"Mordrem Guard" news post, no spoiler tag?

"Mordrem Guard" news post, no spoiler tag?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifers Heaven.2167

Lucifers Heaven.2167

Literally the first sentence of the news post is the major reveal from the end of Living World Season 2.
I really feel like this was a simple and quite stupid oversight. Especially given the number of new players you have (plus veterans coming back because of HoT). Players who will be working through their personal story and who, you would think, they’d want to encourage to purchase the LWS2 story steps. I even have some friends who got the story steps, but have been going through them recently because they know that they lead up to the expansion (they didn’t join in on the beta weekends so as to avoid spoilers).

Is there a fairly high chance people will get the spoiler from other players? Yes, but that’s still a long way from certain. This will spoil it for a massive amount more people.

Please say it’s a spoiler in the title (and, as should always be specified with a spoiler tag, what it’s a spoiler for). And maybe add a bit of extra space so that the spoiler is not immediately visible upon page load.

It’s probably too late for quite a lot of people, but this is a very easy change to make and as someone who enjoys story I’d really appreciate knowing it’ll be done properly in future.

"Mordrem Guard" news post, no spoiler tag?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starfall.6813


Honestly, that particular spoiler—pretty much all of the end of Season 2—has been discussed all throughout the marketing for HoT. I doubt there are any spoilers left to be had at this point. I was taking a break from the game during Season 2, came back after the HoT announcement, am still trying to finish the last couple chapters—and I already know pretty much everything that happens. And I normally hate spoilers. It’s pretty much unavoidable at this point. Season 2 ended 9 months ago. It’s hard to complain about spoilers after that long.

"Mordrem Guard" news post, no spoiler tag?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


It’s been long enough. This isn’t really a spoiler anymore except to new players joining right now (and some of them might know already).