More options for alts

More options for alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


When the account wallet came it was a great thing and helped to solve a lot of problems and I as I am sure most people absolutely loved/love it. Yet in some cases I can see it can also bring a few negatives. 2 examples:

1 – Roleplayers who like to start a new char and feel like they progress with everything from scratch. That is gaining skills, levels as well as wealth. Having the account cash wallet here will get in their way.

2 – Certain time gated currencies such as laurels are a pain to get for all your alts. Simply because it would not be fair to other players who do not roll alts if we could use all of our alts to also gain said currencies multiple times which could then be exploited on our mains.

Personally I feel we should be allowed options where we can choose a few options to turn on/off what we can do with our alts. For example we could go into our wallet and check a box next to the cash amount that would turn off account wide cash for that alt in particular.

Now as for the laurel I am not sure how this could work since they are not in the wallet (refresh my memory, are they?). But where these are concerned I feel our alts should be allowed to also gain their own personal laurels each day. No I am NOT suggesting that we are allowed to run dailies over and over every day for our alts, lol, heck no. I am just saying when we do our dailies perhaps the game should keep track on each of our alts that it has been done for that day and they all get their share of laurels.

Now these would ALL be alt specific and not pooled. Meaning that each alt can ONLY use their own laurels and not other alts or the main’s. I think this is fair for those of us who run alts. This will not unbalance the game in any way and may help to alleviate/destroy some of these posts that claim this game is alt-unfriendly. Also these alt specific laurels could/should only be allowed to be used for gear and not consumables or any other vanity item such as minis, wvw lvl buying etc.

Summary, perhaps we need a few more options when it comes to currencies where alts/time gating is concerned. Not to unbalance the game in any way but to allow those of us with alts to keep up to pace with everyone else as well as our mains.

Just throwing this out there, I did have a lot more on the matter to say when it comes to alts and banking etc but I’ll leave that for now. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

More options for alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highlander.9860


I tend to disagree with this, this is my personal opinion I may add. I have 30 alts and never worried to much about anything I just play the way I want to as you do although some things are different if you have a lot of alts it does not interfere on how I play the game. every ones gameplay is different .

You say you want to have your alt on a budget as such ,just keep a note on what he/she makes in the game problem solved.

I have a lot of alts in exotic only does it worry me? not in the slightest that’s why I said everyone has a different views of how to play and react.

As far as laurels are concerned just do the same as I said re the bank/wallet then no action has to be taken by anet your gameplay is the same only YOU keep a record on how you wish to play my 2 cents worth may I add

More options for alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I tend to disagree with this, this is my personal opinion I may add. I have 30 alts and never worried to much about anything I just play the way I want to as you do although some things are different if you have a lot of alts it does not interfere on how I play the game. every ones gameplay is different .

You say you want to have your alt on a budget as such ,just keep a note on what he/she makes in the game problem solved.

I have a lot of alts in exotic only does it worry me? not in the slightest that’s why I said everyone has a different views of how to play and react.

As far as laurels are concerned just do the same as I said re the bank/wallet then no action has to be taken by anet your gameplay is the same only YOU keep a record on how you wish to play my 2 cents worth may I add

Well I am with you as far as the cash system goes, it does not bother me but I have seen posts from others on the matter and I can certainly understand where they are coming from as well tho. Simply because when I play games I often tend to start from scratch exactly for those reasons.

As far as the laurels are concerned I am sort of on the fence. I don’t play this game as much as I used to now and I can simply (and do) play fine on my alts in even greens. Yet when it comes to the current system I just plainly can’t see why our alts should be hindered in such a way. I just see no purpose. I have all 8 classes at 100% world complete, I feel they have earned their right to be in ascended gears if they (me in reality of course :P) feel like working on them. Yet with the laurel system and other such time gates it makes that very hard to do so.

Like I said I don’t play as much as I used to now days and it’s NOT that important for me that they all don’t have said gears or not. But again I can still understand why others may have these issues that may still play a lot and who also feel they have already earned the right.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?