Miniature Collection - Acheivment

Miniature Collection - Acheivment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XanBie.3675


Quick question,

Anet stated their will now be a new Achievement for unlocking mini pets for the account (when you make them account bound). So what I would like to know is will the achievements like Miniature Collection – Set I(II/III) be still available? And if so, how will they work now that the bank tab will be gone?

Thanks in advance!

Miniature Collection - Acheivment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex.3907


There has been a post asking about this already; unfortunately it hasn’t seen a dev response yet.

My suspicion is that the old achievements will be retired and no longer obtainable. I think it’s very likely that the new mini collection achievements are going to be part of the new collection achievements category, and judging by this screenshot, the new achievements will track each item in the collection by id — this probably won’t be compatible with the old minipet achievements, since those only track your collection by total number.

I have my fingers crossed they’ve found a way to merge the old and new achievements, but I doubt it will happen. Complete your old achievements now, while you still can.

(edited by Alex.3907)

Miniature Collection - Acheivment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XanBie.3675


Ah I worried this would be the case =/ With prices flying high, I sadly won’t be able to finish my set :S Unless theres a soul willing to share minis haha xP Alrighty though, thanks for the quick response on the matter!