Mistlock Sanctuary is not convenient
That does sound like an annoying extra loading screen. It should be like WvW and the PvP lobby where you have an exit on the UI that sends you back to your map. If it had that I’d probably buy it as none of the others have this feature. It would be especially useful since they removed crafting from WvW..
ANet may give it to you.
I really like the Sanctuary but for the inconvenience of return, I could just map to a big city. For some silly reason I assumed, (yes, I did just that!) using the Pass again would take me back to my original location. Alas, no.
The devs are aware of the inconvenience and are currently working on improvements for the Mistlock Sanctuary. See the following thread on Reddit:
From the link above:
If you can work out (and are allowed) how to return people to where they started from that would help sell this to a wider audience too
I figured that one out, and it should ship with the next non-hotfix patch, along with any other fixes. Right now its implemented as a new option on the portal thingy in the middle.
If they actually make it so that you can return to exactly where you were before – like you can if you visit the Heart of the Mists, WvW or your guild hall, that would actually get me to buy one of these passes.
That’s the main thing that’s put me off getting them before.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Then they should propagate what ever “fix” the create to the other pass zones. I would love to “pop over” to the Royal Terrace and “pop back” to were I was playing.
RIP City of Heroes
They also said they were working on just such a thing^. =)
If they actually make it so that you can return to exactly where you were before – like you can if you visit the Heart of the Mists, WvW or your guild hall, that would actually get me to buy one of these passes.
That’s the main thing that’s put me off getting them before.
Me too, I’d get this one in a heartbeat if they do that.
The devs are aware of the inconvenience and are currently working on improvements for the Mistlock Sanctuary. See the following thread on Reddit:
That is really good news! Being able to exit Mistlock Sanctuary and return back to where you came from would be excellent. Hoping that comes to fruition very soon!
If you join a fractal party on LFG, you can’t join them in the fractal from this fractal themed map. You have to port to Lion’s Arch and then join the fractal. Using the fractal gate puts you in your own different instance.
First off let me just say Mistlock Sanctuary looks amazing, graphics, features, and extra stuff make it the best home away from universe.
The problem is when you are done there that it becomes the most inconvenient place to be. Due to the fact this map is not on the main world you can only leave from the teleporter in the center or through another menu(guild, pvp, etc.)
This makes this map very unfriendly to use. For instance, if I want something from my bank, I can go to my guild hall and get it there and teleport right back to where I was. With this I have to teleport to the sanctuary, get the item, teleport to a city, teleport to the map I was in, and walk back.
Please, let us teleport back to where we where when using the pass while inside the sanctuary, either that or put the sanctuary on the main map so we can use way points.
Not to mention the loading screen times
What I really hope they let us do is port from the Mistlock Sanctuary to any part of Tyria.
(edited by TheToxicFox.8710)
I hope they give a solution for this… I just wanna port to wherever part of Tyria I want with no extra loading screens.
When I bought it I thought it would be like a normal map and not and “instance”, so I didn’t know about this problem until I got it.
Some ppl suggested to add an “exit” button but that wouldn’t solve the problem, we would still have the annoying extra loading screens.
Pleaseee I would like to be able to see the map I don’t want 10 mins of loading screens just to go to one point!!