[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SamEStabs.9756


So the minor content update every two weeks seems to be good for about two days even for a casual player like me but they all seem to be exactly the same. I am fairly happy with the game as of now but I can see how limited its current content is and with a lot of new exciting MMOs coming up in the spring I can’t imagine that anything but a major major content add would prevent me from looking else where.


[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


I’ve said it more than once, and I’ll start by saying it again. I generally HATE agreeing with the majority on this game. However, in this one instance, I’m forced to agree on one point, and that is that the game needs an expansion.
At this point the game has been out for over a year, and in that time most of the player base has dealt with one of six elder dragons plaguing the land of Tyria. The champions of two of those remaining dragons can actually be fought on a daily basis. I won’t say that there aren’t other forms of evil in the game, because obviously there are. The Living Story has actually served to point that out quite well. I have to say, I’ve enjoyed the living story. It has served very well as a place holder, but to me, that’s all it is. While I enjoy it immensely, the Living Story can’t take the place of the fact that there are, by ANet’s own making, still more Elder Dragons left to defeat. Now that it’s been so long, I believe that it is high time to take the fight to the next one. I will say that these other evils shouldn’t go away though. They add to the scope and depth of Tyria and make me want to continue playing. There is definitely a place for it in the game. But the beat goes on, Dragons terrorize the deserts, the frozen wastes, even the ocean’s depths. I believe it’s time to face off with them again.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


I’m with you I used to be I wouldnt say casual but I wasn’t supernerd hardcore I made 2 legendaries in the first year and have stopped playing because well I enjoy pve more now pvp just sucks and wvw I like to roam zerg v zerg is freaking stupid and roaming is alright til you cross those noob perma stealth/blind thieves nothing else really bothers me I can give props to them killing me minus the perplex stunlock engi unless it has been nerfed

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


I agree but I say take us away from Tyria I don’t want any part of it You can add 800 dollars worth of expansions and I’ll buy them over time and play them a bit but only if I get Cantha I can’t stop visualizing the jade sea with how far you have taken being able to explore in gw2(and I was kurzick in gw) never really cared about the city but I would like to see the palace and the Harvest temple but most of all…… Shing Jea Island!!!!!!!

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Is there a reason you needed to create a new topic for this when there is an identical one right below it? Have a heart and don’t keep creating more work for the mods.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


well maybe we will when they understand it I mean do we need to get the first 17 pages to ALL be about an expansion before they do something or get a response? or should they just take note and say something even if it is all ………… and I mean that literally so we know the mods/devs are looking at it at least after the first one?

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


The reason I posted this as it’s own topic was to make sure that was actually read. Once it has been I have no real objection to it being merged with similar threads.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


While i wont disagree with fighting more elder dragons im not going to say Expansion is the only option . I DO think they need to focus the LS more on opening up more areas rather than changing old ones though

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


While i wont disagree with fighting more elder dragons im not going to say Expansion is the only option . I DO think they need to focus the LS more on opening up more areas rather than changing old ones though

The devs have already said, no expansions, they are going to use the LS to open new areas, add new races, etc. The LS IS the expansions. The content that would normally be put in to an expansion and released in one big push, will instead be distributed in the LS a little at a time.
I don’t know why some people seem to have a hard rime grasping the concept and keep asking the devs to repeat themselves over and over again.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


The reason I posted this as it’s own topic was to make sure that was actually read. Once it has been I have no real objection to it being merged with similar threads.

So you violated the forum terms and clutter up the forums with more repeated subjects, for pretty much no reason other then you wanted to?
Very nice.

Posting a second topic is not going to make sure it is read, it only clutters up the forum and shows a lack of respect for the mods and the other posters here.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brendar.3548


Because the dev’s have never said that will be no expansions. They have stated that they are working on any atm, but that does not mean they are off the table.

Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity was framed.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Because the dev’s have never said that will be no expansions. They have stated that they are working on any atm, but that does not mean they are off the table.

Well saying they are going to use the LS instead of expansions is pretty clear.
And since there have already been at least a half dozen topics on this in the past week, do you really think just because another one is posted it is going to make any difference?
This thread will simply be merged in to one of the other threads so they can all be tracked in one place. You guys don’t seem to get it, if you really want the devs to see how you feel, you need to keep the feedback in one location instead of spread all over the forums in multiple useless threads.

Here is your official word from the devs.

Colin Johanson:
“Expansions are definitely something that we’ll potentially look at in the future, We don’t have a timetable on it. We’re open to it, but I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as possibly can for the players that we’ve got.”

We want to be able to have teams that are literally developing new, innovative features that change the way that you play our game and grow that experience so it literally feels like you don’t leave Guild Wars 2; Guild Wars 2 becomes Guild Wars 2.5 or Guild Wars 3, and it continues to grow,"

(edited by ShiningSquirrel.3751)

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


You realize you just contradicted yourself right ? First you say they said no expansions then you quote them as saying Expansions are something they’ll look into and that they are open to . That’s hardly the same thing

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Dwayna knows this game needs an expansion. It’s literally boring now. I’ve maxed all my character slots with level 80s because it’s more fun leveling up characters than actually playing. Anet is doing a terrible job with GW2 I just wonder how long it’s going to take for them to see.

We went from fighting dragons to taking care of a rotten plant that ran from its garden. The game doesn’t keep our attention. A good game should keep me off of the forums, not on them.

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grileenor.1497


We went from fighting dragons to taking care of a rotten plant that ran from its garden.

Made my day

Yes, an expansion would get quite some people back playing. And it might keep those people still playing who don’t care for the LS. And we all know those are quite a number

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Either expansions or the LS to expand into new (old Guild Wars 1) areas. I don’t care which. I want to see Elona again, Cantha, the EOTN areas, the Crystal Desert, the Maguuma Forest area, the Charr area, the Fire Islands area, and if they throw in completely new areas, those too. The area we have right now is just one small part of a larger map.

This is a map of the Guild Wars 1 universe. We are in the top square and we only have part of the top square.


(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Gee guys! I sure hope they take feedback from the community! It would be interesting to see the battle isles turned into a place for GvG. So much potential!!!

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhyse.8179


I’ve maxed all my character slots with level 80s because it’s more fun leveling up characters than actually playing.


Irony, I have met thy avatar.

“I care nothing for a festering industry that wantonly refuses to
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259