Merging Salvage Kits
They aren’t stacks. Just a single item with multiple uses.
Seems like an easy thing to just stick to using one kit at a time instead. Although it wouldn’t really matter that much since you would just buy a new one to replace whichever get used up first.
You could create the mystic salvage kit. Which has 250 uses. If you want to save inventory space.
+10000000 on this. The ones you buy are one thing but there are also ones that are in bags and chests. These stack up. Or move them to a wallet style function.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
This comes up periodically when people misunderstand that salvage kits/mining tools are not a stack of tools, but a single tool with a limited number of uses before it “wears out”
It’s one kit that you can use 25 times, or 250 for the mystic ones.
It’s one mining pick that you can use 100 times before it wears out, not a stack of 100 mining picks each with a single use.
I mean come on, how silly is it to think a mining pick has only a single use and you buy them in stacks of 100?
This is why they don’t stack, and cannot be merged.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
+10000000 on this. The ones you buy are one thing but there are also ones that are in bags and chests. These stack up. Or move them to a wallet style function.
Yea this is why i got a bank tab of mostly black lion salvage kits.
@scribe i can see your point . it would be nice then to be able to vendor sell a crude salvage kit with 3 uses left to avoid destroying it for no profit. 1c is better than nothing.
Not going to happen.
People pay 800 gems for the Unlimited use salavge kits to save bag space.
You can buy Crude salvege kits for 14 karma (I think). You would get a 15000 charges (technically infnite) salavge kit for 14000 karma if they would let you do that.
14000 karma != 800 gems (+ copper/silver price for each use)
Internally I bet it’s simply a flag to indicate if the item can be stack/split or not. If it can’t and the count is greater than 1, then it’s a charge.
RIP City of Heroes
The reason you can’t stack kits is simple, anet are trying to sell copper and silver salvagomatics, these perform the same function as salvage kits but get them $$$. If they allowed anything so logical as combining kits everyone would do so and there would be no point in buying their rip off goods. So you have zero chance of this happening. If the salvagomatics were actually worthwhile everyone might buy them but that isn’t part of anet logic.
During the rebuilding of LA in 2012 Lionguard Lyns would exchange Captain’s Council Commendations, obtained from the Mystic Forge for a 250 use kit, these were withdrawn Feb 26, 2013. I had a toon temporarily loaded with these for quite some time.
This comes up periodically when people misunderstand that salvage kits/mining tools are not a stack of tools, but a single tool with a limited number of uses before it “wears out”
It’s one kit that you can use 25 times, or 250 for the mystic ones.
It’s one mining pick that you can use 100 times before it wears out, not a stack of 100 mining picks each with a single use.
I mean come on, how silly is it to think a mining pick has only a single use and you buy them in stacks of 100?
This is why they don’t stack, and cannot be merged.
^ He’s right you know.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
They used to have a value. You even could sell them on the trading post. Thing is you could buy kits on post use it 14/15 or 24 of the 25 times and vendor it for 15 or 22 copper as the amount of uses left didn’t affect the vendor value And yes I did that 100s of times as copper meant a lot more back then. They are givin as rewards for personal storys if u are wondering y people would list them cheaper then u can buy iff vendor.
Oh understand how they work about the charges, doesn’t deter the fact that it would be a good QoL feature.
On the salvage-o-matics side though I will disagree. I am one of the people that buy those. You use those based on the items. Copper for less than yellow and then silver fed or BLSK for yellow and above. I don’t think stacking salvage kits would impact sales that much of those items. If anything I know more people that have multiple copies of the O-Matics if they have at least one. The key for ANet to ensure that people are more likely to buy the ones from the gem store is to make sure that the price to use the gem store ones remain lower than the ones bought in game from the merchants. That by itself might keep a lot of people going back to the gem store one over buying and stacking the ones from the NPC vendors.
I guess if you are opposed to the idea, might I ask, why? How does it impact the game from a players perspective leaving the ANet side apart for a second? Is it helpful to have a party member to have to pause the group content so that they can get to a merchant to pick up more kits or exit the fractal to switch to the bank toon that has the backpack of BLSKs? Leave siege out of the their bags so that they can carry more loot in WvW since loot is what helps pay for that siege gear?
Now granted I am called a pack rat but I ask this while running with 160 units of bag space as well so its not from lack of carrying capacity. And as mentioned above if you are any type of key farmer/user the BLSK do take up a lot of space over time unless you waste them on things like blues and greens.
Good looting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
The tool boxes from wintersday stack. Do not open until needed but stock up when we can get them again.
lol, oh no, wait that’s a different thread.
Similar concepts though since we have unlimited versions here as well. But yes the gathering tools, especially the un-organized version can be a real space taker as well. Good candidate for wallet type function as well.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Sorry, I had login problems and my post duped and went onto the wrong page when I tried to navigate to the right one! Since you have it quoted I will just zap my copies.
The reason you can’t stack kits is simple, anet are trying to sell copper and silver salvagomatics, these perform the same function as salvage kits but get them $$$.
They have never been stackable, so it’s not some sort of conspiracy to get us to spend gems. For whatever reasons, ANet created salvage kits as an item that had multiple uses.
While they could create a mystic forge recipe to allow us to combine kits, I don’t see why they should:
- They’d need a different recipe for each potential combination of kit.
- The benefits are slim and only apply to that small fraction of people that (a) don’t use up salvage kits before starting a new one AND (b) aren’t willing to toss out kits (that don’t cost much) even when running out of room.
- There’s a slight inconvenience to those who forge a lot, since this would create clutter in the mystic forge dialogue, without being useful most of the time.
tl;dr the small benefit to a small group isn’t likely to justify the high cost of changing the current mechanic.
They used to have a value. You even could sell them on the trading post. Thing is you could buy kits on post use it 14/15 or 24 of the 25 times and vendor it for 15 or 22 copper as the amount of uses left didn’t affect the vendor value And yes I did that 100s of times as copper meant a lot more back then. They are givin as rewards for personal storys if u are wondering y people would list them cheaper then u can buy iff vendor.
I believe Guild Wars 1 salvage kits had a value, and you could pass them freely between accounts. At the start GW2 kits had no value to the merchant and were soulbound on aquire, same with the gathering tools. The only salvage kit I can remember that you could sell on the TP in GW2 was the PvP one.
The reason you can’t stack kits is simple, anet are trying to sell copper and silver salvagomatics, these perform the same function as salvage kits but get them $$$.
They have never been stackable, so it’s not some sort of conspiracy to get us to spend gems. For whatever reasons, ANet created salvage kits as an item that had multiple uses.
Why quote me? I did not state that it was ever possible to stack kits. Nor did I state that it was a conspiracy. What I said was that supplying salvage kits that could be stackable may negatively affect the sales of salvageomatics.
As for mystic forge recipes, they could just make each use separate, as with a stack of consumables or materials, you then treat them as such, dropping two salvage kits together creates one with the combined capacity. If you wanted to split it again then Alt drag and drop.