Merit on a one person guild?
you could invite members of your main guild to help you out with a simple guild mission?
One person isn’t a guild.
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
I have a one person Guild (Solo).
“but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.” I don’t see it as that.
nothing wrong with a one person guild
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
“Tolerated abuse” seems a bit harsh since at one point they actually suggested people make one. (Back when they introduced the wallet and people wanted to keep their gold seperate.)
Yeah, let’s not do the “one person is not a guild” argument again so soon. It was done to death a few days ago and I know you’ll all be surprised to hear that, despite much passion, eloquence and abuse, not a single person changed their opinion on the subject. ;p
@OP. None of us are sure how the new guild system will pan out for one person guilds, only time will tell. However, players are an ingenious bunch so I can envisage an informal system of cooperation between such guilds to assist each in gaining whatever they need to progress. This will probably start with the “liberate the guild hall” thing. I’ll help you liberate yours, you help me with mine etc. Even if some stuff is out of reach for such guilds, there is nothing to say that it will remain out of reach forever. In MMO-land, change is always on the horizon.
Not relevant to the issue of a guild, but… I have 2 accounts, and always felt… foolish and isolated. Knowing that there is someone with 5 accounts out there makes me feel somewhat less so :-).
Anyway, I have found “guild progression” for my one-person guild to be very slow (20000 influence, much less merits, is a hard row to plow), and under the new system it sounds as if soloing the initial guild hall event could basically be impossible, so I would expect the progression to be very slow in HoT as well.
One thing is sure. Merit will disappear in 8 days so I doudt someone will help you get some. They will be useless anyway.
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
it is still called a guild.
Not relevant to the issue of a guild, but… I have 2 accounts, and always felt… foolish and isolated. Knowing that there is someone with 5 accounts out there makes me feel somewhat less so :-).
There’s people with more…. ;ox
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
it is still called a guild.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
There are points to what Vayne is saying and to what you are saying. Vayne is correct in the sense that a guild, by definition, is a plurality of people coming together for a common cause and, as such, cannot be a single person. This is also true lore-wise. You are right, however, in the sense that Anet can define guild to mean whatever they want it to within their own world through their game mechanics and have seemingly redefined it, exclusively to GW2, to mean “registered in the system with a guild name and at least one member”.
So it’s called a guild through the meta-game as defined by Anet, but I do not think it would be reasonable to call it a guild through lore or real-world definitions.
Hey so I have a one person guild for storage that my 5 (yeah 5… >.<) accounts are all a member of.
I remember reading that some guild unlockables are going away in HoT, like the dolyak transport. I was thinking of getting some of this unlocked just for fun, but summoning a yak costs one merit point.
Are there any ways a one person guild (possibly logging into multiple accounts (two at once max)) could get merit? Can I get merit by somehow piggy-backing on other guilds missions? Can I get merit for that?
Firstly, you will only get merits for missions that your guild starts, you dont get them by helping another guilds missions.
I think you could – although you would have to have some guild missions unlocked to get the merits for your own guild and have some missions built to be able to use. IF you had those, then maybe you could be lucky and find another guild doing the same mission with you that would allow you to start it so your guild got the credits but realistically, with only a week or so to go before HoT when merits go away. I think the effort wouldn’t be worth it.
I would just concentrate on opening everything you could with influence in the next week.
(edited by thisisit.6954)
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
Fine, you and your guild can go do a T3 Bounty Hunt. I’m sure it will go over flawlessly.
I’ll never understand the appeal to being a lone wolf with a tag, but more (or in this instance less) power to you.
Whatever the literal meaning of guild, in the game it is a logical entity with various attributes that has at least one player in it and does not require more than one. So can we drop the silly “one person is not a guild” nit-picking.
I, too, am in a one-person guild. Well, actually, there’s still a dozen or so names on it, after I trimmed some. Basically my then Raid Alliance took to GW2 like a duck to oil (hopped in, hopped out again). There’s only 3 or 4 of us still play and we’ve all found other guilds, so there’s only me ever rep’s. I never bothered about the GMs, and whilst it’d be nice if I could get my own guildhall, I don’t suppose it’s been designed with solo guilds in mind.
Whatever the literal meaning of guild, in the game it is a logical entity with various attributes that has at least one player in it and does not require more than one. So can we drop the silly “one person is not a guild” nit-picking.
I, too, am in a one-person guild. Well, actually, there’s still a dozen or so names on it, after I trimmed some. Basically my then Raid Alliance took to GW2 like a duck to oil (hopped in, hopped out again). There’s only 3 or 4 of us still play and we’ve all found other guilds, so there’s only me ever rep’s. I never bothered about the GMs, and whilst it’d be nice if I could get my own guildhall, I don’t suppose it’s been designed with solo guilds in mind.
Two things: The meaning does matter, but in this game the important meaning of the two is how Anet defines it within their game mechanics. If they decide that a guild with less than 50 people in it should not be able to do all guild content then that is their prerogative. This also applies if they decide that a one-person guild cannot do all guild content.
That leads me to the second point: You can absolutely get your own Guild Hall, but you will need to petition for aid from your fellow players to do it. They’ve stated elsewhere that you don’t need a big guild to claim one but that you can start the clearing quest for your guild and bring non-guild players with you to finish it. Once it’s done they can go on their merry way and you’ll have your hall. It will take a lot longer to upgrade on your own though, so there’s always that to consider and this will likely not be changed.
all the new HoT changes are is a nerf to solo players. Any other player in a guild just asks their friends to represent their personal guild while building their personal guild bank, then rotate to the next person.
So in effect, all Anet did was prevent solo folks from getting the same personal guild bank that other people will ‘exploit’ to get..
Lol how did such a simple question become such a bizarre and off-topic arguement!?
Why are people argueing about lore or text-book definitions of the word “guild”? O.o
I have a personal storage guild. (For those who don’t know what a storage guild is, it’s used for storing items, lol) The guild dolyak is going away. Having a guild dolyak to access my storage guild’s storage is quite a nifty feature I thought would be fun to unlock. Do all the lore and Webster zealots understand now?
Thanks to all of you that offered advice! It was hard to find in the middle of all the nonsense others posted. :P
all the new HoT changes are is a nerf to solo players. Any other player in a guild just asks their friends to represent their personal guild while building their personal guild bank, then rotate to the next person.
So in effect, all Anet did was prevent solo folks from getting the same personal guild bank that other people will ‘exploit’ to get..
I have two tiers of guild storage unlocked on my storage guild and I didn’t use other friends to do it. I used the influence tomes you get from starting a new account for the first tier and for the second tier I just plain bought the influence I needed with some gold.
(edited by Mo Mo.1947)
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
You can definitely organise 1. I talk to myself and organise trips down the pub all the time. My head, stomach and wife might not agree with it the next day (well…she doesn’t with a lot of things but I pass that off as just marriage) but my taste buds do so we organise further trips down the pub. Simple
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
No, one person isn’t a guild. One person as the ability to make a guild but according to the actual definition of the world guld, even lore wise, one person is not a guild. A guild is an organization. You can’t organize 1.
That’s why 1 person does an event and gets 2 influence, but 2 from the same guild get 20.
Anet was nice enough to allow solo players to make bank guilds, but it’s really just a tolerated abuse of the system.
it is still called a guild.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
There are points to what Vayne is saying and to what you are saying. Vayne is correct in the sense that a guild, by definition, is a plurality of people coming together for a common cause and, as such, cannot be a single person. This is also true lore-wise. You are right, however, in the sense that Anet can define guild to mean whatever they want it to within their own world through their game mechanics and have seemingly redefined it, exclusively to GW2, to mean “registered in the system with a guild name and at least one member”.
So it’s called a guild through the meta-game as defined by Anet, but I do not think it would be reasonable to call it a guild through lore or real-world definitions.
Indeed I am just saying what it is called, nothing more nothing less, I can not help people read a text on the internet thinking there is some hidden message inside of what others write, also I personally think real world definitions have nothing to do with the in game definitions or lore or what ever. Tyria is a world on its own.
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
Fine, you and your guild can go do a T3 Bounty Hunt. I’m sure it will go over flawlessly.
I’ll never understand the appeal to being a lone wolf with a tag, but more (or in this instance less) power to you.
Who is saying I do this with my bank storage guild? lol, Stop read hidden messages in what I or others are writing…
Why are people argueing about lore or text-book definitions of the word “guild”? O.o
Because, inevitably, Someone With An Opinion stomped in & tried to lay down a law, that isn’t anything more than their opinion, by telling you that “you’re not a real guild”. In Anet’s terms, oh yes you ARE!
MiniE – you’ve really only repeated what I said. I’d thank you for the support, except I think you thought you were trying to tell me something I didn’t already know! Yes, Anet’s definition is the only one that matters. The definition I gave was the one that an analyst / programmer (which is what I am) would give. To suggest a guild is anything else is silly & pointless. It’s simply a logical in-game concept & means whatever the company wants it to mean. I seem to remember in LotRO, at least in the beginning, if you didn’t maintain X number of members (6, I think) in a Kinship (different term, same thing), you got disbanded a month after you fell below the threshold.
And I’m not in the least complaining about the way content for guilds is designed. I was merely commenting that I doubt Anet have considered tiny guilds (I wonder how easy guilds with only 2 or 3 active players will find the unlock process?). It’d be nice if they did but, frankly, I’d rather they spent their time on other things. I’ll see what a guild hall looks like, because I don’t doubt I’ll be helping my second guild (which probably has 20-30 active players) build their’s. That’s one definite plus point with GW2 – guild membership is not exclusive!
One person isn’t a guild.
actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.
Fine, you and your guild can go do a T3 Bounty Hunt. I’m sure it will go over flawlessly.
I’ll never understand the appeal to being a lone wolf with a tag, but more (or in this instance less) power to you.
With all due respect, but whetere you understand the appeal or not is completely unimportant to the actual topic. Same to your sarcasm in the previous line. This is not an (endless) debate of principles thread.
Why are people argueing about lore or text-book definitions of the word “guild”? O.o
Because, inevitably, Someone With An Opinion stomped in & tried to lay down a law, that isn’t anything more than their opinion, by telling you that “you’re not a real guild”. In Anet’s terms, oh yes you ARE!
Yup, this is the only reason I chimed in at all. People said Mo Mo wasn’t in a guild but they technically are.
MiniE – you’ve really only repeated what I said. I’d thank you for the support, except I think you thought you were trying to tell me something I didn’t already know!
Ah, it sounded like you might have meant something else, but it’s good to know what you actually meant. That LotRO style guild also sounds like an interesting way to do guilds.
Apologies OP, my post was off topic. I was responding to a different topic in my response and not the OP.