I’m pretty sure someone already made a topic like this one, but I’d love to see more emotes in the game. I realize this isn’t of the highest priority, but it really makes the game more fun and friendly.
I’d especially like to see emotes like: hug, roll(or rtd, as in roll the dice, or flip the coin), juggle, high five, shake hands, slap(that one would be really useful) and other ones like this one.
We already have synchro dancing, so hugging and other stuff like that shouldn’t be a problem, and it doesn’t seem too hard to add.
Please anet Q_Q it’s important okay?
More Emotes! D:
They could make a killing off of selling new emotes on the gem store.
Missed opportunity. =/
I would even buy an ‘emote pack’ w rl money if it wasn’t too expensive.
would need to be below 300 gems so that it’s still obtainable by ppl who can’t use rl money.
Naz ©
I would even buy an ‘emote pack’ w rl money if it wasn’t too expensive.
would need to be below 300 gems so that it’s still obtainable by ppl who can’t use rl money.
I know right? I can honestly say that if they added 20 new emotes and sold those for about 800 gems, I would buy that pack for sure. I love emotes and all stuff like that. (Of course it would be nice to get those for 400 and less)
They could even sell those seperate, like 50 gems for emote, everyone would be happy.
(edited by Yoroiookami.3485)
I would even buy an ‘emote pack’ w rl money if it wasn’t too expensive.
would need to be below 300 gems so that it’s still obtainable by ppl who can’t use rl money.
Me too, but only if it was account bound. Character-bound emote packs in the store would make my blood boil with fury and despair :p
But account bound, yeah that would be awesome, and while of course I’d love to get them for free, I’d also gladly pay money for them. Extra work of the designers / animators should be valued.
And while we’re at it, maybe let us sit in chairs … maybe … please?
I would even buy an ‘emote pack’ w rl money if it wasn’t too expensive.
would need to be below 300 gems so that it’s still obtainable by ppl who can’t use rl money.Me too, but only if it was account bound. Character-bound emote packs in the store would make my blood boil with fury and despair :p
But account bound, yeah that would be awesome, and while of course I’d love to get them for free, I’d also gladly pay money for them. Extra work of the designers / animators should be valued.
And while we’re at it, maybe let us sit in chairs … maybe … please?
Sitting in chairs is a pretty minor thing but HELL YES I would like that. I have a feeling though, that stuff like emotes and that won’t matter much :< anet seems to focus mostly on balancing.
/em plays a mean air guitar.
Blood & Merlot [Wine]
I would buy /show the finger
I really miss /rock, /paper, and /scissors from GW1.
And the instrument emotes.
It would be awesome if GW2 took a page from FFXIV ARR’s book and allowed some emotes to be combined, such as /sit and /wave.
I would pay for an emote pack in the gemstore, but only if it’s account bound.
Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors
~Sincerely, Scissors
I would pay for an emote pack in the gemstore, but only if it’s account bound.
Agreed, I don’t think anyone would buy it if it was soulbound. x3
if i look at the list and compare the emotes with gw2 i have to cry…
if i look at the list and compare the emotes with gw2 i have to cry…
Oh wow! I’d love to see at least some of those in GW2. I’m sure “/pout” would be adorable on female characters.
IDK guys, new emotes is just too awesome of an idea. idk if they can pull off something that epic. One thing that makes me jelly about ESO is it has literally 100+ emotes.
I really miss /flex. :P
| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.
if i look at the list and compare the emotes with gw2 i have to cry…
Yup. That’s what made videos like this possible.
I support this. -^_^ Lotro has spoiled me, and I spend an unhealthy amount of time role-playing with tonics and emotes in GW2. The more the better!
I’d totally buy it for 800 gems per character if it came with a /yournameisdumbpleasegodieinafire emote.
Seriously though, the game does need some more emotes. There’s a few that don’t come up with errors but also don’t do anything, so there’s something there waiting to be let loose.
Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
/me, what else would you need?
Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]
/me, what else would you need?
An actual animation? That would be nice. That’s the whole point of emotes. XD
Sometime inside personal story your skills change to Emotes on keys 1-6. Why not getting such a system inside final game ?? Really long waiting for this
if i look at the list and compare the emotes with gw2 i have to cry…
Oh wow! I’d love to see at least some of those in GW2. I’m sure “/pout” would be adorable on female characters.
I see potential for awesome taunts and interactions in WvW
~ Sylvari Ranger, [BGW] Jade Quarry ~
“I blame Kormir”
“I blame Kormir”
I support more emotes!
I think there should be enough different styles of the emotes as well that you can express your Personality (Dignified/Cute/Aggressive/Diplomatic Charm/Militant Civilized Aggression/Charming Scoundrel/Unstable) you supposed chose/earned.
Some I’d most be interested in (and I bought the Bouquet of Roses 1st Valentines just for some of the awesome kinda emote stuff) are, in rough order:
Sit in chairs! (and emote in them). Object interaction / context sensitive options emotes.
bearhug / hug / embrace / flirt / showygreeting (e.g. exaggerated dashingly elegant bow) / lounge
stop or halt (with noise enough that people actually will stop) / applaud / crossarms or and suspicious / curse (also lightheaded/sway when actually drunk and persists as walk)
digust / dismiss or shoo /dustoff / drink / toast / danglefeet (sitting where edge)
sigh / scout / peeraround (corner high) / peeraroundlow (corner low) / go (with noise enough people will go) / meditate.
That’s my thoughts.
+1 for OP Moar Emotes
i7 3770k oc 4.5 H100i(push/pull) 8gb Corsair Dominator Asus P877V-LK
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
I support the “more emotes” movement.
My favorite GW1 emote.
+1 topic
yes more useful/ romantic/ and funny emotes
/shoo, /goteam (I miss those)
and more dance
Indeed, yes. “Facepalm” emote is something I wish I had on many occasions :P
I absolutely support this. More emots please
+1 for more emotes.
it’s weird, tho, that this isnt in the gem store already. like anet doesnt want money…
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold
Gunnar’s Hold
This kind of fluff is always a good addition.
adds to list:
BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014
There should be a free emote for everyone that displays the words “buy gems from the gemstore to show your support!” above your head while you turn into a gem or something and shine brightly. Find a gold seller then just spam this in front of their face.
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?
Bump~! Think about quaggans! Quaggans love emotes!
Also judging by the rate at which they release “How to Dance” tomes, it’s either difficult to design additional moves, or they have other things to do. :< But still, I would love to have more emotes in the game.
i really would like to see more emotes.still remember the emote numbers of lotro
i’m a poor and lonesome ranger.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
20 level 80s and counting.
I support this without a second’s hesitation.
i don’t know what’s going on
One little thing though…. some kind of good system to filter it out of chat- minimize distance from emotes -before its activated in chat…. I see a nasty spammage of emotes in city/zerg area. with this…. trolling of commanders trying give chat commands… its already rather strange to experience a wvw enemy spamming your chat from a fair distance…
But besides that. kit-kat yes! more emotes.
The game has sadly been very low on players based fun videos – (I don’t count -“look at me on selected clips of ownz in pvp” interesting)
And I do believe a lot of the reason is low amont of emotes possible.
I’d pay for more animations, no doubt. That plane one is just great.
But I think the most important one is an AFK one, with the character sleeping afoot and drooling, or looking into the air with a blank and supid expresion, wich should activate automaticly if no input is received for more than 3 minutes.
“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
^nuff said?