More Story & Get a Precursor

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


The precursor is used for your LEGENDARY weapon. What is so legendary about RNG? Absolutely nothing! Yet, Anet wants the legendary weapons to be rare and difficult to get. So if you have Twilight, then that should mean something! Enough rant, here’s my idea:

To get your precursor one must complete a HUGE quest chain that is full of the toughest aspects of Guild Wars 2. A variety of jumping puzzles as hard as Mad King’s Clock Tower or harder. “X” amount of sPvP and WvW kills. Solo Lupicus Giganticus or a newer boss of the same difficulty (or harder) in a solo instance that is apart of this massive quest chain. And during this quest chain, after you have completed massively difficult content that is a mixture of solo and cooperative play, then you would get a soul-bound item to use to help craft your precursor.

There should be a uniquely awesome storyline to this massive quest chain for each legendary weapon, and those storylines should be unique to each weapon, giving each weapon its own history and depth of character. That would drive people to want to get more than just one legendary just to see the storylines. Maybe the storylines could intersect and only if you complete every single one and get every legendary in game will you know the ultimate ending with a massive reward.

Essentially, Anet needs to fill in the details, but there should be one massive quest chain that throws the best and hardest content GW2 has to offer. In other words, by having a legendary, people will recognize you for actually achieving something very difficult and not just lucky with a lot of time on your hands (or money in your wallet).

Please note, I don’t want legendary weapons to become common or easier to achieve. I only want fair and FUN. RNG is not really fair nor fun, because software can never be truly random. Instead, make it skill based. I really would like to hear from a Dev on this suggestion.

If you agree please speak up! Or if you have other ideas, post them below please.

I posted this in crafting and got views but no responses….any thoughts out there about this suggestion?

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


I think crafting a Precursor should be enough. As you detail it, crafting a Precursor would be more daunting than a Legendary; at which point somebody ought to ask, is it the Precursor or the Legendary that’s really a measure of skill?

There is absolutely no reason to gate a Precursor or a Legendary behind difficult jumping puzzles, solo boss fights (especially not with a boss that was designed for 5-man dungeon parties and only solo’d because people who solo it feels it gives them a surreptitious GWAMM status) or kill counters. I agree, to some degree, though, that they should rework the rewards – and here’s just a list of random ideas:

-Discovering every jumping puzzle lends to a piece of precursor crafting

-Separate WvW and PvE map completion. PvE map completion is all that’s required for the Legendary, WvW map completion would yield a separate gift for a Precursor.

-Keep RNG as well, and crafting can be a backburner (or frontburner) option.

Other than that, Precursor crafting would just include some standard 250 Ectos or 250 T6 materials – stuff that can be farmed or purchased with relative ease.

TL:DR: No need to start gating penultimate content behind requirements that are even more difficult to achieve than the Legendary.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Yep. Let’s increase the demand, and prices, for all legendary weapon components.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Yep. Let’s increase the demand, and prices, for all legendary weapon components.

The problem with legendaries being how they are, is that they don’t inspire awe, they just tip you off that the person has/had a lot of coin.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Yep. Let’s increase the demand, and prices, for all legendary weapon components.

The problem with legendaries being how they are, is that they don’t inspire awe, they just tip you off that the person has/had a lot of coin.

And? Gating the precursor behind a skill check will only increase the amount of people trying to craft a legendary causing all materials for them to skyrocket putting you back into the same situation you are in now. In fact, you’ll be in a worst situation if you plan to craft anything else that would use those components.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Yep. Let’s increase the demand, and prices, for all legendary weapon components.

The problem with legendaries being how they are, is that they don’t inspire awe, they just tip you off that the person has/had a lot of coin.

And? Gating the precursor behind a skill check will only increase the amount of people trying to craft a legendary causing all materials for them to skyrocket putting you back into the same situation you are in now. In fact, you’ll be in a worst situation if you plan to craft anything else that would use those components.

I’m not saying we should get rid of the gold sinks, but adding a skill check to the legendary would be nice. Not something incredibly hard, but something along the lines of Liadri.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


I think crafting a Precursor should be enough. As you detail it, crafting a Precursor would be more daunting than a Legendary; at which point somebody ought to ask, is it the Precursor or the Legendary that’s really a measure of skill?

The Mysterious Vine scavenger hunt is a good example of what could be done for Legendary crafting.

I don’t think we should be asking for precursor crafting. A scavenger hunt, sure, but for crafting I would want to hunt the precursor and then have to imbue it and several other items before they’re eligible for forging into it’s Legendary. And quite possibly not at the Mystic Forge.

Thank you for your post (or at least that bit I quoted), it inspired this entire thought on the spot.

More Story & Get a Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


hannah mee.7925: Think of it this way, each legendary weapon has a name. There should be a story behind that time. The precursor is RNG based right now, which shows no skill. And as we all know, either you’re lucky or you have a lot of cash to buy gems to gold.

The precursor should be the part of the legendary crafting that takes the most SKILL to get. It should be a legendary quest chain that is supposed to be ridiculously hard. If one wouldn’t do that, then they can still buy it on the TP, or RNG it via the Mystic Forge. I don’t think this would cause the prices of other items to go up, and if it did, who cares? You can farm T6 mats, you don’t have to buy them via TP.

Adding a quest chain that gives an intriguing story and throws difficult content at the player in order to achieve the precursor would give those completionists, like myself, a worthy goal. The sense of gratification for accomplishing such a task would be wonderful compared to just grinding gold or getting lucky with the Mystic Toilet.

Thank you to all who have responded….I hope to see more ideas and I hope the Devs are listening to the community. :-)