Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xPoiiSon.5163


As very much people are leeching during the vinewrath event to get theit loot by hitting one mob and waiting for the event to finish (mostly at the bottom lane), there should be an upgrade added which forces people to be active during the whole event. An idea would be, that the carrier is not allowed to die and that people have to defend it at any point all the time. If this is a bit too hard, here’s my idea:

All three lanes have the same bosses.
All three lanes need the same amount of people, not 30 at bot and 10 at top.
The bosses have higher HP, and a longer time available to kill them.

Once a lane enters the boss area, the other two lanes which would have to keep killing mobs should get something to do. I would think about a way to keep the boss for the other lane vulnerable, like in Dragon’s Stand towers with the pods. The lanes have to fullfill a target to weaknesses the boss. A great example for that might be something like defending a charging battery, which will shoot and harm the boss very painfully and gives him a buff for a few seconds (like underground facility fractal, end boss) so the lane zerg can attack it properly. This needs to be repeated two or three times on both other lanes so the boss can get killed.

Event rules:
- The boss can be attacked permanently, but only with the charged batteries there is a way to get it damaged enough so the zerg is able to kill it, otherwise the boss will fail and three carries will get destroyed.
- The boss has a timer of seven minutes, while a battery will spawn every three minutes on both lanes.
- One person of the lane which is attacking the boss should be able to get ported fast enough to one of those batteries once they are full (may requires a map terrain change or a way that people are able to leave the boss area again) and has to bring the battery to the attacked boss to let it explode.
- The batteries can only be charged by Mordrem essences or something like that, which are earned by killing a Veteran, Elite or Champion Mordrem on the own lane. These essences will get brought to the battery and fills the meter a bit. Once is full, the random person of the other lane is able to grab that battery and brings it to the boss.
- If a boss fails, the lane which has failed the boss will get an obstacle, such as another vine wall or less HP on their carrier, what forces everyone to help killing the boss.
- If the whole event fails, it will be harder for the next claiming and defending forts event to reclaim the forts, as there are Mordrem everywhere.
- If the event succeeds, the rewards are a bit better and there is a chance for a guild hall decoration (like Vinewrath’s leaf) and items for each boss (queen bee for Troll at bot, other items for the other two bosses).

This is my person opinion to increase the difficulty of the event properly, and it may be different to yours. I’d ask you to leave a reply if you would agree with a silverwastes or vinewrath upgrade, making it harder to finish and getting better farm loot, and what you think about my tactic.

(edited by xPoiiSon.5163)

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So, because the interest in the event is not very good these days, you want to make it more demanding and thus lower participation even more?
Great idea [/sarcasm]

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Naw, Silverwastes is fine as is. I don’t mind helping some burnt-out farmers to earn their loot, because when it’s my turn I’ll hope the others carry me for a bit.

I’d actually like them to bring the HoT maps more in-line with the event system there (Players choose when the meta starts, minor boosts instead of participation %). It should be the model for all map-wide metas.

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The participation % track from the new maps is actually a good idea (timed metas, not so much).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doam.8305


Neat people trying to destroy the last safe haven of GW2 you all paid off by someone else?

Cause when I click LFG all I see in general are LFR and SW so are you all elitist raiders trying to nudge out the last bastion of the old game prior to HoT? That or you wish to spread the HoT to other parts of the game because you’d like less people than there already are in SW?

HoT should be in line with SW not the other way around and if you think that isn’t the case then your obviously out to ruin the last few bits of the game people enjoy for some strange and personal reason… unless your the grinch in disguise who just simply loves to destroy the joy of others it simply doesn’t add up at all….

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I have yet to see the Vinewrath fail. Did it the last two days without issue. Is it that you just don’t like that there are some leechers, or are you saying it’s causing you to fail? Because if you fail, that’s counterproductive to the leechers’ plans as well, so I can’t imagine they would let that happen.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


I really enjoy Silverwastes exactly as it is, both for the events and for general farming.

Leechers are not as big a problem as some would have you believe and, frankly, I just don’t care if a handful of folks are not pulling their weight. It just is not an issue to me.

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The OP’s claim is that people are leeching in droves and that this is unfair: the few are doing tons of work so that the many can reap rewards.

I haven’t seen evidence that tons of people are leeching at each event; the most I’ve seen is “a few”. Of course, there are leechers — if it’s possible to leech, some are going to do so.

Further, I don’t think ANet should spend resources fighting leeching unless or until it interferes with my ability to enjoy the content. Siverwastes has used the same mechanic for ages now and I have yet to deal with a Vinewrath (or Breech) event that failed because people were leeching.

Finally, if there really are that many people leeching and it starts to interfere with the success of the event, there are lots and lots of ways that ANet could handle it.

PS please, no more metas that only happen at scheduled times. I’d prefer to see less of them.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


So, because the interest in the event is not very good these days, you want to make it more demanding and thus lower participation even more?
Great idea [/sarcasm]

participation isnt low. its that people tag and then afk and dont actually help the ones doing the event.

i think its a simple solution that theyve already implimented in maguuma. if you dont remain in an event for X amount of time, you “time out” and dont get credit for that event at all. i see it during tarir and it seems to work.

Mordrem-Vinewrath should be upgraded.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The participation % track from the new maps is actually a good idea (timed metas, not so much).

I thought it was a good idea initially … until I realized it also encourages me to afk on the map until it is empty.