kuunavang, Word of Madness, Ruby Djinn, Black Beast of Arrrrrrrg… And 90% of the good minis in GW2 are untradeable.

Bull kittens I say! Bull kittens!

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Can’t wait for that scroll they’re giving us, its the main purpose of me playing gw2 for the passed year!

Well they did say they are adding skills and traits- for an 80 with world completion where did you think you would be getting skill points from?
There have been scrolls dropping since the last update
It look to me that they are setting the stage for the new system

Gunnar’s Hold

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Can’t wait for that scroll they’re giving us, its the main purpose of me playing gw2 for the passed year!

Well they did say they are adding skills and traits- for an 80 with world completion where did you think you would be getting skill points from?
There have been scrolls dropping since the last update
It look to me that they are setting the stage for the new system

Those experience scrolls don’t give skill points. They level a character up to lvl 20 (not give a character 20 levels mind you, just make a character <20 to level 20).

(The same we got at 5k achievement points)

Also I really can’t wait till they introduce those new skills, I have 550-600 skill points, with little use (until I can manage to get all the mats for a legendary).

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Can’t wait for that scroll they’re giving us, its the main purpose of me playing gw2 for the passed year!

Well they did say they are adding skills and traits- for an 80 with world completion where did you think you would be getting skill points from?
There have been scrolls dropping since the last update
It look to me that they are setting the stage for the new system

Those experience scrolls don’t give skill points. They level a character up to lvl 20 (not give a character 20 levels mind you, just make a character <20 to level 20).

(The same we got at 5k achievement points)

Also I really can’t wait till they introduce those new skills, I have 550-600 skill points, with little use (until I can manage to get all the mats for a legendary).

Ahhh I see thanks
I was confusing it with the scrolls we see now in the various bags

hehehe I made my ranger matching Mystic weapons with some of my spare ones- she has a set

Gunnar’s Hold

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovac.4372


Well I sure hope we’ll be able to use the Mystic Toilet to forge a new mini out of 4 mini Queens, though it is doubtful.

And there’ll be no point in selling the excess minis, if they don’t end up being account bound … everyone will have one!

I agree with you Xenon about the surprise part. In GW1 I looked forward to each birthday to see what mini I’ll get, because there was a chance I’d get a super rare one I could sell for a lot of platinum … or at least I’ll get one I didn’t have before to put in my HoM.

If this “Scroll of Experience” turns out to be like that Experience Scroll that simply elevates a character to lv20 I really won’t have anything to look forward to … and I have a ton of boosters stockpiled in my bank and I just don’t use them. I always tell myself I’m keeping those for when I’ll need to farm something … but never do. The Birthday Boost I’ll get will share the same fate … unless it won’t be a consumable, then it’ll just be wasted.


[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


While i bet there a lot of other things waiting for us in the event, i think the actual “birthday present” we get is weak.
It is just another mini, a bit of experience and a unknown 24 hour buff…

I am sorry, but like the “extras” in the deluxe and collectors editon, we just get something “cheap” and temporary (3 out of 5 things of the digital content you got was temporary and subsequently “worthless”).
exept the mini.

While i was expecting the mini, i thought it would actually be like in gw1, where we had the possibility of getting a random mini out of a certain loot table. However now it is a guaranted mini of queen jennah…

Now in compairson: a mini which might even be rare and subsequently have some worth for people who do or don`t collect, or a mini everyone gets with next to no worth…

now i am not greedy, but it is rather boring if you ask me.
more so, because it isnt specified if every character who reaches a year since creation, or if it just counts once per acount.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


The same mini for everyone. Of a boring character that has nothing to do with our characters or representing all of GW2. Probably not tradeable or forgeable. Right before they release the 2nd set of STORE BOUGHT minis. GG!

I don’t get anet some times.. they try to innovate on things. then they do something 7 years old, make it more generic & more boring. I’m honestly just confused.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


honestly i’d like an RNG unique mini or illusion potion ala guild wars 1. It totally makes me feel common knowing that i’ll get the exact same reward as EVERYONE else who made a year old….yay…. oh, and the RNG unique mini or illusion potion should be sellable…so that if someone wants one they didn’t get, they can pay gold for it. This way, if you didn’t get a mini you liked, you could sell it, and buy one you would prefer. Everyone could feel unique.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


P.S. these experience boosting scrolls, like the last one i got, ARE COMPLETELY WORTHLESS, especially to most players who have already played a year. I work 3 jobs and honestly don’t have THAT much free time. but, i do have 8 level 80’s. so experience scrolls and boosters are a waste of your long-term players’ times.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

P.S. these experience boosting scrolls, like the last one i got, ARE COMPLETELY WORTHLESS, especially to most players who have already played a year. I work 3 jobs and honestly don’t have THAT much free time. but, i do have 8 level 80’s. so experience scrolls and boosters are a waste of your long-term players’ times.

Anet laughs in your face: “Buy more character slots”.


[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hka.3942


So, I’m gonna repost what I said in the other thread.

I love the game, and I hate to complain about free stuff but seriously… A mini that’s the same for every one, spoiled one week before we actually get it and it has to be Jennah (it’s only my opinion but I don’t like her, and I’ve never liked humans as minis), so I’ll be running around with 5mini Jennah, a character that I don’t like, nice.

Then we’ll get experience scrolls, now this could have been nice (and for this, I’m only speaking for myself) if I hadn’t already maxed my 8 characters to 80, it could come in handy if I want another reroll but I don’t see that happening any time soon, at least not before they add a new race/profession and even then I would only use one since it’s useful only for characters that are below level 20… I don’t think that reflects on the fact that you get the gift because you’ve been playing this character for one year (which I hope by now you are above level 20!) so it only makes sense for alts really.

And then… boosters, I won’t say much really, I already have a bunch of each so it’ll just take a another slot in my bank.

Now, I’m not asking for a precursor of my choice + 100g for good measure like I saw in another posts, I mean I’m fine with a mini, I just would have prefered it to be a random mini chosen from a bunch of new minis created for the one year anniversary (pretty much like in GW1), heck even a random one chosen from those already existing would have been fine… Now it’s just that I’m not looking forward to getting birthday presents anymore (which should have been kept a surprise at least) because I’ll just get 5clones mini of an NPC I don’t like and I don’t think looks cool, a bunch of experience scrolls that I’ll use only one of when we get a new race/profession and boosters that will only take dust in my bank.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


so pretty much MOST people are in agreement with being disappointed by how they’re handling birthday’s in GW2….i really hope a dev reads this and responds to it and passes our dislike so that we can get something better, or at least on par with GW1’s birthday rewards system.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

“Birthday Gifts!

As characters created right at the launch of Guild Wars 2 hit their first birthdays, it’s time to introduce our first Birthday Gift! Characters that are one year old will receive a Mini Queen Jennah, a 24-hour Birthday Booster, and a Scroll of Experience."

I have 9 characters, so is this what I am to expect?
- 9 mini queen jennah’s
- 9 experience scrolls (on top of the two I have from massive achievement chests)
- 9 “24 hour birthday boosters”

Whatever the booster…boosts, is the only non trash thing here.

9 mini queen jennah’s, account bound and worthless like mini risen balthazar, will hopefully be forgeable, but even if it is then they will be of blue rarity not exotic or rare.

9 experience scrolls (instant character to level 20). Worthless because I’m not making 11 new characters, only 2 or 3 more. Account bound, so you can’t even sell them to new players or people who want 100 characters (0.00005% of players).

What’s with the lazy not exciting birthday gift? One character or multiple characters, makes no difference.


Here we had a collection of minis, that were tradable and sellable. Sure some people got lucky and made easy platinum off of them, who cares, but even if you got a double you could trade it for a different one. No body wants 9 queen jennahs just like they don’t want 50 risen Balthazar. I’m not saying make a collection of minis each year like gw1, just don’t give me 9 of the same one that nothing can be done with.

You still have time to make a worthy change to this.

Suggestion: mail everyone the mini. Change what is in the gift, removing experience scroll of course.

(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


The funny fact is that people can actually spend money for an unworthy 800gems unlimited salvage kit and whine about 3 birthday presents. They could simply don’t give us anything like in other Mmorpg, you should realize that and just accept it.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nime.2089


“Birthday Gifts! As characters created right at the launch of Guild Wars 2 hit their first birthdays, it’s time to introduce our first Birthday Gift! Characters that are one year old will receive a Mini Queen Jennah, a 24-hour Birthday Booster, and a Scroll of Experience."

Does it mean that if I have created a Character in one if my Account Slots on the first day but deleted that one by now, I will not get the Gift? Or do they mean Account by Character?

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


It counts per character if they handle it like in GW1 which I somehow doubt because it would be the same minipet for each character

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


“Birthday Gifts! As characters created right at the launch of Guild Wars 2 hit their first birthdays, it’s time to introduce our first Birthday Gift! Characters that are one year old will receive a Mini Queen Jennah, a 24-hour Birthday Booster, and a Scroll of Experience."

Does it mean that if I have created a Character in one if my Account Slots on the first day but deleted that one by now, I will not get the Gift? Or do they mean Account by Character?

If you deleted it you won’t gain it until your oldest actually character hit 1 year old

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


right click item
click “destroy”
problem solved

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kovac.4372


Am I the only one here who thinks that




might not be the same thing?

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I hope the merging of all these threads is evidence that Anet is listening to this negative reaction. But even if they decided to redo the GW2 bday gift system, I doubt we will see it till next year…

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hka.3942


Am I the only one here who thinks that




might not be the same thing?

If it’s different and let’s say instead of leveling your character up to level 20 if and only if you are under said level, it gave you a set amount of xp (and be account bound obviously) it would be really cool, in fact I could see myself using them for next alts (Anet, when’s Tengu?!) if it was like that. Now with that said I’m still heavily disapointed with the mini Jennah.

(edited by Hka.3942)

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


The entitlement and greed of the playerbase for a free ‘gift’ for a virtual ‘birthday’ that means nothing is really kind of sickening.
Its a nice gesture and kind of neat that they even treat character creation date as a ‘birthday’. Leave it to some to treat it like a real date that means something and express sickening greed over it.
Don’t like what they give you? Destroy it and move on. These topics are literally making a huge issue out what is a trivial non-issue that affects the game in no way whatsoever, except in showing some peoples true colors.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hka.3942


I get what you are saying, and I’ll only speak for myself here :

While I think as you said that it is cool that we get something for our character’s birthday when they clearly didn’t need to do it, as a GW1 player who’s been playing for nearly 8years now and knowing how they handled birthday in GW1 well I was really looking forward to get my GW2 birthday present (and I was just expecting a random mini) since nearly launch. I really enjoyed collecting minis in GW1 (so they could have been account bound in GW2 and I still wouldn’t have cared) I’m just disapointed that everyone is gonna have the same thing, it just feels less unique I guess, it’s kind of a step down of something they did 8years ago, now that won’t stop me from enjoying the game or even the new living story, it’s just disapointment from expecting something cooler than what is delivered so it’s maybe my fault for that too.

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


i like 800 gems not stupid mini pet

[Merged] Guild Wars 2 Birthday soon !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


So I am just curious- did anyone actually ever get any amount of gems?
There were rumors of people logging on on the 28th to get a gift of 200 gems.
Can’t find it now anywhere
Did it actually happen?

Gunnar’s Hold