More Friendly Group system!!!

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605



Before I start I like to let everyone know English is my second language,so I apologies for my bad grammar and spelling

I would like to start a topic on how to improve random group, to make them more friendly and less aggressive

Not sure how many ppl here truly pug dungeons or any other random group events but I my self spend 90% of the time pugging more then anything else so I experience a lot of different behavior from player , bad or good but it seems there are more bad behavior on players then good one

Now when I am talking about bad behavior not really talking about ppl saying or talking in a nasty behavior ( anet has that in control pretty good) but more on there action.

So here a list of the current game group issue and how to fix them.

(edited by Drakent.9605)

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


1) kicking ppl out of dungeon:

now you would think having the option to remove a person is a good a idea b/c it lets you remove ppl who aren’t playing properly with the party, but more then less ppl use the kick system for there own person pleasure and amusement.

A) Have seen player’s or been a victim of getting kick just b/c they don’t like the choice of weapon or skill . So even if the party is doing good and there no issue this player still decide to remove a player for something as simple as this.

b) Seen and been a victim of group kick just b/c we don’t agree. There actually player’s that will kick you as something as childish on a debated if class can do good damage or not .. for example I was remove from a group b/c a ranger join the group and the lead remove him by saying rangers suck and i responded no they don’t

As you can see not everyone use the kick system fairly and it give the game a bit of negative feeling when trying to pug.

2 ) Disbanding a group b/c is not going your way :
This another issue when running with pugs, is that when ever something is not going there way they disband from the group and sometimes the person is the one that started the dungeon and forces you start all over

(edited by Drakent.9605)

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


So here my idea how to fix this issue…

Personal Reputation :
This would be like a new point system that player receive for playing well with others and you could spend them on any vendor , for example vendor for any gear dungeon, karma vendor, skill points vendor etc , make it be worth it .

How do you collect this reputation pts?
Simple for every dungeon run you do with non guild members at the end of the run you get awarded pts , also reviving players , pretty much any unselfish behavior you can think off should reward the players with this pts

Losing pts for bad behavior !!
This is what going to help to change ppl ways of acting negative with each other , for any kind of negative behavior you lose pts.

here a few example…

A) kicking ppl from dungeon:
for every time a person request a kick he or she would have to use there reputation pts to make that request, forcing ppl to give them good reason to think about it before they remove them

B) Dungeon deserted:
For every time you disband a dungeon you lose reputation pts and also receive a debuff call Dungeon deserted that wont let you enter a dungeon for the next 15min

This are the best things I could think so far and it a pretty solid idea it will give the game a much friendly environment and bring more ppl together

(edited by Drakent.9605)

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You might get the same issues that come up with the Dishonored system, where people unwillingly get disconnected and must then pay the price.

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


You might get the same issues that come up with the Dishonored system, where people unwillingly get disconnected and must then pay the price.

when you get disconnected you aren’t remove from the group so it shouldn’t be a issue

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


darn I try to remove the question out the posting and it wont let me

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I was under the impression that if you were the Instance/Dungeon leader, and were disconnected, that the Instance/Dungeon would then be closed. Perhaps, I was mistaken.

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


I was under the impression that if you were the Instance/Dungeon leader, and were disconnected, that the Instance/Dungeon would then be closed. Perhaps, I was mistaken.

nope you can be the leader or none leader, when you get d/c you still in the party until some 1 kicks you out

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Ok, so how does leaving the Dungeon close it? Do Dungeons stay open even if everyone leaves? If the leader (Instance opener) leaves a Dungeon, everyone else stays there?

That’s cool. Though, I have seen threads commenting on how people have left a party once they closed the client, whether voluntarily or not. I guess that only happens to some people. Still, it would be unfortunate if you were one of them. I know I don’t stay in a party once I close the game.

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakent.9605


Ok, so how does leaving the Dungeon close it? Do Dungeons stay open even if everyone leaves? If the leader (Instance opener) leaves a Dungeon, everyone else stays there?

That’s cool. Though, I have seen threads commenting on how people have left a party once they closed the client, whether voluntarily or not. I guess that only happens to some people. Still, it would be unfortunate if you were one of them. I know I don’t stay in a party once I close the game.

when you get d/c off the game while on a party you will notice the person is still on the party but will show off line and it will stay there until you remove them

only way to be remove of a party is by being kick so even dcing will you keep on the game and I know this by experience b/c I make my own group and my cat remove my router power off and had me d/c , when I had come back to log in the game the group was waiting for me to comeback b/c if they kick me out they knew it would reset the dungeon

More Friendly Group system!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


I was under the impression that if you were the Instance/Dungeon leader, and were disconnected, that the Instance/Dungeon would then be closed. Perhaps, I was mistaken.

nope you can be the leader or none leader, when you get d/c you still in the party until some 1 kicks you out

If the leader stays offline for longer than 10-15 minutes, the instance breaks.