More Gearcheck?
There’s no way to really gearcheck, but there will probably be more Achievement Points checking and more class checking, i.e. no rangers/thieves allowed.
What’s a gear check supposed to be revealing: “Hey, are you wearing the most nerfed gear? Cause if you’re one of those people whose build is no worse off GTFO!”
There is comedy gold lurking beneath the entire concept .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Zerker gear being nerfed may mean that it will be more imperative that everyone is wearing zerk (and good builds) for pug speed runs. Battles will be going slower, so they will need to insure that everyone is killing at maximum efficiency. One non-dps could slow things down enough to make battles last too long.
Guess we’ll have to see how bad it gets nerfed.
As it stands right now, most parties that wanted to run zerkers trust the joining member that they indeed wearing zerk.
I’m afraid we’ll see a lot more of “pinging” after the nerf.
Oops, we made players too powerful with ascended gear!
Lets bring Ascended DPS gear back to Exotic levels!
Or… It could be that when you can no longer speed kill fast enough to avoid being face-planted bringing along a Support character will seem like a good investment.
Trying to push DPS mono-culture even harder is just going to get them nerfed further until the other roles finally seem relevant. Hopefully Support and Control come up a little in the mean time, because DPS-uber-alles has so very far to fall.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Any game with vertical progression, however low the power curve, will ultimately be about a gearcheck. VP is where you will find the gearcheck.
Yes. At least in the short term: Zerkers will less be able to afford to carry non-zerkers with this nerf.
In the long term, it’s possible player skill increases as a result of boss fights taking longer than before thus forcing people to learn game mechanics — thus allowing zerkers to carry non-zerkers once again.
(edited by Lord Kuru.3685)
As it stands right now, most parties that wanted to run zerkers trust the joining member that they indeed wearing zerk.
I’m afraid we’ll see a lot more of “pinging” after the nerf.
TBH you can’t trust the average pug to read the description, and even if they do, they hope to get carried by the 4 other full zerks in the party and not be noticed.
Guys you’re forgetting half of the stream.
Crit is getting nerfed so that people do around 10% less damage, but at the same time, 2 handed weapons get another sigil slot, which can yield +5% damage or +10 depending on what you already have and what you want to add. And since nearly everybody plays a warrior with a GS. That’s in fact almost no DPS loss.
Add to that the fact that they’re changing all runes and some might give even more than the old scholar, and the possibility to gear full ascended. You are pretty much back to the same clearing speed as with full exotics.