Most populated EU server atm

Most populated EU server atm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorix.1693


I know U’ve seen such a topic thousands times, but I’ve decided to give myself a try, since i haven’t seen such topic for a little while.
Im beginner, i mean, starting after a 8month break, and id like to know what EU server has the highest number of players who can be met before I’d reach 80lvl. I’m looking for kind people, i dont want to feel as if i were in a ghost game ( i had such feeling in Far Shiverpeaks when i began to play this game ). Thanks for Ur time = )

Most populated EU server atm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gartar.9275


I’m curious about this aswell, I’m just starting the game up again and a new character and want to play on a server with a lot of people while leveling, I have been reading around on some forums, but most of the information is old, but from what I gather Aurora Glade, Gandara, Desolation and Seafarer’s Rest seem to be among those that people most often suggest, but that is all from many months ago.

Any new information would be welcome.

Most populated EU server atm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I found Gandara to be always full of people.

Most populated EU server atm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Anet doesnt release server population numbers, all you can go on is the somewhat iffy server list. But a very simple method to join a crowded server – join any of the top WvW servers. Elona, Vizunah, Seafarer, Desolation, take your pick.

Of course if you actually want to play WvW then you shouldnt go anywhere near those servers. Unless you like zergs and lag.