Mobile Mystic Forge

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blek Lynx.8695

Blek Lynx.8695

Greetings to all who read my ad. I must thank the developers for the fact that they have introduced a function to disassemble things in the inventory. This made it possible to save time very much. But you could not have done the same for a mystic forge it would also have allowed you to save a lot of time for players.

Thank you for attention!


Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Well there’s this in the trading post, Mystic Forge Conduit, which puts a mystic forge in your inventory. I have one in an account wide slot. There’s also single use ones, currently at about 31 silver per use.

Edit: or do you mean, make multiple mystic forging possible? Yah. They could really add that as a QoL feature.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


But it does already exist in the game:

Well there’s this in the trading post, Mystic Forge Conduit


Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blek Lynx.8695

Blek Lynx.8695

No, you certainly did not understand what was being said. But I’m not surprised.
  Especially for you, I bought the identical to my mystical fountain that you showed me to prove to you that they are no different. But it’s not that. If you read carefully above what is going on, you will understand what I want to ask.
If you right-click on the set, you will see a field with a proposal to disassemble things of a rarity at once, so why not do almost the same function so that you could right click on the mobile mystic forge and throw all the things of one rarity at once In it. If they do. Then we no longer have to click for days on 4 cells in the mystical forge.
And why? In the trade post there are two identical mobile mystical smithies (of course, one of them does not have account bound and it can be sold at any time. But you could introduce this function into a mysticl forge which is more expensive and make it account bound).


Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Just rarity? It might be more desirable to have more options, such as Weapon type or Armor class. I know I wouldn’t want to throw my Medium Armor in with my Heavy or Light.

Good luck.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blek Lynx.8695

Blek Lynx.8695

I agree with your opinion.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No, you certainly did not understand what was being said. But I’m not surprised.

Then instead of getting defensive and insulting the people trying to help, next time word your question in a way that people understand what you are asking. When the first 2 people anserwing your thread both missunderstand the question, it very likely is due to bad wording and not 1 person missunderstanding.

Your original post leaves it quite unclear what exactly you are asking for.

You are talking about being able to disassemble items in your inventory which can lead people to believe that you want a similar function for the mystic forge (which is available via the mobile mystic nodes and conduits). You are in no way talking about the multi salvage function available. No where in your original post did you specifically ask for an option to multi use the mystic forge hence the very obvious confusion.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blek Lynx.8695

Blek Lynx.8695

Sorry, that translator. I don’t live in EU and I don’t speak English.
But I have to write on it, while we are silent the game will not progress.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blek Lynx.8695

Blek Lynx.8695

Shorter. I want the right mouse button to pop up a window with a suggestion.
  Combine, transform, mix (as you wish)
And all would combine at once instead of a thousand clicks.
I do not know how to bring this to you.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


No, you certainly did not understand what was being said. But I’m not surprised.

I’m not surprised as well. You certainly didn’t explain well what you had in mind.

I think, that we have to distinguish two situations here. One is forging using a certain recipe that uses stacked mats. Each forget uses up some of the mats, but the stacks remain. Another is forging using non-stackable items (like the gloves you show in your first picture).

First should definitely be repeatable until your mats run out (and should be able to use mats from bank as well – perhaps even via selectable recipe, crafting station style). Second is a much more tricky problem. You’d need a ton of selectable filters to make it really useful (like filtering by general gear type, weight category/weapon type, level range). It may be a bit too difficult to implement.
Though at least they should remove the final forge result accept button. It doesn’t really serve any function besides slowing you down.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sephas.8793


Though at least they should remove the final forge result accept button. It doesn’t really serve any function besides slowing you down.

This is why you just press F again. Once you press “Forge”, press F again and it brings the window back up. The accept dialog is gone, and you can double click on your next four items. This is a nice little time saver when you have a ton of stuff to forge.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psientist.6437


The thread title is very confusing since your topic had nothing to do with MF mobility. Perhaps change it to ‘Mystic Forging in bulk’?

No, you certainly did not understand what was being said. But I’m not surprised.

I’m not surprised as well. You certainly didn’t explain well what you had in mind.

I think, that we have to distinguish two situations here. One is forging using a certain recipe that uses stacked mats. Each forget uses up some of the mats, but the stacks remain. Another is forging using non-stackable items (like the gloves you show in your first picture).

First should definitely be repeatable until your mats run out (and should be able to use mats from bank as well – perhaps even via selectable recipe, crafting station style). Second is a much more tricky problem. You’d need a ton of selectable filters to make it really useful (like filtering by general gear type, weight category/weapon type, level range). It may be a bit too difficult to implement.
Though at least they should remove the final forge result accept button. It doesn’t really serve any function besides slowing you down.

Both could be handled the same way perhaps. Once all the items are loaded into the MF dialog box, the MF could calculate how many times the conversion could be completed based on what is in the player’s inventory and ask how many times the player wants to repeat the same combination. This method would not be as thorough, but it would handle the situations where using the MF is most tedious, like converting karma gear into salvageable gear and upgrading stacks of sigils and runes. It would be so convenient it would likely impact the TP.

“No! You can’t eat the ones that talk!
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human

(edited by Psientist.6437)

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That would be only a partial solution, as it would affect only the cases when the items are identical. That would be nothing more than duct-taping the system, and that’s something that generally should be avoided (as it leaves the mess that makes potential further changes much harder to implement, as well as making the whole much more prone to bug in some way)

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


Sorry, that translator. I don’t live in EU and I don’t speak English.
But I have to write on it, while we are silent the game will not progress.

Translators are not the best, even for short sentences. I have a Sylvari elementalist I accidentally named ‘small metal disk’ by separately double-checking the Finnish translations of her first and last names.

Mobile Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psientist.6437


That would be only a partial solution, as it would affect only the cases when the items are identical. That would be nothing more than duct-taping the system, and that’s something that generally should be avoided (as it leaves the mess that makes potential further changes much harder to implement, as well as making the whole much more prone to bug in some way)

I think the exact opposite is true and a complex and thorough filter would be an example of over-engineering. There really isn’t a problem to duct tape over. We are just talking about increasing MF productivity. The cases where items are identical represent the overwhelming bulk of tedious MF clicking and is where the greatest gain in productivity could be had. The code for the change I (actually both of us) offered would be very simple and much less prone to bugs than a complex and thorough filter. A simple duplicate recipe calculator would be less likely to create bugs with future recipes and would not require any updates to the dialog box. A complex and thorough filter would require updates to its dialog box/window. As well, at a certain point in a filter’s complexity, the filter will require more clicking and attention than what we have now. That could be limited by allowing players to save their filter, but that is an increase in complexity. A complex and thorough filter would also be more prone to user error and allow players to blame their user error on the complexity of the filter. A simple duplicate recipe check would be so much easier to use.

“No! You can’t eat the ones that talk!
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human