(edited by Ankushp.7245)
Mounts [merged]
How about a Charr mount for my Asura.
I proposed that some time back in the german forum when we were talking about backpacks. Charr get an asura-backpack and Asura a Charr-mount. Everyone benefits (well beside a few bookah
That seems wrong to me for some reason. XD
Well Charr could ride a cow. Asura could ride some kind of golem(which they do already) only cuter. Humans could ride horses. Sylvari could ride sylvari hounds. Norns could ride…kegs. :I
Horses only appear in pictures in GW2. Maybe rams?
If GW2 ever did get mounts i guarantee all the people in this thread that is saying no to mounts will be the first ones to get them
If GW2 ever did get mounts i guarantee all the people in this thread that is saying no to mounts will be the first ones to get them
Why would you think that?
Hmmm, some want it. some don’t.
I have a sort of solution
Mounts is the last paragraph on a housing suggestion I made some time ago
I’ve been avoiding making posts on this topic for a long time, simply due to the toxicity that seems to follow it, but heck with it. I’m saying my piece.
There’s no reason mounts shouldn’t be expanded. People want them and they aren’t breaking or damaging the game. That’s all the reason there needs to be to get it passed.
There are certain excuses in these threads that keep getting repeated.
1.) This is not WoW! Go back to WoW!
LotRO is also not WoW, nor is SW:TOR. Both have mounts – does that suddenly make them both WoW? Just because games share a feature or concept does not mean they’re copying each other, nor does it mean they are they wanting this game to be like the other. It’s possible to simply like something and want it to be a part of your game. We’re playing GW2 because we like GW2. It doesn’t mean GW2 can’t, nor shouldn’t expand.
2.) Mounts will break my immersion!
How’s that broomstick working out for you?
Mounts can come in a wide variety of styles, as the developers have already demonstrated in what’s been released. The people who are still asking for mounts are likely asking for horses or mechanical mounts, like a charr bike – something with a more natural, less comical feel to achieve a certain image. We know that the charr have made large-scale mechanical rides, so something smaller and more personal isn’t beyond feasibility. And even though I’ve not seen horses roaming anywhere that I recall, I have heard NPCs refer to them in passing. So they exist, even if their presence has been downplayed.
An alternative I’ve mused over is the possibility to ride moas. They’re plenty big enough, and they already come in a wide enough variety to give players their choice in cosmetics. Except norn might have to settle for riding dolyaks. But how awesome would that be?
The short is, mounts already exist. It actually makes less sense that logical mounts (not broomsticks, for clarity) aren’t already in use by the general public.
3.) We already have waypoints!
So what? I’ll take this on from two different angles. The first, IC/Immersion.
-Not many people actually use those waypoints aside from the player characters. How many escort events have you done, when just waypointing would solve everything? How many ‘hold the base’ events have you done, wherein the whole thing would be so much simpler if reinforcements just waypointed over? The point is, waypoints are an option, not the bottom line.
Now, for the simple gameplay angle…
-Yes, waypoints are an option. An option. But they’re still not the bottom line. Some people actually like to see the map they’re traveling. And being able to see your character trek across a map on a mount could be pretty cool. The people who spend money or put the effort into getting a mount aren’t the ones who view waypointing as the absolute solution. If you demand total efficiency, that’s up to you. But it’s certainly not a reason to stop others from enjoying the game a different way.
(continued, sorry for length!)
(Sorry for the doublepost! Continuing!)
4.) Flying mounts will give unfair advantages!
I actually haven’t seen anyone asking for flying mounts. I think this is a problem of assuming anyone who wants mounts must want what’s on WoW – where, as I understand it, flying mounts are basically their version of waypointing.
Horses don’t fly. Moas don’t fly, either. Broomsticks do, though, apparently. If you’re worried about a flying mount, refer to that. That’s almost certainly all the flight functionality you’ll ever see out of a mount in GW2. Relax.
5.) The speed bonus is unfair!
Again, refer to the mounts already in-game. Is the broomstick unfair? If you feel it gives them a serious tactical advantage, maybe you should get one. They’re already a thing in GW2, they’re very unlikely to change. When your beef is with something that’s already been coded and implemented, this seems like an ineffective venue to lodge your complaint. Make a broomstick thread, because if mounts are implemented, there’s a very strong chance they’ll follow what’s already in-game.
6.) Cluttered with particle effects!
Highly doubtful. Horses and moas don’t sparkle. Heck, I remember driving a charr tank and even that didn’t have unwieldy particle effects. Give your designers some credit. And even still, this is a comment/complaint for the designers, not the people asking for the thing itself.
7.) Developers should be focused on more important things!
This one is the most irritating to read. It seems to assume there’s only a couple developers who are tasked with handling absolutely everything on their own. And that everything else is entirely more important.
The matter is truly subjective on both sides, for those who want mounts and those who want other things to take developer focus. People have different opinions and priorities because we play differently. But there are a couple things to keep in mind. First, this is something that’s been requested for a very, very long time. That probably gives the indication that there’s money to be made and people to be pleased by exploring it. The second is that it’s not up to you or me what takes priority in development – that’s up to the paid staff. Let them decide what will make them money and make their population happy.
Let’s all go back and be barfed up by wurms again, -in the crystal desert-
Still NO!
And the paid staff has removed the use of pet whisles, elemental powder, removed the plans for multiple pets on ranger and on and on, do you really think they will think about adding a mount for all ppl on the map? Guess again!
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I keep seeing the argument, “GW2 doesn’t need mounts.”
It doesn’t need mesmers, axes, waypoints, etc. either. Anyone arguing that GW2 needs mounts is mistaken. Anyone arguing that a lack of need for something in a form of entertainment is a viable reason for it to not be included is similarly mistaken.
There are plenty of very good reasons for mounts to not exist in GW2. “They are not needed,” is not one of them.
And the paid staff has removed the use of pet whisles, elemental powder
No they haven’t . . .
ANET just make a potion that turns people into a horse. Problem solved.
You have minis to collect, you have waypoints/swiftness/runes for travel, you have a gemstore chock-full of stuff to buy. I am against more useless(they would be!) cosmetics, especially when anybody who plays this game knows the issues that exist with the current, basic transform/riding items.
like I have mentioned, the question is no longer “can we have mounts” since they’re already in-game, the question really is how does Anet expand on that feature.
You seem to have jumped over the question “do we need or want Anet to expand on those features?” and the fact that general response for this is for now “no, we don’t”.
General response? The mount threads here manage to keep up even better then the Cantha thread. So the general response seems to be yes.
It’s just a group, mainly of WoW haters who somehow think adding mounts in GW2 would make the game more like WoW and so don’t want that. Usually coming up with a lot of bad excuses but if you keep asking in the end of the day it turns out that the only reason for not wanting mounts for at least 90% of the haters is “Because WoW”.
again with the mounts, pop some swiftness or buy a magic carpet, what is it with ppl and mounts. This game doesnt need mounts, ever.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
like I have mentioned, the question is no longer “can we have mounts” since they’re already in-game, the question really is how does Anet expand on that feature.
You seem to have jumped over the question “do we need or want Anet to expand on those features?” and the fact that general response for this is for now “no, we don’t”.
General response? The mount threads here manage to keep up even better then the Cantha thread. So the general response seems to be yes.
It’s just a group, mainly of WoW haters who somehow think adding mounts in GW2 would make the game more like WoW and so don’t want that. Usually coming up with a lot of bad excuses but if you keep asking in the end of the day it turns out that the only reason for not wanting mounts for at least 90% of the haters is “Because WoW”.
I believe this is also an issue, a direct association with a feature in another game. I definitely wouldn’t oppose traditional style mounts, but would hope if Anet did choose to expand their mount system (kites & carpet/broom etc.) it would be more in depth and a feature that could add to mini games like races, brawls, and any other creative thinking past just sitting on/in something cool that has one set speed.
I ride my broom everywhere :P
I never feel the need for anything else, as in a mount for speed etc. The WP system makes that so. If there werent any WPs, then I could see it because youd have to run from map to map. But this is not the case.
Proud member of the Blackgate community.
like I have mentioned, the question is no longer “can we have mounts” since they’re already in-game, the question really is how does Anet expand on that feature.
You seem to have jumped over the question “do we need or want Anet to expand on those features?” and the fact that general response for this is for now “no, we don’t”.
General response? The mount threads here manage to keep up even better then the Cantha thread. So the general response seems to be yes.
If you look at all those threads, you will see that (unlike in cantha thread), most people posting are against mounts, not for them. And the main reason why lot of posts are simple “don’t like” statements, is because all the arguments have been repeated over and over again countless times. No mount thread in at least a year had introduced any new argument, and future ones are unlikely to change that. In fact, they are more likely to deteriorate into childish “do want” “do not” “do want” “do not” arguments, because reasonable arguments can be repeated only so many times before it gets tiring.
And no, most of those arguments are not “because WoW”. Not are they “bad excuses”. But of course you’d not be interested in it anyway.
I keep seeing the argument, “GW2 doesn’t need mounts.”
It doesn’t need mesmers, axes, waypoints, etc. either.
But all of those already exist. Mounts as some people would want them do not.
Changing the status quo is harder than keeping it, especially in face of heavy opposition. And without devs favoring your side (and so far it seems they don’t want mounts in GW2 at all).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Mounts like Quaggans being a playable race will never happen in the life of Guild Wars 2. But can I say that I’m all for both and some other things – like ……. Guild Halls…….
like I have mentioned, the question is no longer “can we have mounts” since they’re already in-game, the question really is how does Anet expand on that feature.
You seem to have jumped over the question “do we need or want Anet to expand on those features?” and the fact that general response for this is for now “no, we don’t”.
General response? The mount threads here manage to keep up even better then the Cantha thread. So the general response seems to be yes.
If you look at all those threads, you will see that (unlike in cantha thread), most people posting are against mounts, not for them. And the main reason why lot of posts are simple “don’t like” statements, is because all the arguments have been repeated over and over again countless times. No mount thread in at least a year had introduced any new argument, and future ones are unlikely to change that. In fact, they are more likely to deteriorate into childish “do want” “do not” “do want” “do not” arguments, because reasonable arguments can be repeated only so many times before it gets tiring.
And no, most of those arguments are not “because WoW”. Not are they “bad excuses”. But of course you’d not be interested in it anyway.
Oow I have seen them all. It does not fit in the lore (while it fits more in the lore then no mounts), it makes the world smaller (while way-points really make the world smaller), they would be to crowded in buildings (then you auto dismount inside buildings like in most mmo’s), people block your way in frond of a vendor (just like norns and chars already do?). Yeah I consider that excuses.
And not the majority is against in those thread but it’s true that in Cantha threads you have no people being against it. Mounts are something that has many people in favor but also some heavy against them. So that is what you see.
Here’s another vote against. For all the myriad reasons posted in the past threads.
Or, if that is not good enough, just because I’m not for it. If resources are going to be spent on something, I’d prefer it was something I liked. =)
The amount of QQing here in opposition to mounts is appalling.
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]
The amount of QQing here in opposition to mounts is appalling.
The amount of QQing about those against mounts is appalling.
The amount of QQing here in opposition to mounts is appalling.
The amount of QQing about those against mounts is appalling.
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]
How about getting the flying broom and pretending its a horse? Takes me back to my youth!
anyone arguing against mounts should be agruing FOR more waypoints in Silverwastes.
If you’re against mounts AND want only 1 waypoint per zone.. there’s something wrong with you.
The point of the silverwastes was to give it a WvW feel I suppose. But back to the topic, I do not see mounts working in this game. Not yet.
WvW allows you to put a waypoint in owned keeps.
But now they’re moving towards zones with fewer and fewer waypoints. Now we have a zone with 1 waypoint.
Walking across a zone in combat with trash mobs that aren’t worth the time of day to fight is not fun or engaging.
anyone arguing against mounts should be agruing FOR more waypoints in Silverwastes.
If you’re against mounts AND want only 1 waypoint per zone.. there’s something wrong with you.
No it would be really fun to reduce every bit of intelligent play from thing game…
Remove all mechanics. Please…How difficult is it in game to get an actual speed boost?
Only mesmer is dependant on a bit of help from others. but they could manage with runes , food or boosters if neededWhen in Silverwaste there is a reason why there is only 1 waypoint atm, it’s to balance the “minigame” which IS silverwaste, if you cold teleport/hyperspeed or be launched to wherever you needed to go this would debalance it…
SO good for A-Net to put 1 WP.
And NO, Still NO, NO to mounts. Except maybe for my proposed walking speed dolyak. (-50% speed)
It’s large enough that if you’re at blue oasis and someone calls out a legendary attacking redrock, you will probably miss the kill whether you try running, or you waypoint back and try running from the opposite direction. I’m pretty sure you’ll miss the legendary at blue oasis if you aren’t at indigo or amber or blue as well.
If you die in a breach event (say you jump down in amber’s hole and the troll aoes your landing spot instantly killing you), nobody resses you, and by the time you run across the zone, the troll is dead.
You would have wasted all that time (and half of the breach) getting no credit.
I’ll just say, yes, I am in favor of mounts. No, we don’t need them, and no, they should not change the game in any way to accommodate them, but they should add them, and they should allow a player to move faster than Swiftness while out of combat. Waypoints should not be changed in any way, including in future zones which should remain as WP-dense as current ones, with or without mounts being added. For players that really don’t want mounts, but that would drown us in their tears if they couldn’t move as fast as a mounted player, there should be “Boots of Speed” which cost the same as a basic mount, are slotted in the mount slot, and behave identically to mounts, except you just run really fast instead of riding something awesome.
Unbearable? Hardly. I often play a Guardian which happens to have the worst temp speed buffs in the game.
Guardians are actually one of the fastest, with near complete Swiftness uptime and a solid lunge. You’re thinking of Mesmers, which are agonizing.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
But all of those already exist. Mounts as some people would want them do not.
Changing the status quo is harder than keeping it, especially in face of heavy opposition. And without devs favoring your side (and so far it seems they don’t want mounts in GW2 at all).
And the cost/effort involved in changing the status quo might be a valid argument against mounts. The fact that they are not needed is not. Keep in mind that any content that the devs might add to the game at some point in the future is not part of the status quo and is not needed.
Personally I have no interest in seeing mounts added to GW2. There are other things on which I would rather see dev resources spent. My primary reason for opposing the addition of mounts is the opportunity cost.
no mounts, they have better things to spend their time and effort on, like fixing the story, clipping issues, tweaking the trait system, etc. i’m not against mounts entirely, if they’re 100% cosmetic, no speed boost, no effects, i’m fine with it, but they just have more important things they need to work on.
no mounts, they have better things to spend their time and effort on, like fixing the story, clipping issues, tweaking the trait system, etc. i’m not against mounts entirely, if they’re 100% cosmetic, no speed boost, no effects, i’m fine with it, but they just have more important things they need to work on.
Mounts in games are mainly used as primary traveling tool.
They’re good in there, because there are not so many quick-access tools available in game to reach certain destinations.
GW2 maps are filled with waypoints which allow people travel in the blink of an eye from one map to another, or within one map whenever people need.
And the paid staff has removed the use of pet whisles, elemental powder
No they haven’t . . .
You could keep spamming those, now you have a 30 minute CD yes they were nerfed, and not listed: another great ninja nerf brought to you by the staff and devs of A-Net in februari 2014:
Yes they were nerfed. I could spam as many as I wanted to (5min duration , 5m CD). Nowadays I need to wait 30 minutes, want your mount on 30 minutes as well? with the fact they take forever to recharge they ARE removed. these things were standard in dungeon runners inventory, now they are USELESS, like mounts.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
no mounts, they have better things to spend their time and effort on, like fixing the story, clipping issues, tweaking the trait system, etc. i’m not against mounts entirely, if they’re 100% cosmetic, no speed boost, no effects, i’m fine with it, but they just have more important things they need to work on.
Mounts in games are mainly used as primary traveling tool.
They’re good in there, because there are not so many quick-access tools available in game to reach certain destinations.GW2 maps are filled with waypoints which allow people travel in the blink of an eye from one map to another, or within one map whenever people need.
i know all that, just some people want to collect all the shinies, well this could be another shiny for them. just do it after they fix or add everything else that’s more important. like the carpet, broom, and tunneling tool are the start of those shinies
But now they’re moving towards zones with fewer and fewer waypoints. Now we have a zone with 1 waypoint.
Walking across a zone in combat with trash mobs that aren’t worth the time of day to fight is not fun or engaging.
anyone arguing against mounts should be agruing FOR more waypoints in Silverwastes.
If you’re against mounts AND want only 1 waypoint per zone.. there’s something wrong with you.
No it would be really fun to reduce every bit of intelligent play from thing game…
Remove all mechanics. Please…How difficult is it in game to get an actual speed boost?
Only mesmer is dependant on a bit of help from others. but they could manage with runes , food or boosters if neededWhen in Silverwaste there is a reason why there is only 1 waypoint atm, it’s to balance the “minigame” which IS silverwaste, if you cold teleport/hyperspeed or be launched to wherever you needed to go this would debalance it…
SO good for A-Net to put 1 WP.
And NO, Still NO, NO to mounts. Except maybe for my proposed walking speed dolyak. (-50% speed)
It’s large enough that if you’re at blue oasis and someone calls out a legendary attacking redrock, you will probably miss the kill whether you try running, or you waypoint back and try running from the opposite direction. I’m pretty sure you’ll miss the legendary at blue oasis if you aren’t at indigo or amber or blue as well.
If you die in a breach event (say you jump down in amber’s hole and the troll aoes your landing spot instantly killing you), nobody resses you, and by the time you run across the zone, the troll is dead.
You would have wasted all that time (and half of the breach) getting no credit.
Why would you want to be everywhere at the same time? As it is a teamwork map why can’t people understand it might actually take some risk and camp somewhere? I understand they give bags….
But i did all Legendary Achievements in Silverwastes while people were farming, this was easier as ppl digging up chests tend not to run to an other side of a map took me 90minutes in total, had soms luck with the spawns though…
I doubt anyone would actually have benefit using an alternate form without speedboost…
If you want a mount just for the speedboost: Not if you get a perma swiftness even if it was 25%,and never if you want more then 33%. Never! I do not mind a thing for esthetics, but not with mods, bonusses or otherwise. The kites were a bad idea (Due to limited availablity (RNG and stuff), mounts (as a speed modifier, I mean, would be horendous.
If it would be in the gem store with 34% or higher speedboost the whole game would revolt against pay2win. I can guarantee it.
If 1 watchwork sprocket could make a community mad, think of a person being able to buy +50% or +100% speed AND while transformed, allowing to bypass all mobs, removing any intelligence to speedclear, while creating Uber-farmers and map clearers.
SO NO! And I gave you the handreach, a tonic/mount wouldn’t be a huge problem, even utility wouldn’t be a problem, speedboost would.
Like I said If I’d think of something it would be a nice dolyak, giving Bank acces for 1 character or 20 maybe 40 slots inventory, with walking speed so I could walk around tyria at leisure. no attacks for the dolly ( I could think of things to unlock if we’d get one)
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
But i did all Legendary Achievements in Silverwastes while people were farming, this was easier as ppl digging up chests tend not to run to an other side of a map took me 90minutes in total, had soms luck with the spawns though…
If all the legendaries you needed popped within 90 minutes then you got VERY lucky with the spawns. Understand that this did not go so smoothly for everyone, and as someone who was camping the Oasis Legendary alone for about 90 minutes total gameplay, only to have him spawn right as I died outright to the attacking enemies, far enough from the battle that nobody was bothering to rez me because they were too busy killing the Legendary, but lucky enough that a passing NPC rezzed me in time that I could make the fight, I REALLY would have appreciated a WP within 30s travel time or so.
If you want a mount just for the speedboost: Not if you get a perma swiftness even if it was 25%,and never if you want more then 33%. Never! I do not mind a thing for esthetics, but not with mods, bonusses or otherwise. The kites were a bad idea (Due to limited availablity (RNG and stuff), mounts (as a speed modifier, I mean, would be horendous.
If it would be in the gem store with 34% or higher speedboost the whole game would revolt against pay2win. I can guarantee it.
I agree. Look, if mounts give any sort of speedboost, then getting a baseline version should be VERY casual. It should be like the Shoulders from this LW perhaps, you get it for free by completing the story, if you can never complete the story for various reasons then you can earn one for “1000 badges” or something similarly effortless to earn, or even for a few gold if that’s out of the question.
Getting a mount should never be an obstacle, and never be Gemstore-only. Now, with that “P2W” barrier out of the way, they can offer a wide variety of mounts, each gameplay-identical, but cosmetically interesting, letting your ride various animals and devices. Some of these can be gem-store only, some can be RNG drops (preferably re-skinned variants), some can be earned from gameplay activities, etc. Most games with mounts include plenty of options for them that don’t involve micro-transactions.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
You all DO understand that the game does have the equal to a mount already. When you are out of combat you are much faster, and when you enter combat you become slower, much like in other games when you get dismounted if you are attacked.
The only parts that are missing are the summoning of the mount skill charge, the puff of smoke when you summon it or are dismounted and the visual representation of it. Mechanic wise the game already has a function that works the same way mounts work in other games.
I’m all for Mounts, but first they have to fix a ton of other thigns, that are of higher priority right now.
I’ve always said this and I wil lsay it here again.
Mounts are good and nice, they are 100% optional if implemented well thought out, but currently the game is bursting with critical problems that needc to get fixed first finally:
Just a few examples:
- Fix of the broken Collection Achievements
- Fix of the WvW Achievements
- Fix of the Trait System
- Redesign of the Ranger/Thief Class, especially the Ranger first
- Precursor Craftign/Scavenger Hunts
- Finally implement all the missing Content, like Polymock, Bar Brawls, Target Shooting ect.
- Fix the Personality System and reimplement it
- Fix the Crafting System and bring in finally Jeweler and Chef 500!!
- Add Legendary Armors, Accessoires/ Ascended Sigils /Runes and new legendary Weapons and make all legendary stuff finally not sellable via TP Make Ascended sellable via TP instead
- Merge the Borderlands and implement good EotM Features into WvW, add new WvW Maps that actualy count also to WvW, unlike EotM, give WvW a better Reward System, that makes Badges of Honor useful actually, like converting them into Dungeon Tokens in a 5:1 ratio for example
- Add more PvP Gameplay Modes to give more variety there
- Add more useable weapons to all classes
- Add more Utility/Elite Skills to create more Build Diversity
- Add Sub Classes for more horizontal Character Progression
- Redesign more of the Dungeons/ add new Dungeons
- Add Raids
- Overview all the old maps and improve them with the Reward Systems introduced with Season 2/ Regional Achievements and so on
- Give GW2 DX11 Support and a 64 Bit Client to improve further the Game Performance for High End PCs, that get otherwise only bottlenecked due to DX9 and the 32Bit client
- Make out of SweetFX an integrated Shader that gets officially supported
- Make the personal instance useful / Player Housing
thats just a quick list of things, which should have all a much higher priority, than Mounts currently, and when all of this has been worked off, then theres space for addign as a new feature raisable Mounts with an Expansion, because Mounts aren’t a feature, which just so simple should get implemented, while there are alot of other things, that should get attention of Anet first …
I hope Orpheal’s post won’t be taken seriously…
I hope Orpheal’s post won’t be taken seriously…
I hope it does.
I hope Orpheal’s post won’t be taken seriously…
I hope it does.
Lol, the controversy of opinions xD
This exactly shows again ,that Anets never will be able to please everybody
I hope Orpheal’s post won’t be taken seriously…
I hope it does.
Lol, the controversy of opinions xD
This exactly shows again ,that Anets never will be able to please everybody
That’s life. It’s up to Anet to make the decisions while weighing the pros and cons, regardless that most choices made will not please everyone.
No mounts ever in this game. Dont kitten it up even more.
I hope Orpheal’s post won’t be taken seriously…
I hope it does.
Lol, the controversy of opinions xD
This exactly shows again ,that Anets never will be able to please everybodyThat’s life. It’s up to Anet to make the decisions while weighing the pros and cons, regardless that most choices made will not please everyone.
jup, especially when it goes about new content, that would be for everyone 100% total optional, cause even if they would exist now, they stop nobody from still using WP’s over them. They aren’t a superior mechanic that would make WPs ever obsolete.
So I absolutely can’t understand people QQing so much over something, that will always be only an inferior option, which would just allow only those that despise WPs to have some more fun when traveling around, cause always running on foot gets boring and Mounts simply could be an awesome prestige thing, just like Legendary Weapons, which are same as obsolete, as like some people say that Mounts are unneeded and yet they exist and create way more screen clutter ect. that gets forced upon everyones throat, because the game offers us not a way to deactivate all this bling bling garbage that other players wear… (counts for back items too, can’t get to see these ridiculous colored steel wings anymore, or those childish holographic wings)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Two things are funny one group is in denial. How can you make the statement “No mounts ever” when dur they are already in game and one even breaks the naysayer biggest taboo that it in fact gives a speed boost. And the other thing is when that naysayer quoted the other naysayer and attacked his naysaying as if he was promount.
You all DO understand that the game does have the equal to a mount already. When you are out of combat you are much faster, and when you enter combat you become slower, much like in other games when you get dismounted if you are attacked.
Yes, but 1. This top speed is still fairly slow, especially if you don’t have access to Swiftness, and 2. Even setting the speed aside, mounts are fun and cool. So no, there is no “you don’t realize you should be happy with what we’ve got” solution to this one. Sorry.
Lol, the controversy of opinions xD
This exactly shows again ,that Anets never will be able to please everybody
No, but while I don’t agree with your entire list, I agree with a lot of it. What I’d like to see is them taking a list like that, and more, and then getting more feedback as to which of these features the community as a whole most care about. I’d like to see a massive community poll where people can pick up to five of those things, and then add up what the most wanted features are.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I vote no mounts on this topic as a personal opinion. I like the world the way it is. Someone also mentioned at the beginning that they don’t like how mounts appear out of nowhere, this is also a good point. I prefer to see myself as an adventurer that has traveled on their own, exploring the land as I go rather than needing a mount to make my gameplay effective. The waypoints are plenty and when they are far apart, the distance is just right.
However, if they had mounts like the broomstick with no speed boost and simply for vanity, that would be okay.
All that day he rode westward, ever westward, through rain and snow and zergs farming bloodstone dust, and when at last the sun began to ease its weary way down toward the far horizon, he reined in his trusty mount and said, “Aw, kitten, a gazebo! I hope it doesn’t see us.”
This post was brought to you by Mighty Mozz Riding Moas Incorporated, breeders of the best and fastest riding and egg-laying moas in Tyria since 1327 AE. “Moas: when you get where you’re going, have an omelet!”
All that day he rode westward, ever westward, through rain and snow and zergs farming bloodstone dust, and when at last the sun began to ease its weary way down toward the far horizon, he reined in his trusty mount and said, “Aw, kitten, a gazebo! I hope it doesn’t see us.”
This post was brought to you by Mighty Mozz Riding Moas Incorporated, breeders of the best and fastest riding and egg-laying moas in Tyria since 1327 AE. “Moas: when you get where you’re going, have an omelet!”
Brilliant Sir, just brilliant xD