More Guild Activities
I would like to see some solo missions unless I am unaware of them existing currently. Because often I can ‘t be on long and when the guild is doing the current guild missions, I have work going on at home I need also to complete so I can’t actively participate in the currently established missions. I liked another games option of killing a certain number of mobs to gain guild status.
Guild missions are largely pointless….they give me things i already have or have no desire for.
Additionally while i wouldn’t mind spending more time with my guild it is nearly impossible for ANet to design and balance guild specific content as it can range from 1 person to 500.
I like the idea of guild events, my guild does them weekly and we have a blast, it’s really very good for meeting everyone, team work and just hanging out.
Bring on more I say!
I would like to see some solo missions unless I am unaware of them existing currently. Because often I can ‘t be on long and when the guild is doing the current guild missions, I have work going on at home I need also to complete so I can’t actively participate in the currently established missions. I liked another games option of killing a certain number of mobs to gain guild status.
You already have that its called go out and do what ever you want alone in the game, what we talk about here is guild missions meaning not a solo player thing.
But then again if your in a pve mission guild ask the guild leader to give you premission to start guild missions and do them when you find other guilds around is also an option.
There are plenty of people who have stopped doing guild missions. It’s not that they aren’t involved in their guild, they are just so bored of doing the same things over and over that they have stopped doing guild missions. You have 500+ strong guilds that can’t even pull together 15 people to do a race in one go. You have guild leaders doing the races 15 times by themselves to get upgrade currencies for the guild, and others begging people or even turning it into a membership requirement that people show up to do guild missions on a schedule. Practically the only reason ANYONE is doing these anymore is for the needed points and levels. None of this is healthy for the game in general or for guilds.
I would like to see some solo missions unless I am unaware of them existing currently. Because often I can ‘t be on long and when the guild is doing the current guild missions, I have work going on at home I need also to complete so I can’t actively participate in the currently established missions. I liked another games option of killing a certain number of mobs to gain guild status.
You already have that its called go out and do what ever you want alone in the game, what we talk about here is guild missions meaning not a solo player thing.
But then again if your in a pve mission guild ask the guild leader to give you premission to start guild missions and do them when you find other guilds around is also an option.
Actually the topic was “More Guild Activities” and what I was suggesting was a guild activity which might have been solo based. What I was also suggesting was a guild mission as I stated in another game you can get solo quests for guild missions for guild status so I do not understand where I diverted the topic.
If it’s solo content it’s not really a guild activity though is it? I mean solo content insinuates that you do it alone, without any of your guild members.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Missions aren’t the only thing lacking for guilds to do. I’d support solo’able missions or something along the lines of guild monthlies or weeklies, where a guild needs to complete 25 events in Timberline Falls during a week or where a guildmembers need to kill a certain amount of champ mobs in Ascalon maps during a week.
How about upgrades to the Marketplace, to bring in new NPCs for the already existing minigames? Instead of a daily rotation, there could be various NPCs, one for each minigame, where a guild group could chose what game to play. Maybe add a guild intern leaderboard and we’re set.
Generally the GH could use more stuff to do for the guild members. It would help to justify the cost for the upgrades and would make the GH a living hub area for a guild where ppl actually hang out. Crafting stations come to mind(as an upgrade to the workstation) or the possibility to add custom waypoints to the guild portal(making the portal a structure of its own with a proprietor and upgrades) or a DPS testing area like in the Aerodrome(as an upgrade to the arena)…
- : Mounts, ViP-Player systems, HoT-like Xpacs
Have a nice day.
There are tons of things that can be done as guild activities.
Meta events
RP events
Kill a dragon or two.
If you’re not quite to raiding yet, you could still likely get enough people to go in and give it a go, and maybe you get lucky and get a kill. But, to make it fun you could always do a “last man standing” gets “X” reward while in there (or any other type of challenge).
Naked races across Tangled Depths using nothing but dodge…etc.
The game doesn’t have to provide extra rewards for things to be guild activities. You just have to make it interesting. If you do a guild lottery, instead of just drawing names for everything, you could set up different types of challenges each week for 1 or 2 items. JP races or best armor/dye combination (guild could vote in the guild hall…this is fashion wars after all).
Just be creative.
Te Nosce [TC]
If it’s solo content it’s not really a guild activity though is it? I mean solo content insinuates that you do it alone, without any of your guild members.
Can’t it be for the guild if it contributes favor as I was talking about in the other game I was referring to in which a player could get solo missions to add to the guild status.
If it’s solo content it’s not really a guild activity though is it? I mean solo content insinuates that you do it alone, without any of your guild members.
Can’t it be for the guild if it contributes favor as I was talking about in the other game I was referring to in which a player could get solo missions to add to the guild status.
They already have that. It’s called the rest of the game. You need the stuff it gives you to upgrade the guildhall. Favor is practically nonexistant in comparison to resource costs. You can already solo cap favor in a week and pretty much never have to do more than one guild mission a week to remain at the cap.
I don’t see the point in adding “guild content” built for solo play. Guilds are not designed as solo endeavors and already include a massive number of ways for activites that are not guild specific to have a large impact on the hall. In some cases, like boss trophies and rare scribing drops, they have added guild specific interactions to existing content. That’s the proper way to handle solo utility to the guild, by offering a guild relevant reward layer for content that is intended for PUG and solo play rather than guild missions.
A “Guild Mission” doesn’t have that name because it grants favor. It has that name because the intent is that it is an activity you do with your guild. It grants favor specifically because of that.
This is also why several guild missions can be partially completed and still reward the personal chest, so that people who aren’t participating in the guild’s clear still benefit from the guild mission system, and still have access to content that’s part of the guild system.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)