Mesmer too seductive
this is funny lol
I think the best course of action would be to temporarily disable brooms, mesmers and human females until the devs have time to fix this.
sex sells everything… even tough it’s disgusting marketing trick it’s everywhere around us.
Anet didn’t go that far with it, and I’m glad to finaly find a game where I can say that females are gorgeous without being slOOty.
I don’t see anything wrong on these screenshots. But yea, I’d like female models to not turn into Tera-alike slOOts.
I don’t see anything wrong on these screenshots. But yea, I’d like female models to not turn into Tera-alike kittens.
You see nothing wrong, because I only attached the tame pix. There were far worse angles that showed a lot more that I expected.
its not like it actually shows anything, you think they would put in the details for her crotch?.. come on..
Honestly, if you twisted and turned your camera just to find the right (or wrong?) angles, then what did you expect?
Oh my. :o
So there really is a Commando class.
its not like it actually shows anything, you think they would put in the details for her crotch?.. come on..
yeah 99% sure theyre like barbie dolls….if not then whichever dev created the human female model is…. a little too interested
Honestly, if you twisted and turned your camera just to find the right (or wrong?) angles, then what did you expect?
There were no evil motives for twisting and turning my camera. I was just admiring how awesome looking my Mesmer was on a broom. The smiling expressions characters make while on the broom bring out a different side to my battle hardened caster. It just so happens that I noticed something missing down south, and realized that I shouldn’t be seeing what I was seeing.
Edit – All I’m really asking for is for the Devs to add underwear to the Luminescent armor.
I’m really not seeing a problem that needs fixing here…
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. Are you kitten serious? Newspaper shows dead people every day from any war zone and ppl complain about some too much visible virtual fabric on a video game? Boy…u must be from the US. We in Europe never understood that prudery ‘muricans are displaying about the aesthetics of the human body, but won’t recoil from mutilated dead bodies in the news…land of the free, mhmkay.
I wish i can be bothered to run after the luminescent set.
Half of me thinks this is satire, while the other half thinks it’s serious. My mind is very confused.
I she were a Charr, you’d love that outfit
Just have anet disable the entire game till they can fix every bug and nit pick by every other person.
Gw2 nowadays: if there’s nothing big to complain about, people will find something little to ruin the game further.
I think we need to see more pics to understand what the OP is talking about. A lot more pics.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
complain about some too much visible virtual fabric on a video game? Boy…u must be from the US. We in Europe never understood that prudery ‘muricans are displaying about the aesthetics of the human body"
You need to calm down.. He is complaining about there not being enough fabric around the crotch area of his character in luminescent gear.
I she were a Charr, you’d love that outfit"
Nice find..
I’m a girl player and I laugh when I ride my broom with my asura because it shows off the panties. But yeah, I can understand that going too far like in other games can be too much. In gw1 mesmer had the best sexy underwear ever (violet and almost transparent). But about gw2, they’re doing pretty good putting a normal yellow underwear because you can never expect what people think of a human body, also if it’s just virtual pixels. The same problem happens if you’re a light armor and you swim, you can see pretty bad things and it looks like the human is dontreadifyouarenotbraveenough with white panties+period -_-
I confess, I’m a bit confused. My elementalist happens to have the full Luminescent set, so I logged on her to see what you were talking about, and it certainly looks as though she’s got some sort of underwear/etc. on.
Now granted, I don’t have a broom so I can’t replicate it exactly, but are you sure it’s not just a matter of one of the dye channels for the armor managing to get fairly close to your ton’s skin color?
The Sash dye channel around the waist seemed to control the color from what I could tell, and since the Sash on your armor looks to be a white/near white color, it could just be that.
Edit: Attached a picture for proof.
Edit 2: Yup, definitely just the color of your armor at fault, proof is in the underwater screenshot.
(edited by Ykfox.3825)
Lol so you’re character’s spanx (cheerleaders and such wear these under their uniforms) are color coordinated with your outfit. Makes sense.
I she were a Charr, you’d love that outfit
Ugh first the biggest ugly anime eyes now this. WTF is happening the the best beast race in an MMO
I’m a girl player and I laugh when I ride my broom with my asura because it shows off the panties. But yeah, I can understand that going too far like in other games can be too much. In gw1 mesmer had the best sexy underwear ever (violet and almost transparent). But about gw2, they’re doing pretty good putting a normal yellow underwear because you can never expect what people think of a human body, also if it’s just virtual pixels. The same problem happens if you’re a light armor and you swim, you can see pretty bad things and it looks like the human is dontreadifyouarenotbraveenough with white panties+period -_-
I thought the elementalist was the standard “sexy underwear” profession (and “sexy profession” in general). Also, the mesmer’s underwear isn’t “transparent” at all.
Hmm… My mesmer runs around in PvP in just the universal underwear in the hopes of distracting folks long enough so my team members can kill them. Perhaps I should be using this junk instead.
“Oh look, I dropped something!”
Not sure that would work…
I think the best course of action would be to temporarily disable brooms, mesmers and human females until the devs have time to fix this.
This gentleman knows what he is talking about.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
i do love your threads smooth penguin
I do have pants on on my Mesmer:
Maybe you have a glitch!
Aren’t you the same guy that wanted seductive charr outfits…?
You must be a feminist OP.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
nice /15 charrs
Given how the OP wrote this, I can’t help but remember this little gem.
Also, clothing color choices and… shall we say some people, are the reason why CO never really made any flesh color clothing, let alone you could make your character child size as well.
People get up in arms about so many things but not so much about others. OP, put in a bug report. If the developer’s manager thing it is worth their time, they’ll assign a developer to address it.
You can borrow my charr’s panties
uhg, that is a male charr! He shouldn’t be wearing panties….
…eyestrain indeed x_x
PS: The area of focus for the topic has my interest. Please continue
(edited by Leo G.4501)
Oh my. :o
So there really is a Commando class.
I wish I could give you +10 for this
The starter light female armour shows pants that even have a split in the back when you move. As for the outfit itself, a lady friend of mine said “Oh my… I’d only wear that in the bedroom”
Personally I don’t think OP cares about the subject of his post.
I’ve noticed before that OP chooses thread topics and titles that are deliberately controversial and that seem designed to spark argument.
The Charr one. More seductive outfits on Charr
This one, where the OP basically said, I got my Legendary. Please make it harder for everyone else to get theirs. Charged Lodestones not rare enough.
And now this one, about Mesmers being too seductive because of a possible armor glitch.
To me, It seems OPs design is not to discuss real, actual topics but to start arguments. If he really cared about the armor glitch, he would post in the bug forum.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Now, there was no need to censor that image. I suggest an uncensoring.
Personally I don’t think OP cares about the subject of his post.
I’ve noticed before that OP chooses thread topics and titles that are deliberately controversial and that seem designed to spark argument.
The Charr one. More seductive outfits on Charr
This one, where the OP basically said, I got my Legendary. Please make it harder for everyone else to get theirs. Charged Lodestones not rare enough.
And now this one, about Mesmers being too seductive because of a possible armor glitch.
To me, It seems OPs design is not to discuss real, actual topics but to start arguments.
I second this sentiment. Every topic this guy posts is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Nothing to see here, folks, move along…
I think the best course of action would be to temporarily disable brooms, mesmers and human females until the devs have time to fix this.
Best response ever. I completely agree. They should disable lumi armor as well so players don’t have to grieve over meeting the asura challenge mote. Obviously, the Female, Mesmer, Lumi armor, on a broom stick human is the reason behind the challenge mote not showing. Who would wear a lumi set without the boots?
Or maybe the challenge mote is too busy… scouting out Female human mesmers on a broom while wearing lumi set?
PROBLEM SOLVED. /close thread.