Mirror Shoulders and Uprezzing Armors

Mirror Shoulders and Uprezzing Armors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zergs.9715


I don’t know if this is even possible, but it would be great if we could be able to:
- move single shoulder pieces to another shoulder.
- duplicate them to both shoulders
- choose which of asymmetrical shoulders (ex. carapace) we want to show and on what side

Such system is probably not easy to implement, but just imagine the number of combinations that are opening up to you, without adding a single armor piece in the game. Also such features would be beneficial to all future content.

On a topic of uprezzing old armor pieces. First of all, is there any chance of happening at all? When compared to newer stuff dungeon armors look like things from a past era or from completely different game. Some consistency in that department would be nice, yes?

Mirror Shoulders and Uprezzing Armors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


i would love this addition very much.

There are currently plenty of armor skin looks extremely good on one shoulder and extremely bad on another shoulder. My personal favorite LEFT shoulder is Arah heavy male but i hated the RIGHT shoulder very much.

This suggestion does provide so much more mix and match option without too many new designs.