Monthly pvp laurels

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Just did it, didn’t get anything, they fixed it. It’s like they don’t even test their patches, they just bring them and hope for the best and put some quick hotfixes after, like this.

I had the same experience. I finished my PvP monthly yesterday and did NOT get any extra laurels…I had already finished my PvE monthly prior.

edit: It would have been brilliant if this were all some ploy to get more ppl into spvp

Nah, they are actually making it a lot worse, now many noobs joined tournaments and had no idea where they are or what to do.

Without those “noobs” spvp would mostly be dead or dying. A fresh influx of players is critical to the health of spvp. What you want is cutting off your nose spite your face.

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marked One.3125

Marked One.3125

Looks like this got patched, I finished monthly pve this morning and got 10 laurels, and I just now finished the spvp monthly and received no laurels.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


I got around 120 laurels now, saving up for ascended armor

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Looks like this got patched, I finished monthly pve this morning and got 10 laurels, and I just now finished the spvp monthly and received no laurels.

It would only work if you completed the PvE monthly before the Mar 26th patch and the PvP monthly after it.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marked One.3125

Marked One.3125

Looks like this got patched, I finished monthly pve this morning and got 10 laurels, and I just now finished the spvp monthly and received no laurels.

It would only work if you completed the PvE monthly before the Mar 26th patch and the PvP monthly after it.

Ah, that makes sense… Anet style~

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Looks like this got patched, I finished monthly pve this morning and got 10 laurels, and I just now finished the spvp monthly and received no laurels.

It would only work if you completed the PvE monthly before the Mar 26th patch and the PvP monthly after it.

Like I noted earlier in this and the other thread…That is exactly what I did, yet I did NOT get any extra laurels. So at the very least this does not work for everyone.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chaos.7231


I got around 120 laurels now, saving up for ascended armor

Not possible; maximum amount at the time of this post is 94.

Good effort though.

Hardcore Casual [8 Level 80s – No Legendary]
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Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Globo.7351


Ok, this THE ONLY SOLUTION i can accept at this point…i PRETEND “my” extra 10 spvp laurels. I made my spvp monthly quest during the first days of March and now, i have to see people who never play spvp gaining extra laurels just because of this? Anet, be serious pls and do the right thing!

Gandara – Chaos Angels [CA]
Main: Glo Bow – Human Ranger lvl 80

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhion.4653


The funniest thing is that we still do not have any comments on this issue by Anet. I finished my monthly sPvP in the beginning of March (like any other regular pvp player, got no laurels of course) and today I helped some guildmates to do the same, only for those 16 achievement points. And guess what…they all got their 10 sPvP laurels (on top of their 10 from monthly PvE), as a bonus reward for being non active pvp players. On the other hand, if you are proactive, you get nothing. Anet, this is so lame and unfair. Fix it, asap.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geikamir.6329


The funniest thing is that we still do not have any comments on this issue by Anet. I finished my monthly sPvP in the beginning of March (like any other regular pvp player, got no laurels of course) and today I helped some guildmates to do the same, only for those 16 achievement points. And guess what…they all got their 10 sPvP laurels (on top of their 10 from monthly PvE), as a bonus reward for being non active pvp players. On the other hand, if you are proactive, you get nothing. Anet, this is so lame and unfair. Fix it, asap.

They usually don’t respond to situations like this for a while, if at all. They try and wait until people have forgot about it and calmed down then say something like “Nothing we can do about. Enjoy your free stuff, lucky ones.”

Toons: Foreseer, Geikamir, Rapscallion, Specimen, Scythian, Zeau, Ärtifact, and Replica.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zil.3071


yea hellllllooooO??!!? what bout ppl who did it before the patch, we are kitten of out 10 laurels. can we get it already too. any response??

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


I just read the thread – there are a lot of people trolling and derailing the subject. As always.

The player next to me got 10 laurels more for doing the same thing I did. Anet please fix this.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sazgo.9842


Guessing by the lack of dev response there wont be any fix to this. 10 laurels is a big deal, especially to those who play alot and have multiple characters – which are generally the people who did the 2 monthlys before the patch.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agrippa Oculus.3726

Agrippa Oculus.3726

Has Anet at least acknowledged this already?

Anyway, it seems to be not fixed until the end! A friend of mine just got the 10 extra laurels an hour ago! (last day of the month).

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murth.5637


Either the after-patch people need to have their 10 laurels removed, or everyone that did the pvp monthly before-patch needs to be rewarded those 10. Quite simple.
ANET says something !

This basicly. But knowing Anet they won’t respond and wait till we forgot about this.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Globo.7351


Still waiting for an answer…i want my extra 10 laurels!

Gandara – Chaos Angels [CA]
Main: Glo Bow – Human Ranger lvl 80

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


You’re never getting the extra 10 laurels.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


I don’t think it’s fair to take away the 10 laurels from certain players or to reward players with 10 laurels to balance it out. The players who got the extra 10 laurels did it legitimately.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Codo.2860


Everyone got the 10 laurels that he deserved.
I don’t see why complaining just because someone was lucky and got more than that…

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


Because some people did it having heard of the patch flaw, basically exploiting the issue.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


It’s simple, from now on do one of the monthlies before the patch and the other after, problems solved everyone will get 20 monthly laurels!

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hanzlo.3148


Either the after-patch people need to have their 10 laurels removed, or everyone that did the pvp monthly before-patch needs to be rewarded those 10. Quite simple.
ANET says something !

I agree with this, every time there is a bug , glitch or an exploit players are getting advantage of it, doing that should not in any case and by any means be rewarding or satisfying . If you are not going to balance the error by giving us the same stuff they got then take it away from them, don’t let them cheat the system.

We “The People” demand justice!

Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day.Live and die on this day.
Gunnar’s Hold – [ACID]

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agrippa Oculus.3726

Agrippa Oculus.3726

Is there another topic like this or something? Cause it looks like Anet has still not reacted to this, at all!!! Give us at least an explanation, or some kinda acknowledgement, or just say you’re working on a solution of some kind. But completely ignoring us is imo the worst!

edited: cause there was a kitten between the words ‘of’ and ‘acknowledgement’!

(edited by Agrippa Oculus.3726)

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murth.5637


They’ve done this before, they won’t respond.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ritt.3069


Exactly. People shouldn’t have got a week and a half worth of “ascended progress” just because they were too lazy to do their monthly before patch, but all hurried to do it as soon as this bug, exploit or whatever it is, got known. It’s really lame and imo they should either remove the laurels from those who got them without deserving them, or give everyone else a chance to get them too.

A lot of the people who got the extra 10 laurels don’t pvp. So they were not likely to have completed it this month.

And this is actually what troubles me the most. A lot of people who got the 10 extra laurels last month were nothing but opportunists, who could care no less for the s/tPvP as a gametype. I don’t even want to recount how many people in my guild only did the PvP Monthly to get their laurels, and then leave the gametype , never to return. Meanwhile people actually supporting the gametype, me included, were likely to have completed their Monthly earlier in March.

And while getting a lead in the chase for Ascended trinkets does not instantly win you battles, 10 laurels equals 10 days of gaming. What did I, and a lot of my mates, get from the PvP Monthly? 5 Freaking boosters and salvage kits. Yea, they’re cool.


William Van Dine/Aria Entreri/Weaver of the Dream
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MuffinPieFace.9513


I hate to comment on this because it’s just going to bump it, but honestly it was a bug.. a MISTAKE. They fixed it and now everyone is still complaining.

What if a vendor was giving away free items instead of making people pay for them. In a day a bunch of people got some free stuff and then Anet decided to fix this. Now everyone is crying because they didn’t get to exploit the game while the the bug was around.

Okay, so your 10 days behind everyone – shocking news – the world isn’ t going to end, you WILL be okay =)

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agrippa Oculus.3726

Agrippa Oculus.3726

What if a vendor was giving away free items instead of making people pay for them. In a day a bunch of people got some free stuff and then Anet decided to fix this. Now everyone is crying because they didn’t get to exploit the game while the the bug was around.

It’s funny that you give that example, because that actually did happen. Just after the game launch there was some certain karma item which was almost given out for ‘free’ (I can’t remember the exact details, cause I’m generally not that interested in the how-to’s around an exploit). People exploited the bug: mistake, Anet fixed it and banned the exploiters ….. BANNED them!
In this case banning the abusers/exploiters/misusers/lucky ppl/however you want to call them, is by far too much of an action! But completely ignoring the other half (the ones being significantly (11 laurels is imo significantly) unlucky here, the ones NOT exploiting the system/a bug), is the other outer end!!!

Please give us a shout Anet, we still believe in you!

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KINGRPG.3492


I am sure you will not get the 10 Laurels of the last month, because it is a hardcore game where you have to depend on luck rather than your ability.

Just Anet marketing….

Sorry for my beginner English / My Blog

(edited by KINGRPG.3492)

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Huh, imagine that. Still not enough to get me into PvP. Still trying to get back enough care to dive back into WvW, still haven’t experienced the end of culling or any of the changes. From how we nosedived, I imaging we lost ppl to the free medium transfer from GoM again, not gained.

Monthly pvp laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agrippa Oculus.3726

Agrippa Oculus.3726

Ok, since we’re still getting ignored here, Arenanet, can you at least tell me this:

Has this issue been fixed already???

I’d really like to know, cause if we’re getting a major update at the end of the month it might be worth holding off on PvP wins until that update, so you can get the 10 extra laurels!

I also ask this, because pretty much at the very last hour of March it still was confirmed to be not fixed!!!

Also a reminder: can someone please let me know if Anet has already answered the questions from this topic in some other thread? (I have searched, but I couldnt find anything (yet)). In that case, sorry for these posts!