Mixing Runes
I did this with my engi specifically for a boon duration flamethrower build. It’s a beautiful combo of DPS and support and it’s tanky as hell. It’s a bit experimental and there are no ascended armor or trinkets that I would need to improve the build, but I still enjoyed playing it.
I won’t be playing it all if they actually go ahead with this idea.
But you know? Play how you want to play!
“Soon” it will be, "Play what you want to play! (and it will be something else).
I really don’t like people dictating how I should play harder content in the game.
You can say they’re not REALLY telling us what we should or shouldn’t do, but when you go out of your way to make sure that what someone is doing in a tough dungeon becomes even harder to do, then that is trying to prevent them from doing that.
Everything Anet is doing in the new round of updates flies into the face of the idea that they want us to have more “build diversity”.
Depends – on one build, the character is typically in the mobs’ faces, and focused (though not exclusively) on conditions; so I choose to wear all 6 Rata Sum (for the poison field, which is a nice addition).
On my engineer, he’s wearing all 6 Rata Sum, but not on purpose – just ’cause I had them available.
On all builds until 80, I mix and match (now I just wear what drops) because the amount of time leveling is so short I wind up re-gearing pretty frequently… no sense falling in love with any particular rune until I settle on gear.
Everything Anet is doing in the new round of updates flies into the face of the idea that they want us to have more “build diversity”.
I though the same thing.
I think in the ferocity blog post they had said they wanted to INCREASE the build diversity and then they throw this rune thing in which specifically says they want to DECREASE diversity.
It’s like a bunch of different people are working towards different goals on the dev team and they don’t talk to each other. I don’t see the point in wanting people to use a whole set of the same runes. Isn’t it cool to see the different ways people mix and match runes?
What this game needs in regard of improving the Rune/Sigil System is the implementation of Ascended Runes/Sigils with the difference, that Ascended Runes/Sigils (and later perhaps also legendary ones) would be ACCOUNTBOUND and PERMANENT together with the feature to swap out the effects on the fly outside of battles.
Thats what GW2 needs to reduce the grind for Runes/Sigils in the endgame and to make build diversity more comfortable.
Means, while for example a Superior Sigil of Fire would be characterbound, once you find, craft or get rewarded with an Ascended Sigil of Fire, the player would be able to use that Sigil Effect as often as you want, because the Ascended Sigil of Fire would work like anpermanent account unlock, that would allow the player anytiem when outside of a battle to give any weapon that you use that Sigil Effect from a Dropdown List with a slider.
Legendary Runes/Sigils would be the the same, but just the visual effects would look more awesome as usual
I hope very much ,that we will see somethign liek this gettign added to the game, once anet finally brings Jewelry/Cooking to 500 with Jewelry getting recipes to upgrade all kinds of accessoires into Ascended Upgrades.
That way would receive Jewelry more importancy and make it a better Craftign Job, that could become then also really profitable, together with adding finalyl more options to get ascended accessoires, other then through Fractals/Laurels only or rarely throgh WvW Rank Chests
In regard of the topic directly… I don’t mix Runes purposely.. I also just use only, what i get mostly, due to Runes/Sigils being so hard/cost intensively to get in GW2, compared to GW1.
Accountbound permanent unlockable Runes/Sigils as ascended/legendary versions would be imo the perfect solution to make GW2 that way more convenient.
ALso Anet wants us to make us more use of sets, then I also think it should be easier to aquare Rune Sets, than just to get the Runes just once in regard of Crafting.
Means, craftign a complete Rune Set should be easier, than to craft a certain Rune like only 3 times or so, so that you can mix it with an other Rune with 3 Parts for example.
but this could be done only with new Crafting Recipes for complete Rune Sets of 6 Runes, that if you directly craft 6 Runes of the same time, that the crafting of them would be then easier, than to craft 6x the same Rune once and making Runes, which were crafted as “Set-Runes” unsellable in the TP, while Runes, which were crafted simply once would be sellable in the TP
I think this way would be Anet able to promote more players to use complete Rune Sets over Mixing Runes together, when gettign a complete Set would be easier/cheaper, than Mixing single Runes together.
I think the main reason for this train of thought is that people had to mix and match different rune sets if they wanted max boon duration. Under the new system, they are probably going to give us a specific set or sets that focus around maximizing boon duration, yet still give us that nifty 6-rune bonus that we get for using 6 of the same rune. I think they want there to be a specific set of runes for each type of playstyle/build, so that it’s more straightforward to gear up your character.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Its a nice thought, but as I said before on a previous post:
What bugs me most is that they can’t just be honest about the reasons for these changes. I think we were all doing just fine before they decided to make this change.
I think its kinda funny that Anet has came out and said they want us to use a full set of the same type of rune. I mean if they made it to where we had to have 6 for the full effect why didn’t they think at some point we would mix and match to get the bonuses we wanted just like we do with armor to get the look we want.
As for why this was such a huge deal to them I will never know. Unless someone there took it as a personal slight that we were not playing the game the way they intended it to be played. If they wanted us to only go one way with it, they should have only allowed us to only slot runes on the chest piece and had that one rune encompass the same power as the six together and be done with it.
I personally liked the idea of mix and matching runes. I felt that it allowed for a more deserve play style. That and given that some rune sets were next to useless to start with….
On the bright side this might cause them to re-think some of those runes no one would touch with a ten foot pole
It’s because runes are very difficult to get and expensive as hell.
You must be playing with people who are super poor or don’t want to pay a 10 gold for them 25% move speed runes.