More Gold Sellers??
Me and my friend have both seen a huge increase recently. 5-10 a day for me.
same here. it’s becoming a serious problem. i feel harassed
I heard a rumor that a bunch of accts were hacked & those accts are being used by the gold sellers. Checkout the toon names – most are ‘real’ names rather than letter/number nonsense. Sigh
1 or 2 a day at most. I block all of them so there are no repeats.
This is probably one of the other unintentional negative aspect of megaserver. It increases your chance of being on a map with more players but some of those “players” happen to be spam bots.
I’ve seen a ton more. Happens more if you linger in places where crowds gather, such as the bank/forge area in Vigil Keep.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
i have never gotten any kind of gold selling solicitation in gw2 whatsoever. maybe i don’t play enough.
almost makes me feel unaccomplished :\
Now that every zone has come down with a case of megaserver, the formerly server-locked, guest-controlled sellers can reach their target audience easier, giving the appearance of there being “more”.
As to the “hacks”: Not quite. While some phishing and cross-service credential checks gain sellers accounts now and then, most of the zombie accounts come from willing customers. Some gold sellers offer to buy accounts from retiring players, while others will often “claim” accounts that have bought “power level” services or direct on-account farming that required revealing login to the seller. This claiming happens when the account owner defaults on service payment, goes idle, or lolnevergiveyourpasswordkids.
I did a study on shadow economics for a business class and used MMO gold selling as a central topic :P
Maybe I just play odd times or on odd maps because I have yet to be whispered to by a gold seller and I play 2 to 3 hours a night.
Simply report them in game, block them in game and be on your way.
RIP City of Heroes
I don’t believe the rumors of a mass hack. ANet is legally obligated to tell us about a such a thing. The gold sellers are just now more packed together, same with bots, due to the megaservers. Just report, and move on. I’m ANet is planning a mass ban soon, and we’ll see the numbers drop to what we saw two months ago.
I got spammed after I entered HotM, guess there’s some bot scanning high populated areas for players and then spams them with crap.
Nemesis, a very well known GW2 youtuber just had his account hacked and all characters wiped. Thankfully ArenaNet reinstated his account and rolled it back to before the attack, restoring most of what they stole. Props to ArenaNet.
Their common method (and it does seem to be from one main source) is to hack your email account and then use that as a way to gain access to your game account.
Change your passwords for the email account linked to the game as well as the game account password.
There is also a free account authenticator you can get from the GW2 support site.
(edited by Wasbunny.6531)
Its possible they’re buying a tone of accounts since the game is on sale. Also if you can activate secondary authentication on your email and gw2 account I would recommend doing so.
Nemesis, a very well known GW2 youtuber just had his account hacked and all characters wiped. Thankfully ArenaNet reinstated his account and rolled it back to before the attack, restoring most of what they stole. Props to ArenaNet.
Their common method (and it does seem to be from one main source) is to hack your email account and then use that as a way to gain access to your game account.
Change your passwords for the email account linked to the game as well as the game account password.
There is also a free account authenticator you can get from the GW2 support site.
What free authenticator would this be? Something they send you? Do you have links or anything where this is officially stated?
You mean the app? You don’t get that from CS, but from any OS ‘store’ that carries one that works with GW2.
It sounded like the person was referring to a device. At least, it did to me. I’m sure no one would want CS to be flooded with requests for a device to be sent to them. They are back-logged as it is.
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.