More max Bank-Areas, please
Many people use unplayed characters as “mules” for things.
I have all possible bank tabs. I’ve been playing since early release. I still have at least 2 or 3 banks tabs available for space.
If you somehow have filled up your bank, my theory would be that you are holding onto things you really don’t need to.
Another popular option is to create your own guild strictly for use of guild bank.
I highly recommend that option in addition to muling items that have collected dust onto a lesser played character.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Mules and guild banks are good suggestions, but don’t work for soulbound items, which was OP’s main complaint ;-) Though moving some accountbound/unbound items out of the bank should help a lot.
I’d rather see some of these things moved into the wallet (bandit crests, etc). I mean…that’s what it’s there for, right? But yeah, more bank tabs would always be nice!
I’d also settle for a hint in the tooltip as /which/ soul an item is bound to. Logging in 6 or more times to figure that out is rather annoying!
Mules and guild banks are good suggestions, but don’t work for soulbound items, which was OP’s main complaint ;-) Though moving some accountbound/unbound items out of the bank should help a lot.
I’d rather see some of these things moved into the wallet (bandit crests, etc). I mean…that’s what it’s there for, right? But yeah, more bank tabs would always be nice!
I’d also settle for a hint in the tooltip as /which/ soul an item is bound to. Logging in 6 or more times to figure that out is rather annoying!
Totally agree that it is a pain finding out to which character an item is soulbound, but I have maybe 6-7 soulbound items in my bank. How does he have his bank full of them!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Now that I replace my (souldbound) exo with ascended, I’ve more and more souldbound items (armor, jewelery, weapons sum up to 15+ per char) in bank. Still I do not want to delete them as I like to have a dress, in case I want to give the ascended to another char. The more chars you have the more tabs this needs currently.
2 tabs are filled with living story items, some of these mawdrey parts do not stack, even if identical, I simply do not have the space to play LS with another char and get even more of them.
Bandit sand, coins, keys, towels, …. from Dry Top and SW fill-up another tab.
Having some of these new areas currencies moved into the wallet (bandit crests, etc) like the dungeon tokens would of course help a bit as well.
And so on ….
In any case, it’s a business oportunity for ANet, why not sell as many bank tabs as possible
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I’d rather see some of these things moved into the wallet (bandit crests, etc). I mean…that’s what it’s there for, right? But yeah, more bank tabs would always be nice!
!! crests and geodes to wallet!! its permanent stuff, not any special event and they are just tokens, why have anet forgot about wallet?!?!
more bank tabs and further inventory expansion (to 200?) wouldnt hurt either
I would like to get material storage slots for runes, sigils and more of the crafted components. A single tab for soulbound items per character is also a great idea.
I’ve never bought a bank or character slot expansion, and I manage just fine. Granted, my bank is near-full constantly, but you just have to sort out what you do and don’t need. Most of the things you’re hoarding are probably never going to be useful to you.