Most played Profession?

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gracarian.8041



Title says it all. Im starting playing again after a year or so break, and i was just curious as o the profession breakdown (most and least played, in addition to most desirable) in PvE, PvP, and WvW.

any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416



Meta isn’t top builds, it’s the builds that achieve highest utility assuming no coordination and limited skill. You don’t want to dump a triple kit engineer build on a new player, and you don’t want condition builds to become too prevalent due to condition capping. Neither will ever appear as a meta build.

Still a good reference for reading.

However, it’s irrelevant to the OP’s question.

Most common WvW classes vary by world but are usually War, Guard, Necro, Ele.

Most common dungeon PvE classes vary by dungeon but are usually War, Guard, Mesmer, Thief.

Most common high fractal classes are Ele, Thief, Guard. Low fractal classes are identical to dungeon breakdown, since the challenge is the same.

Most common world exploration classes are War and Ranger.

Most common sPvP classes are Ranger, Thief and Guardian. If you go into ranked matches you’ll run into some teams previously that ran celestial engi/ele, but they are rare overall, just overrepresented in a few spots. They’ll start vanishing too, since might just got nerfed.

Rarest class in most content is necro, except WvW zergs. Some players also kick necros and rangers on sight from dungeon parties. Some players kick everyone except warriors and guardians as well, if that matters to you. Engineers are normally second rarest, but nobody ever kicks them, at least without kicking all other light/medium classes as well.

These are just usage indices though, and don’t necessarily mean anything about viability.

P.S. @Elegy, some people will only listen to those they perceive as ‘authorities’. They really do need someone they look up to say ‘X is good’ before they think it’s good.

(edited by Hayashi.3416)

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


For PvE, warrior is probably the most played profession because it’s easy to learn and has more room for error. For WvW, it’s probably a tie between Necro, Warrior, and Guardian. For sPvP, the most played professions lately have been Ele and Engi.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Engineer. I have all 8 professions and like them all. I have more hours played on engineer than on all my other characters combined though.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vert.5041


check that for all top builds and their corresponding classes in every different game mode.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


Vert, I respectfully disagree with you. Especially for a new or returning player, the meta doesn’t matter that much. And the meta is constantly changing. And metabattle is often out of date or lacking pertinent information.

For instance, I’ve been playing engi for a long time. I remember when nobody wanted me in a dungeon party, because “engi lacks DPS.” And then DnT stated that they don’t, and now people welcome engi in speedruns. But know what? Nothing’s changed. Engi’s always been good in dungeons! Nothing against DnT btw, I like them a lot. Just saying you don’t need someone to tell you that you’re good to be good!

In PvE, absolutely any profession is fine. In casual PvP, absolutely any profession is fine. The coolest part about this game to me is the skill ceiling. Some professions are easy to learn and very hard to master. Most, even. Play what you find fun, and eventually all that time having fun will add up to being very good with that character.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conaywea.5062


PvE : warrior
PvP: Ele / Engi / Ranger
WvW: Guardian

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I’d say the spread is pretty even…except for necros.

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MartinusDraco.8379


I see similar responses in many posts…seems everyone is down on Necromancers. Why?

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


I see similar responses in many posts…seems everyone is down on Necromancers. Why?

Not really sure since i was chewing through some dudes on my necro in WvW recently and in PvP. Had to get about 4 people to focus me hard to even get me down.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daimasei.4091


I see similar responses in many posts…seems everyone is down on Necromancers. Why?

In dungeons: Unlike guardians or eles, necros can’t “hide” bad players..
Other classes can provide the party with healing/blocks/etc so, bad players can just stand there with auto-attack.

In PvP: Necros don’t have mobility so they are always the main target. Most players can’t deal with this (either because they have no idea how to survive, don’t like being the main target or just want a easy auto-attack win).

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serow.6524


Most played is definitely Ranger. But how desirable they are in different game modes is another story.

Current 80s: Ranger, Mesmer, Guardian, Elementalist, Revenant, Necromancer.
Working on: Engineer

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847



PvP honestly your fine with anything other than a necro they just get countered so easy its not worth it but most common are engi and thief warrior and guard are still very common too

PvE elementalist in every run every time warriors in every run almost every time guardians for people who want the run to go smoothly by covering up the new kids mistakes for them. the rest are there but mostly used by people without an ele guard or warrior. not saying if you have those you wont use your other classes i bring my necro in a lot when a party kitten s too hard and i dont want to have to solo on my ele

Most played Profession?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159



PvP honestly your fine with anything other than a necro they just get countered so easy its not worth it but most common are engi and thief warrior and guard are still very common too

Necro isn’t the easiest class to play in PvP. They do have terrible mobility. As someone that’s played a lot of rabid engineer though, I disagree that engineer is a hard counter to them. Necros with consume conditions can wreck almost any condition spec when they’re played well. Corrupt boon is also very strong in team fights. They have high vitality, and great area denial. Very useful in PvP, imo.

Aside from engineer, I roam on ranger in WvW a lot. I’ve had a lot of fun roaming as a mesmer and thief as well. Is GWEN primarily referring to zerging?