Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abronan.7184


Apologies for the possible mistakes, I’m not an english native speaker.

Also, don’t take this post as a generality, this is just my experience, and I hope this could be helpful to some.

I’m a long time Guild Wars player, started playing in 2007 I think, have maxed out HoM, etc. so I’m not “new” to the Guild Wars community.

I increasingly see people being aggressive, mean for things as silly as playing meta, or DPS, or being part of an event failure, etc.

I rarely get kicked out of groups, but sometimes it’s for nothing like not typing `/gg` fast enough when the group died and I was the last still standing with mean comments in the end when being kicked out. (like “you are useless”,“you are a waste of time”, etc.). Sometimes people join the group, take part in the group failings but leave as soon as they can with a nasty comment for the rest of the group. People seem to take the game too seriously sometimes as if their life was at stake, at the risk of being toxic to other players that by the way have their own personality, their own way of dealing with such behavior.

For people getting used to it and having a strong personality, this is fine. They ignore the nasty comment or behavior and move on without much impact on their health. For others, this could affect them deeply and they could have bouts of sadness coming back to haunt them (“you were useless”, “how could someone be so mean”, etc. like a bad echo).

And I’m talking from personal experience, I’m playing a game to enjoy my time and to bring me small moments of joy, not to endure someone else’s frustration.

I want to emphasize that this is just a game, no need to be aggressive to other people because their build was really bad or because they just kept dying in an instance or fractal (it happens to everybody at some point, this is fine). Offer kind help, propose suggestions for them to improve rather than immediately spewing your hatred and making fun of that player.

We don’t know who’s behind the screen, this might be a person with enough energy to ignore these comments, or this might not…

As it stands, from someone with medical depression: I’m not enjoying the game anymore. People are getting obsessed with meta, loot efficiency, or seeing high numbers in their DPS meter, rejecting how others are playing the game. If this was only a community split, but sometimes this comes with sensitive words, even insults. We ought to respect the fact that people could also be playing the game their own way and that they might still be learning. We don’t all need to play meta, as long as we enjoy our time. Maybe we won’t do CM fractals, or Raids, or high-level content requiring high level of coordination, but don’t go out of your way to make it feel like the entire game is like that, it is not.

We seem to forget that we are playing with human beings and not machines or bots.

Maybe this was just bad luck, but in 10 years of playing Guild Wars (and that much of dealing with medical depression), I have sometimes experienced toxic people, but never with such intensity. In just 2 months, it happened 3 times when I experienced toxic behavior that made me legit sad (like screwing up my day): I reported one time, I blocked one the other, and finally I tried to engage in a dialog for the last, trying to reverse the situation and ask for honest feedback (it took tremendous self-control to be honest).

You may think this is ridiculous, but we are not all equipped “all the time” to deal with such behavior.

As it stands, the game brings me too much frustration and days of lows that I can’t consider playing it anymore. The expansion announcement got me really excited, the work done by Anet is amazing, as usual but I’ll do my best to avoid it, take a long pause and come back at a time I hope will be best.

Anyways, no you can’t avoid toxic people, whether in real life or online. Yet I feel like this kind of behavior is taking place more often and with more intensity among the Guild Wars community and this is unfortunate.

Have fun and be kind folks.


Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


This is, sadly, the trend for modern gamers. The uprise of PvP-centric games in the last decade (especially MOBAs) have created communities of people who think that their gameplay in an online game is the be-all end-all of the world, and that’s why they develop those toxic personalities and act like you are threatening their life just because you want to do something a little differently.

To these people, it usually /is/ their life, its all that they have, and its sad. But they are still bound by the game rules and you should report them…

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anela.3867


This kind of behavior used to really hurt my feelings too but then I realized that it’s probably people who are weak and have no real control over their real lives so they come to a digital world where they don’t have to suffer the repercussions of their actions. I’ve learned to laugh at them and imagine what losers they are in real life.

Don’t get too discouraged. There are a LOT of wonderful people in this game who go out of their way to be kind and helpful to others. Thankfully there are more of them than the other kind.

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xegrilt.9426


I gt back to the game around 2 weeks ago and already decided to stay out of PvP. People actually being rude and reporting me for using Treb in Kylo, it was one of my fav map bcs blasting Treb on the clock can net me 10-11 kills, now it seems to be a sin to use Treb at all

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I am not the best player around. I have not experienced any of what you are saying ever. Seriously, you just need to find a good guild of easy going people who do not care for meta efficiency, rather that you enjoy the game and get some rewards at the end. For some people to be toxic in your interactions 3 times in two whole months is pretty frikken awesome when you compare that to the general population in real life.

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Apologies for the possible mistakes, I’m not an english native speaker.….

….We seem to forget that we are playing with human beings and not machines or bots….

….Anyways, no you can’t avoid toxic people, whether in real life or online. Yet I feel like this kind of behavior is taking place more often and with more intensity among the Guild Wars community and this is unfortunate.

Have fun and be kind folks.


You are so right. On the bright side, there are many, many more out there who are not like that at all. I find many GW2 players to be kind and helpful.

As far as those toxic, mean people, thank goodness for the block button.

My guild and I are made up of people over 30 years of age and we do not tolerate people like that in our guild. We also don’t automatically admit people. They have to hang out with us for a while so we can see that they are nice, helpful, fun people. They don’t have to be perfect players or have the best stats or be the top tier players. They just have to be nice people.

One of the things our guild tries to do is help others when we are out in the PvE world. We also do the same for those in WvW areas that are on our side. We stop to res people or help them kill something when they are having a hard time. We also like to help people when we can when there is a call out in map chat. It isn’t a rule or anything, we just want to be those people that are the opposite of the ones you are talking about. We know how toxic things can be.

tl/dr: There are many GW2 people who are just the opposite of those toxic people. Get locked into one of those groups and block the mean ones.

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravenflame.5890


I completely understand where you are coming from, abronan.7184, your experience was one of the main reasons I stopped playing WoW, and I hope this toxicity doesn’t leak over into Tyria. I’ll echo what others have said and try and find a great guild community to play with.

Meta, DPS, Failure and General Toxic Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigand.9502


I wrote off 85% of the human population as a complete and utter waste of time. My life became considerably more stress-free after I made that decision.

Call me cynical, but that’s how I cope.