Might missed it, but Why not HP increase?
We got an increase to armor/stats due to trait points removed.. Why not an increase in Hp?
Just wondering.
Because the increase in equipment bonus stats is intended to off set the missing 700 points you USED to get from trait lines. There is no net gain in the total stats, so theres no reason why we should suddenly get more base HP.
with all the condition / combat changes, a health increase on all players and combat NPCs seems to me, to be the best answer for balance. (because high condition damage stacks melt everything faster than power builds ever could, and even power builds got a big boost in damage output, too)
either that or make vitality reduce incoming condition damage the way toughness reduces incoming power damage. granted, the percentages would have to be tweaked differently, but it would make vitality a much more meaningful defensive stat, besides only giving more health.
(edited by Forgotten Legend.9281)
If the extra points going into the base stats does not equate to base increases, what’s the point of adding the extra points?