To me I think the Rewards of Winter’s Day are really half hearted, have really less to do with Christmas (if at all) and consist in like 50% of all times mostly only out of useless items, which are absolutely unrewarding.
I think it would be much better, if Anet would significantly reduce the amount of Winter’s Day Gifts by felt like 33%, if then the gifts would feel then also like 33% much more rewarding in terms of reward quality with things, that are actually really useful or have some other kind of value for the player somehow somewhere in the game.
There’s tons of things, that are plain stupid in the loot table of the Gifts, which are 100% useless and totally worthless garbage which only clusters your inventory full.
So I suggest and propose to make following changes to the Loot Table of Winter’s Day Gifts:
- Fancy Holiday Tonic Cabinet (Move this item to the Wintersday Vendor for Socks)
- Heirloom Toy Chest (its already in the Vendor, so why make some stupid RNG Loot out of it too, total pointless and waste of space for senseful rewards!)
- Dragonite Ore
- Empyreal Fragments
- Bloodstone Dust (The game has already more than enough of this worthless junk, dont need more options that flood the game even far more with this junk faster than Mawdrey and Stars can eat that junk all up for also mostly unrewarding gifts, where you think to make just better bricks out of this stuff than to flush it away in the toilet that is Mawdrey/Star)
- All the single Giver’s Recipes (Move them to the Winter’sDay Vendor for Socks, Hats, Sweaters ect.
- All the Concquerors Kits & Selections (This stuff is just pointless clicking junk!!, Move just only the new Superior Sigil and Rune to the Vendor for Hats, Sweaters and Socks, no one needs minor or major versions of these runes)
- Page of Winter’s Days Rituals… (Move it to the Vendor!!)
- Unsafe Winter’s Day Gift (Remove it, move the Winter’s Day Weapon Skins to the Vendor for Socks)
Add to the Loot Table
- 5-10 Random Tier 4-6 Materials
- The Recipes for the Endless Winter’s Day “Minipet” Tonics
- The Winter’s Day 2012 Minipets (Infinirarium Foostivoo ect.) (make them sellable)
- 1-5 Random Lodestones
- Laurel Bags (Rare or Exotic)
- Weapon Skin Tickets for Winter’s Day Weapons (Exotic)
- New Skritta Claws Bagpack Skin (as Beginning for the much wished by the Commmunity Skritt Skin Bagpacks – we have enough of Charrs and Quaggans, lets get started with Skritt Bagpacks) – sellable
- Black Lion Keys (rare)
- Black Lion Ticket Scraps (rare)
- Recipes for Light of Dwayna and Shadow of Grenth
- Ascended Crafting Materials, like Elonian Leather, Bolts of Damask ect to help reducing a bit the Grind for Ascended Equipment Crafting. Especially around Bolts of Damask!!!)
I think with “stuff” like this in the gifts it would feel alot more rewarding, with the replacing of the Loot table, each item in itself stays rare and valueable as the chances to get what you like get naturally lower to bigger the Loot Table is and so more variant things you can get from it, so lower is the chance for each item in itself to get it from the table. But the quality of the loot you’d get from the gifts, would be alot better, because everythign of it would be useful to the player.
The current loot table is again such a big sign for it, that Anet seems to fear about it, that they might over reward us, if the Loot Tables of such floods of gifts get too useful for the players.
The most easiest solution to this is to reduce simply the amounts of gifts that you give ot as rewards…
When i see, that a player can get easily after a Toycapolypse Run of 10 rounds far over 100 Giant Winter’s Day Gifts, then its an easy tell, that players will quickly get very annoyed from all the inventory blasting junk that you’d get out of those which is of absolutely no use for you most of all the time, once youve unlocked the recipes, the skins ect., especialyl when such thigns get so flooded, that they have absolutely no value (to the point that you can’t even sell them in the TP, as their value is lesser than 1 laughable copper basically)