Molten Jetpack!!!!!!!!
“why” ? Partly because people who bought it for thousands of gold would be very unhappy.
Guild Emblem Editor:
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
Genuinely curious. Why is that not nice? It certainly doesn’t seem rude to me to have something temporarily available.
Every LS item at the laurel merchant was obtained by either finishing the whole meta achievement for a particular LS event, finishing a specific achievement for a LS event, or by gathering currency/materials (fortune scraps and watchwork shoulder scraps). Every item on there was easily obtainable. The jetpack is a different type of item. It was a pretty rare drop from the Molten Facility when it came out. It was a fairly rare drop when it was around during the attack on Lion’s Arch. So, I wouldn’t bet on it ever being a laurel merchant item.
It sucks that you weren’t around to have a chance at getting one, but plenty of people who DID play when it dropped didn’t get one, either. Not everyone has to have every item in the game; it’s nice to have the super rare items in the game sometimes. You’re welcome to save up the gold and buy the one left on the TP if you really want one this badly.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
The jetpack is on the trading post. Just buy it. You’re not “walled off” from anything.
It was a pretty rare drop from the Molten Facility when it came out.
In that case, how about we make it a pretty rare drop in the Molten Fractals? That way they’ll still be very rare and expensive items, but they won’t become unobtainable. (yeah, there’s some in the TP, but they’re currently finite, it’d be nice to have a permanent source for new ones)
Even if it was completely walled off, it’s not unfair, it’s a rare item , everyone isn’t meant to be able to get it.
It was a pretty rare drop from the Molten Facility when it came out.
In that case, how about we make it a pretty rare drop in the Molten Fractals? That way they’ll still be very rare and expensive items, but they won’t become unobtainable. (yeah, there’s some in the TP, but they’re currently finite, it’d be nice to have a permanent source for new ones)
Finite number items are a type of rare item too doing that no matter the drop rate devalues the item more because where there used to be 1000 only now there is 1001
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
I sold mine for around 90 gold back then. To this day, it remains the single most valuable drop I’ve ever got. Second most valuable: a second celestial dye. Who says GW2 loot sucks?
I sold mine for around 90 gold back then. To this day, it remains the single most valuable drop I’ve ever got. Second most valuable: a second celestial dye. Who says GW2 loot sucks?
Anyone who hasn’t received a Molten Jetpack as a drop.
PLEAAAAAAAASE make the back items from season 1 as lauriel + gold purchases from lauriel vendor
Other skins are there, but not Molten Jetpack……..why……..make it account bound so it couldn’t be sold on TP…………………pretty please…………….
Exclusive items are exclusive for a reason. How is anyone suppose to feel good about having something / buying a rare item / getting a rare drop when they just re release it again?
Not everyone is meant to have every item in the game. If you want it that bad, grind the gold and buy it. Trading post is there for a reason.
By that logic, Scarletts Kiss/ Rainbow should be laurel available too. Bad idea.
Well they added the spinal blades backpieces that are similar than it, unless you missed those too. :o
I just looked at the TP and it would cost 8543 gold just to buy my back skin, mini and GS skin again, but that’s why they don’t re-release these items at super cheap prices. There are people paying 3,333 g for the molten jetpack and people would rage if they started a policy of arbitrarily tanking the market value of timed, limited drop items.
The best you can hope for is something like the Halloween re-release where there was a lottery with a small pool of the rare skins put out a second time. There were enough to put more on the market without totally killing the price and we probably wouldn’t have any greatsaws currently on the TP if it weren’t for that event.
Wow~ I’ll always regret not buying it for 100g when I had the chance. Coulda resold it and had unlimited dosh.
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
I did know that the game existed back then, and I excessively played it. I just did not get blessed by the RNG gods.
So all the “the jetpack is only for players who played back then” argumentation is nullified, given that people who played back then didn’t got it, even if they played the content.
I think it should be a rare drop from the molten facility boss fractal
One of the reasons that some people like this Jetpack is that it sets them apart from the rest of us with our black wings or ancestral outfits. Making it available to everyone via Laurels (even lots and lots of laurels) diminishes that ‘feature’. I wish the game had more skins that were truly rare like this.
At the same time, there’s also something counter intuitive to ANet’s other design philosophies: why remove the ability to resupply the market entirely? And it turns out, in other cases, ANet has briefly offered older skins from new sources. In fact, I’m expecting that this will happen with Jetpacks, monocles, and the like.
One of the reasons that some people like this Jetpack is that it sets them apart from the rest of us with our black wings or ancestral outfits. Making it available to everyone via Laurels (even lots and lots of laurels) diminishes that ‘feature’. I wish the game had more skins that were truly rare like this.
At the same time, there’s also something counter intuitive to ANet’s other design philosophies: why remove the ability to resupply the market entirely? And it turns out, in other cases, ANet has briefly offered older skins from new sources. In fact, I’m expecting that this will happen with Jetpacks, monocles, and the like.
Except it isn’t counter intuitive to any of the Arena net’s philosophies. Their design philosophies only deal with mechanics that gives a player significant advantages over other players. The Molten Jetpack is just a fancy skin, that is hard to get. It represents nothing more than that.
PLEAAAAAAAASE make the back items from season 1 as lauriel + gold purchases from lauriel vendor
Other skins are there, but not Molten Jetpack……..why……..
Those season 1 rewards that got added to the laurel vendor are all account bound and were all initially obtained by achievements, not random loot drops like the molten jetpack or the cooking recipes.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I sold mine for around 90 gold back then. To this day, it remains the single most valuable drop I’ve ever got. Second most valuable: a second celestial dye. Who says GW2 loot sucks?
Anyone who hasn’t received a Molten Jetpack as a drop.
I can confirm that. I spent the entire weekend that time farming the Molten Facility just hoping I could get a jetpack. Sadly, I never got one, and to make things worse, I was incredibly irritated and cranky during the entire weekend—to the point where I put off my guild. Long story short, RNGesus was unkind to me back then and the loot system still sucks now as it did then.
The Molten fractal should have a chance to drop this item. Not a good chance, mind you, but a chance.
Items that cannot be created in game are design flaws.
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
I did know that the game existed back then, and I excessively played it. I just did not get blessed by the RNG gods.
So all the “the jetpack is only for players who played back then” argumentation is nullified, given that people who played back then didn’t got it, even if they played the content.
One general bit of advice i always try to follow: if there is a rare, limited-time item drop that i really want, i buy it on the TP while it’s cheap. I’ve never ever gotten a rare BLC skin or limited-time drop that i wanted from an event but i have a bunch of the skins on my account because i bought them when they first came out. I got the molten backpack when it was still like 30g on the TP, for example.
Yeah, it sucks if you want it down the road and it’s 3,333+ gold but i don’t see Anet changing their policies and that’s why i personally try to jump on things while the price is low.
I’m still waiting for holographic shattered dragon wings >.>
I bought the jetpack back in the day for 400g Solid, they all laughed at me, But look at me now!
As one of the stalwart souls who braved the Molten Facility over, and over, and over, and OVER again until I got that drop, I would be super sad if it became available for a bag of gold and a couple of laurels. It’s unfortunate that some people weren’t playing during that time. It’s a very sentimental in game item for me, when I think of the hours upon hours of running the same dungeon until I got it.
As one of the stalwart souls who braved the Molten Facility over, and over, and over, and OVER again until I got that drop, I would be super sad if it became available for a bag of gold and a couple of laurels. It’s unfortunate that some people weren’t playing during that time. It’s a very sentimental in game item for me, when I think of the hours upon hours of running the same dungeon until I got it.
Would you be disappointed if it made a return ( or a recolor/very similar skin) as a rare drop from a hypothetical remake of LS S1?
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
The jetpack is on the trading post. Just buy it. You’re not “walled off” from anything.
it is not
0 supply
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
I would really like to get all legendary wepons for 25 laurels also they are 2 hard to get…
no but seriously I have molten backpack and if it ever went to laurel shop I would riot and demand 2000 gold…
Content being walled off because a person wasn’t playing or didn’t even know the game existed at the time these items were available isn’t all that nice either.
The jetpack is on the trading post. Just buy it. You’re not “walled off” from anything.
it is not
0 supply
Fairly certain there is 1 only for 3.3k
I wish the laurel vendor included the wings from “Boss Week” too. That was a meta reward during S1 that has never made a return.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I dont want the tradeable exclusives to come back as vendor freebies, but they need to revise the list of untradeable stuff available at the vendor.
Atleast they should bring back Molten Jetpack and other items from LS1 with the introduction of LS1. Or give it as rare drop from molten fractals.
What we really need, is another tech savy organisation (of evil!) to reinvent the jetpack, resulting in another chance to attain a different variation of the same thing.
What we really need, is another tech savy organisation (of evil!) to reinvent the jetpack, resulting in another chance to attain a different variation of the same thing.
We could have charr and norn band together to create a kegpack that uses ale as propulsion :S
I don’t think that the Molten Jetpack should be added back in the sense that the OP stated, Inclusive and Exclusive are 2 different things….but I would like the opportunity to earn this back skin the same way that I tried when the content was live(and I spent a lot of time trying, there should be a Achievement based on my attempts…like " Vech cant fly with pressurized fuel through a turbine futility hero" award.or VCFWPFTATFH (lol)…really ) So please re-release this dungeon and let me run it from dusk to dawn again til I get this….please