More balanced collection rewards

More balanced collection rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Collections in GW2 cover a wide variety of items. Some items are cheap on the order of just coppers, while others are hundreds of gold. With many of them, you have the option of skipping the gold and putting time into obtaining them, but this generally includes farming specific bosses, which is very time consuming.

Other collections are a bit simpler and are more scavenger hunts than anything, but they still have a money/time value for effort in obtaining the items.

I’d like to see more balance between the time/money invested into a collection and the rewards for said collections. Some collections have a very skewed ratio of time/money to reward. An example would be the Grawl Archaeological Study. Obtaining the weapons for this collection takes either quite a bit of time, or a good amount of gold, yet the reward is a simple rare with an essence of luck and a few obsidian shards.

Meanwhile the Jar collection, which is a scavenger hunt that requires accessing many locations on the map, rewards a 20 slot bag. 20 slot bags carry a decent gold value due to the cost of the rune that goes into them.

While I think the Jar collection is just fine, I’d like to see some of the rewards for the other collections increased.

This doesn’t mean precursors, or anything that extreme, but changing the rewards to include rare mini’s, or other collectable items would be far more rewarding than just a rare weapon, or a metabolic primer.

Example: For the Fine Wines collection, instead of having the focus “Courage” included in the collection items, make it the reward (and maybe make it’s stats more attractive). Same with the Brewmaster collection.

For the collections like the Grawl Archaeological Study, have the reward be a chest that contains a graw related exotic weapon, and a mini grawl, along with some assorted ascended crafting mats.

These are by no means perfect examples, but just thoughts on how to bring up the reward for the collections.

Finally, I’d love to see more basic collections where the money invested is roughly 10 to 50 gold (using current TP prices for whatever items might be in the collection), that reward either mini’s, home instance items (yes, I realize this means creating new things), or other things that would reward a player for spending that 50 gold, or for taking the time to locate/farm/obtain the items in the collection.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

More balanced collection rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


I’d like it if all collections that required collecting a series of weapon or armor skins rewarded you with a unique skin in return related to the collection itself, much like how the Spirit Weapon collection gives you a unique Back Item skin.

Give me a Sun God Idol as a back item for the Hylek weapon collection which would have the same sort of golden jeweled stone look as the weapons themselves. The Grawl collection could give you a unique skull helmet or a Grawl Shaman style headdress. The Ambrite weapon collection could give you a fossilized insect backpiece or perhaps a set of shoulders inlaid with fossilized insects. That sort of thing.

Of course, the ship may have sailed on those collections already in the game at this point. I’m not sure if they can retroactively give the reward to people who already have the collection completed if they were to change it, and it would also mean those people would get double-rewarded. But if its possible, I think it would be a nice way to make those collections a little bit more desirable to finish and the reward a bit more interesting and meaningful than just “here’s a random item”.

More balanced collection rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I just hope, Anet would fix finally the rest of the Collection Achievements, that still don’t work at all

  • That Hero Collection Thing, that requires Players to collect Champion Loot of all rarities still doesn’t work until today, what is really a shame, considering, with what a big tam tam Anet praised and released their new Collection System, just to see how still until today it doesn’t work all completely and that since day 1 of its release.
  • The Fractal Collection is another one, that still doesn’t work.

Yes, gaile has made some months ago an official posting about it, that they finally realized it, that these thigns are bugged, after many player complaints and bug reports , which seem to have been ignored either first several months before, or haven’t been recognized truly ever before in the huge amount of daily bug reports ect., that they simply went completely unnoticed…when this is basically something, that a Quality Testing Team should find , so that such thigns can get fixed, before somethign bugged gets implemented, that was bugged already from begin on

However, Gaile told us that they focus first on 2.. so i guessed it then right and we saw shortly after fixes for the very simple tiny collections that were bugged by then also at that moment for fine wine and that brewing thign fro the collecting of beer sorts..

and from that point until today..

total silence about whats with the fixes of the missing bugged collection achievements …

So before Anet puts in any kind of ressources into new collections or any sorts of reward rebalances, they should get first finally the things right, that are still until today messed up since the collections got implemented.

Somethign like that should stand on a much much much higher priority and is absolutely overdue!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside