More Weapons / Weapon skills for mesmers?

More Weapons / Weapon skills for mesmers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Since launch I’ve been playing around with synergy builds for my mesmer everyday, and I’ve come to this conclusion about mesmer in terms of melee synergy: There’s no other way to be a melee dpser as a mesmer without using a 1H sword, period. And basically, it’s quite sickening watching my blurred frenzy go off at least over 1000+ times now on my screen, and t be honest, it’s gotten to a point that I had to create other characters – not because I like being a warrior or guardian (I love clones and only mesmer can make them), but because the experience of “for spartah-” * rush in and think later, being that type of PVE player has become dull once I realize I’m not really able to do that in any other different ways. It’s always —- my sword and my (x secondary) weapon.

People have suggested me in the past that I should switch my class to being a warrior… but I do – play a warrior type of mesmer, which had been very fun in the past. Now, it’s gotten to a point where I’m sick of seeing my auto-attacks and one other skill attack go off on my screen – over and over and over again. Even though I do understand that they need to balance skills for the PVP players… * imagine! – how great PVE would be if there was just like 2-3 more types of weapons for each class.

TL:DR I really wish that Anet would add another melee weapon for mesmers, as well as weapons for each of the 7 other profession… even just 1 to 2 more types of weapon can really “up” every class diversity in the game I believe

(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

More Weapons / Weapon skills for mesmers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


Mesmer is generally considered a ranged/caster class. I believe it is intended that they dont have a huge amount of melee capability, nor should they. I find it ridiculous enough that they get greatswords at all, even if it is used for ranged purposes.

If any class needs more weapons or weapon combos, its Thief.