More i play....
kittenty kitten = crap butt
optimized? Its horrid anything in game with over 20 people I get 0-4 fps and the game barely can function.
A good optimized game runs on the graphics card and not on your cpu.
really?….huh weird….i get the most fps out of this game pared to other mmos like rift, tera, etc…..hmmmmmmm maybe it my laptop thats weird
I’ve noticed what StarNightz has noticed as well. If you’re having FPS problems with the amount of people on screen then you need to either turn graphics down or turn down the detail rendered on other players.
The only time it was not optimized was during the BWEs…terrible terrible fps that I haven’t seen since.
It is indeed rather optimized, but it is optimized more towards low to medium-end computers rather than high-end, which would explain the different experiences.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
i think we all can agree its getting better
if anyone remember kulling in wvw at the start
I agree with you 100%.This is best optimized MMORPG i played so far.
So this game is optimized for the worst of the worst of PCs and Laptops, but not for the good ones? Wow.
I seriously doubt that when I’m about to crash with zergs of 50 or more and not see anything in front of my face in cities after loading in 5-20 minutes later.
+1 for the subtle attempt of trolling.
I seriously doubt that when I’m about to crash with zergs of 50 or more and not see anything in front of my face in cities after loading in 5-20 minutes later.
If it takes 20 minutes to load I would question if your computer actually fulfills the minimum requirements for the game. Or if something in your computer is faulty.
Stuff can take some time yes, but 20 minutes is extreme, and while the loads have increased quite a bit since the MegaServers but I have yet to see any increase that is that massive.
It takes a minute or two at most for me, and I have a rather medium-range computer.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
You never tried loading for Halloween (or any holiday) in LA or LA period when it still existed. It probably more on 5-10 minutes now for some highly populated areas and no more than 2-5 for others.
Yes I did.
As a matter of fact I had one of my characters parked there during most of the festivals. And I have never had even close to 10 minutes loading time.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
You never tried loading for Halloween (or any holiday) in LA or LA period when it still existed. It probably more on 5-10 minutes now for some highly populated areas and no more than 2-5 for others.
Sounds like your computer has some serious problems or it’s a lot below minimun requirements of the game. Have you checked?
I do everything I can on my end. I keep a very well maintained laptop.Its probably my CPU which is 1.65 ghz dual core. The GPU is an hd 6320. The machine has 8 GB ram which is DDR3.
I do everything I can on my end. I keep a very well maintained laptop.Its probably my CPU which is 1.65 ghz dual core. The GPU is an hd 6320. The machine has 8 GB ram which is DDR3.
Looks like it unfortunatelly is under minimum requirements. :/
laptops tend to have bad graphics cards don’t they?
laptops tend to have bad graphics cards don’t they?
Most laptops have integrated graphics that comes with their cpu or apu. GW2 isn’t super graphic intensive. Anytime where you have 100+ players in an area in whatever game you’d probably get worse frames. GPUs help more with detailed environments and effects, but it’s the CPU that has to calculate players, mobs and skills.
Every time I play GW2 on my laptop, I remember what they announced before release and how bad the (non-)optimization actually is.
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