Monthly Achievements reset?

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


I was going to have it easy this month, when the 1st of September rolled around, I was like "Oh yeah! The monthly reset " It was easy.. champions, group events ( i think that was one of them), 100 events, craft 60 green items. Basically, farm Queensdale and go craft for your monthly and you’re done :P

Now it got changed after a few days in. So what if some people finished their monthly before the switch? Do they get 20 laurels this month?

EDIT: The monthly is still easy like always, I was just mostly curious about those that might have completed the monthly before the switch.

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571




Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexRob.5183


I completed mine, but can’t check right now. Interesting.

Tex Rob 80 War [RICH] GoM

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waldir.2571


The game records that you already got your laurels so it rewards you for everything else but no laurels. Kinda the way pve and PvP monthly work.

Monthly Achievements reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Now that I think about it, the monthly reset before patch time which probably had the regular rewards. Then after patch it switched again giving it the new materials. I wasn’t thinking until someone from guild mentioned it, then it made sense.