Most popular class?

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illusions.3108


What do you all think is the most and least popular class?

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neb.4170


Warrior for most popular.

Engi for least.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: leman.7682




With that said, I’m really curious about a raw data like that released in the first month after launch. I think we could try asking John Smith or devs in general to give us some meaningful percentages we could analyse.



Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


You can’t go anywhere in this game without tripping over four dozen greatsword-wielding warriors and guardians. They’re by far the two most popular classes.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illusions.3108


i agree with the list above

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


in wvwvw thief. in pve maybe guard or warr.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nottix.7864


Warrior hands down for most played. I did this in WvW and LA one day. Just started targeting random people. Seemed I was targeting a warrior about half of the time. Engy/Necro for least played. Those professions need a lot of fixes, but yet every patch seem to get looked over.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BurnedToast.3781


Warrior, most played, easy. I strongly suspect warrior makes up over half the active population (by active I mean being used for more then farming once per toon world events).

Least… is probably engineer, though necro is down there too

I doubt anet will release hard info because the drastic imbalance will make them look bad…. but maybe they will prove me wrong?

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

Depends on the server. Maguuma is absolutely riddled with Mesmers, while other servers we fight again have a gross abundance of Rangers.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I know least played is engineer. They aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing profession, and if you want to avoid wasting time on stuff that doesn’t work or is bugged you just use grenades. Which is boring as hell.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolf.5816


My Most commonly seen professions. (Mainly in PvP.)

-Early game I see a lot of Thief’s and Warriors. But The occasional confused Engineer can be seen.

-Mid game I tend to see a large amount of Guardians and Rangers. But Necromancers start to become increasingly more popular.

End game, especially PvP , I see a large spike in players choosing Mesmers and Elementalists. Although theres usually Thief’s in each game.

The least common in general is Engineer. Necromancers seem scarce in PvE but they are twice as common as Engineers in PvP.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


Somehow warriors are more common than guardians, however guardian will be the most used as it feels the most complete class, it has almost everything as the only things it’s missing are reliable cripples, immobilizes, swiftness and ranged/mid-ranged AoE (compared to other classes it’s simply great, has a lot to offer and easy to use).

Engineers are always a rare sight, like a rare species or something.

They are special, they are fun, but also hard to use, ah and they get nerfed every single patch (it’s been so since release) without clear statements either proper bug-fixes.

I main Engineer and I’ve been in many guilds, but I was either the only engineer in the entire guild or 1 out of 2 if the guild had at least 40 active members.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zuraith.6104


I see the most Warriors and Guardians.

Next would be Thieves and Mesmers.

Then Elementalists and Rangers.

Then Engineers and Necromancers.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Warriors because they are the most unbalanced for Pve.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eliyahu.1467


Depends on the server. Maguuma is absolutely riddled with Mesmers, while other servers we fight again have a gross abundance of Rangers.

Funny how that works, huh? Certain servers and guilds tend to run more of a certain profession for whatever reason.

When I faced Fort Aspenwood I remember facing a ton of elementalist, mostly dagger/dagger, while [LotD] on Blackgate is known for their hammer warriors.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

Guardians? Lacking Swiftness?

I can keep near-constant Swiftness while traveling between ‘Retreat!’ and ‘Save yourselves!’

Disciple of Quag

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CyanideOxide.8952


I see as much Necromancers as I do Warriors. Maybe I’m looking in different areas.

I don’t see much Rangers or Engineers, though.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerorogue.9410


According to this :÷=charprofession Forum is breaking link but you should be able to find it on the site

It goes
Elementalist, Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Theif, Ranger, Necromancer, Engineer.
Although all of them are ~3% apart.

(edited by zerorogue.9410)

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Penguin.5197


According to this :÷=charprofession
It goes
Elementalist, Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, Theif, Ranger, Necromancer, Engineer.
Although all of them are ~3% apart.

That does not seem right. It just seems to be counting every character a player has, instead of how much played per class.

Most popular class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

Doesn’t matter because even the least “popular” profession has at least 200k of them running around. How many you see depends on what you are doing. Engineers & Necros are rarely doing dungeon runs but can be seen often in sPvP. WvWvW = Thiefs & Mesmers & Rangers. Etc

Also most people have 3-5 avatars by now.