Meteorlogicus...any info?

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I have posted several times and searched all over the internet. Have I missed anything or has no one commented on the potential update to meteorlogicus? It is in desperate needof some footsteps or ANYTHING that would make it legendary.

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sinderhella.5680


Ummm it and EVERY other legendary in the game. Besides the “oooo shiney” factor there is absolutely nothing different between the stats of a legendary and that of an exotic weapon except for the promise that someday they will be best in slot.

Sinderhella – 80 Thief | Magoria – 80 Necromancer
When a thief tells you ā€™ā€™L2Pā€™ā€™, they mean this.
Solider Bee ~ Sinister Swarm

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Ummm it and EVERY other legendary in the game. Besides the “oooo shiney” factor there is absolutely nothing different between the stats of a legendary and that of an exotic weapon except for the promise that someday they will be best in slot.

Erm, they already are best-in-slot. Exotic IS best-in-slot. When Ascended weapons come out, Legendaries will be bumped up to those stats, but other than that, nothing will change. And that’s good. You give Legendaries boosted stats and you introduce a TRUE gear treadmill. They should have no advantage, period.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Not at all what I was asking about, wanted to know if there were any VISUAL updates that I had missed. I.e. footsteps special effects

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


When Ascended weapons come out, Legendaries will be bumped up to those stats, but other than that, nothing will change.

I speculate that this will not happen. Ascended weapons (when they arrive) are bound to be hidden behind some meaningless, boring, inane token requirement…something like “get 60 laurels, get ascended weapon”.

So why is it fair that someone will automatically get that? Especially when the only thing they have differentiating them from the rest of the population is that they got lucky? Or in some cases that they flat out cheated the system early in the game, in others they just bought it off the TP because they spent the last 4 months playing stock market on the TP.

I for one, will not be happy about that. Because you could apply the same logic to T3 cultural weapons or anything else in the game that has required effort to get (ie. everything).

And yes, I know Arenanet have said this will happen. But then they have said many, many things that didnt.

I also specualte that if they do introduce it, it wont work for people who have transmuted their legendaries (the vast majority of people I suspect, as the stats on legendaries are not all berserker).

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xx Legacy xX.4027

Xx Legacy xX.4027

So why is it fair that someone will automatically get that? … I for one, will not be happy about that. Because you could apply the same logic to T3 cultural weapons or anything else in the game that has required effort to get (ie. everything).

The only point you make that I agree with is that there is no reason people should have been able to buy legendaries instead of making it themselves.
But you are saying that to you spending 63,000 on a T3 cultural weapon or 400 tokens on a dungeon weapon is the same as acquiring 1 million karma, 500 badges of honor, world completion, 200 skill points, 250+ of every t6 crafting material, 500 globs of ectoplasm, 500 dungeon tokens, and a bunch more. Legendaries are getting upgraded to best in slot for the massive amount of work required to get them, which nothing else requires.

To the OP, no Meteorlogicus still seems to be lacking an update. I’m hoping that and the Minstrel get their updates soon.

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


I meant cultural armor actually, not sure why I typed weapon. But anyway, same principle applies. Take Volcanus or any of the more rare exotics and same thing. Time, grind, money and luck…not skill. Why reward for this?

Point remains…I personally doubt theyll get upgraded.

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikau.6920


The only legendary that I could think to use is Twillight and the shield (don’t remember the name), but will never try to do this becouse is insane the effort needed to just get a “good look”. In general, almost all legendaries look ugly to me, they are only “ooooh, shiny”. The legendaries stats should be a little bit better than exotics to really worth the big effort (maybe +10, +5, +5 in their stats).

Sorry for my english.

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


OP is very much right.
This legendary just seem unfinished compared to others like Twilight or the Unicorn shooting bow.
Very saddening as the basic concept is very cool and could go so many ways to make it actually legendary.

Polish > hype

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


When Ascended weapons come out, Legendaries will be bumped up to those stats, but other than that, nothing will change.

I speculate that this will not happen. Ascended weapons (when they arrive) are bound to be hidden behind some meaningless, boring, inane token requirement…something like “get 60 laurels, get ascended weapon”.

So why is it fair that someone will automatically get that? Especially when the only thing they have differentiating them from the rest of the population is that they got lucky? Or in some cases that they flat out cheated the system early in the game, in others they just bought it off the TP because they spent the last 4 months playing stock market on the TP.

I for one, will not be happy about that. Because you could apply the same logic to T3 cultural weapons or anything else in the game that has required effort to get (ie. everything).

And yes, I know Arenanet have said this will happen. But then they have said many, many things that didnt.

I also specualte that if they do introduce it, it wont work for people who have transmuted their legendaries (the vast majority of people I suspect, as the stats on legendaries are not all berserker).

It’s very, very easy to boost transmuted stats to Ascended rank. Every weapon has a major stat bonus and two minor stat bonuses of a given rarity, the only exception being Celestial trinkets. All that has to be done is a scalar increase of the major and minor stats to Ascended rank if the weapon is registered as Legendary (purple name denotes that the system has recognised that the end product of the transmutation has involved a Legendary-tier skin).

And the comparison of a Legendary to T3 gear is ridiculous. The amount of effort/investment someone has to go to to obtain a Legendary weapon is far and beyond ANYTHING else in the entire game. The only one that comes anywhere close is Mjolnir. An Ascended weapon will end up costing less than half of what was required for a Legendary. If they don’t boost them and they end up not being the best in slot by default, they are total morons. I hate to throw the jealousy card, but there is no real reason for you to be against it.

And why do you consider making profits from the trading post a bad method? Because you’re too impatient to do it? Too bad for you, I guess.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

(edited by Auesis.7301)

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


Also, bugged legendary weapon character aura effects must be fixed for all legendaries, it sometimes disappears and the character looks like wielding any other exotic weapon without these “shiny” effects…