Merging servers?
I don’t think the game is growing, I don’t think the game is dying. I think the game saw a drop after launch and then stabilized. Most servers are healthy, but a few definitely aren’t.
I do hope they do what a lot of MMOs are doing and pretty much make all servers, one big server. And make WvW completely separate.
The last time I did the Maw, 2 nights ago, there must have been 100+ people there so man I hope they don’t combine servers or I will be down to <10fps…
If the player population is rising, where are they?
they’re spread across:
-26 PvE zones
-6 cities
-daily activity
Northern Shiverpeaks
If the player population is rising, where are they?
they’re spread across:
-26 PvE zones
-6 cities
-daily activity
Saying things like 26 PvE zones, sPvP and 6 cities is deceptive. Most of the PvE zones are ghost towns. sPvP at the moment is pretty much dead. And save for Lion’s Arch the rest of the cities are empty.
Which is so unfortunate. Black Citadel for example has so much potential. I hope they use their arena for something like GvG or something of that nature.
This is one of the reasons I love playing on TC. The cities have people.
From Devon Carver’s Q&A yesterday…
This is not something we are considering as all our servers have robust populations. Server structure has more implications that just WvW, which means any changes of these sorts would have to take all aspects of the player base into account. In addition, with the queues as they currently exist on those top tier servers, I think it’s more important for us to solve the underlying scoring issues which would let more people play than if we were to cut the number of possible players at any time in half.
From Devon Carver’s Q&A yesterday…
This is not something we are considering as all our servers have robust populations. Server structure has more implications that just WvW, which means any changes of these sorts would have to take all aspects of the player base into account. In addition, with the queues as they currently exist on those top tier servers, I think it’s more important for us to solve the underlying scoring issues which would let more people play than if we were to cut the number of possible players at any time in half.
I don’t believe him, having played in less than robust servers.
I still would like to see some sort of underflow or district system put in the non-city maps. Maybe optional for those that want to remain on their own server for some reason. This way maps would fill up from all the servers then make another version when full. People with the district system could switch between more crowded or less crowded as they wished, assuming there was a spot open on the district.
Saying things like 26 PvE zones, sPvP and 6 cities is deceptive. Most of the PvE zones are ghost towns. sPvP at the moment is pretty much dead. And save for Lion’s Arch the rest of the cities are empty.
I didn’t say they were equally spread out.. but even if there’s only 5-10 players in each of those zones at a given time, it ends up accounting for quite a few ppl not obviously seen from a quick walk through LA or one of the starter zone.
the point is that as time goes on, there’s more and more different things to do in the game which spreads the crowd even thinner, making it appear a lot less populated than it actually is.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I still would like to see some sort of underflow or district system put in the non-city maps. Maybe optional for those that want to remain on their own server for some reason. This way maps would fill up from all the servers then make another version when full. People with the district system could switch between more crowded or less crowded as they wished, assuming there was a spot open on the district.
That would be a good idea, but for that to happen I’d say they’d need first to normalize the meta event timers across all servers (as in, those events happening at the same time in all servers and overflows created within 10 minutes, like tequatl and the invasions), otherwise people would avoid the underflow on any area with the chance of a bonus chest granting meta event happening
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
if guild upgrades are shared across servers, then servers merger wouldn’t be hard…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK