Mounts [merged]

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logos.1306


people dont want mounts to skip content or fast travel. They want them to feel the immersion.

You might want to stick to speaking for yourself. For as long as this game has been around people asking for mounts have stated that they want them for fast travel. Should we assume that they were lying when they specifically stated what they want or that you know better than they do what they want?

The second one. They feel the need for mounts and they think it is because they want fast travel but what they really want is immersion. If they wanted fast travel waypoints will be more then enough.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


people dont want mounts to skip content or fast travel. They want them to feel the immersion.

You might want to stick to speaking for yourself. For as long as this game has been around people asking for mounts have stated that they want them for fast travel. Should we assume that they were lying when they specifically stated what they want or that you know better than they do what they want?

The second one. They feel the need for mounts and they think it is because they want fast travel but what they really want is immersion. If they wanted fast travel waypoints will be more then enough.

ok then. Feel free to claim to be speaking for complete stranger who have specifically indicated that you do not. As much as I think that mounts, if shown to have sufficient ROI potential, could be a possitive addition to the Game, I am more than willing to reconsider my opinion if the best that the pro mount crowd can come up with to support their position is a claim that they should be taken as speaking for others in order to create a false consensus on the matter.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Photonman.6241


I don’t get this. All you anti-mount people are ridiculous. They already have vanity mounts with the broomstick and sonic tunneler and yet your doomsday prediction haven’t come true. We’re also getting gliders. It would be nothing for them to just add some more items like the broomstick or tunneler, maybe even something that gives swiftness. I don’t think mounts are necessary by any stretch, but they’re already here, and there’s probably gonna be more somewhere along the line. They’re just toys that people get to play with, it’s no big deal.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylgeriak.8250


Just to let you know: Blizzard realized how flying mounts devaluate a game exploration wise so that flying won’t be available at all anymore from WoD onwards.

Interesting move, ofc the WoW community is raging about this. But imo they’re right and I hope flying won’t ever be possible in GW2. But I can imagine it must be hard to take away their candy they were used to lol

Kyrgyz Manas – Gandara[EU]

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diva.4706


Flying mounts take away from immersion and exploration. They end up trivializing the game play.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spook.5847


Just to let you know: Blizzard realized how flying mounts devaluate a game exploration wise so that flying won’t be available at all anymore from WoD onwards.

Interesting move, ofc the WoW community is raging about this. But imo they’re right and I hope flying won’t ever be possible in GW2. But I can imagine it must be hard to take away their candy they were used to lol

Bliz screwed WoW up horribly long ago, and is just continuing the trend. It’s just a milk cow at this point. Saying that flying can’t be in a game because of “X” is just a demonstration of the speaker’s lack of imagination.

Fact is, though, that game companies are – like almost every other corp nowdays – just cheap, lazy, sloppy, and kitten; out solely for profit, and with no sense of value to the customer.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odjin.8530


TLDR most of the responses. It may have been mentioned already but I think the best way to implement mounts would be to make them consume resources. Basically you have to feed your mount for it to move. Similar to FFXI did with chocobos. This way it isn’t totally game breaking because you have to farm or craft the vital materials.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

My opinion: Screw giving us buffs on a mount, hell make them slower than the average character .. just give us mounts. Not flying ones, but maybe land ones. It would basically serve like riding a magic carpet now. Just for show, nothing else. :/

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AikunFelcis.7258


I’d love to see more “cosmetic mounts” like magic carpet available in gemstore. Some time ago we had minigame moa race in LA and this gave me an idea that adding moas as cosmetic mounts (like magic carpet) would be really awesome. Each month new moa with different feathers color and fancy saddle, armored moas, moas with wizard hat, etc. Additionally adding collection for cosmetic mounts would be cool (just like minis). What do you think about this idea?

(edited by AikunFelcis.7258)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natto.5819


I was watching some videos of Guild Wars 1, and I saw some players riding a giant scorpion mount that shot trebuchet shots. So with the first gaming having mounts, and none in Guild Wars 2, I was wondering if mount are really part of the lore of this game or not.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrWubzy.3587


They certainly are part of some lore, with some races mounting creatures at some point (like the new Hylek race being introduced in HoT). I wouldn’t mind getting more of those cosmetic mounts in the gem store someday (like the broom and carpet) with some racial themes.

| Biyx [Guardian] ; Aika Vonelli [Ranger] |
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


Hmm I think they are in some ways, there are only two mounts I really really really really really (etc) wish we could have (just as fun magic carpet type things) a Charr in honor of Rytlok, and a quaggan!

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

The Devourer and Jujundu were more of transformations than mounts in GW1. GW2 does have some cosmetic ‘mounts’ in the form of Magic Carpet, Sonic Tunneling Tool, etc.

But, some NPCs are mounted in both games.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jermoe Morrow.9501

Jermoe Morrow.9501

Dwarves in GW1 had mounts, only race that had them as far as I remember. There were some transformations the player took on in very specific areas that could be construed as mounts, but they were special purpose (devourer was a battle tank, wurms were literally only means of safely traveling in an area) and those changed your skill bar to a unique set.

Otherwise, mounts are practically unheard of. Even the previously mentioned devouere was generally portrayed as being controlled more than ridden.

80s(name-race/class):Jermoe Morrow(main) – H/Ra
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


There were only two different mounts players were able to have, and they were in very specific areas

The Siege devourers of the Charr homelands.
“Mount the siege devourer. You can command it to move and use skills. "
“Dismount Siege Devourer. You dismount the siege devourer. "


The Junundu of the Desolation
“You have been swallowed by a great wurm. You can command the wurm to move and use its skills.”
“Leave Junundu. The junundu releases you from its jaws. "

There were also many dwarves which had mounts as well as some undead….

Some notable NPC’s/enemies with mounts were

Dagnar Stonepate who rode a giant Lightning Drake

Stone Summit Beastmasters who rode giant Snow Beasts.

Summit Heretics who rode large Dolyaks

Necrid Horsemen who rode horrors that took an equestrian likeness. (and their ghastly counterparts, Banished Dream Riders)

Luxons who went as far as building homes on the backs of giant turtles and crabs to suit their nomadic roaming.


(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


Of note however, was the mounts and the riders where part of the same body. They did not separate, even on death.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

They’re not really part of the lore in the sense that mounts would have had little place in GW1 and the world seems to lack human sized riding animals like horses, despite references to them.

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Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


They’re not really part of the lore in the sense that mounts would have had little place in GW1 and the world seems to lack human sized riding animals like horses, despite references to them.

This is often brought up to support an argument for mounts:

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serenke.4806


I’d love to have mounts. Mounts of all sizes and all kinds. Crawling mounts, giant centipede mounts, asura riding charr, norn riding dolyaks, Queen Jennah riding Logan. And so on.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Mounts were always part of the Guild Wars Lore… point is only
Sadly both games were never designed in first place with Mounts in mind that they have been implemented also gameplay wise, and if, then only as some kind of geographical special mechanic for either traveling to allow you to reach places, where you can’t get without them, cause you would die trying to reach those places without them in the case of the Junundu and the high toxic sulfrous environment that the elonian desert was in GW1.

Or we use them Siege Weapons where they were either uncontroable NPCs (Siege Turtles) or where they are controlable, but due to technical limitations replace the whole character model of our characters with that of the mount, so that you never saw your character actually riding that momunt – you literally only became that mount.

Besides this, there exists also more than enough lore, that proffs, that there exist horses in the world of Tyria, but like with mounts in general, sadly ANet has never used them in regard of gameplay, unless you look at the Necrid Horseman enemy, or the Banished Dream Riders

GW2 should get mounts somewhen, Anet could make some great money from them by selling “Mount Skins”
The Game could receive a great new Prestige item for people which dislike Legendary Weapons and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around.

If ANet would add a Mastery to the game for Riding and Calvary, we could have also some good Character Progression bonded to it, so that Mounts would work uniquely for GW2, what was always one of Anets conditions under which they would think about bringing mounts – only if they are more, than just only a travel mechanism – that are their words

With Siege Golems we already have basically mounted combat in the same way how Siege Devourers worked for GW1.
All that ANet needs to do now is to make it possible, that we can see our characters when riding the mount and to make appropiate limitations and options in the game, where Moutns can’t be use, like in Towns, like in Outposts, like in PvP Lobby ect. just only for example in PvE and WvW where it makes sense.
That together with a Culling Option for those that dont like to see Mounts, those people get displayed mounted players then simply as unmounted players. However, for WvW would be that option disabled. It would work only for PvE.

Racial specific mounts would be another thign that could make Mounts more unique for GW2, cause most MMOs make it very generic and let have all playable races simply the same mounts, what is very lame and uncreative.
Unique would it be, when all playable races have their own unique races in and inregard of Charr/Norn, that is basically absolutely required, due to the massive body size differences compared to Asuras and Humen/Sylvari.

Asuras would be able to create and build their own personal Golems they can ride on, like Zojja/Taimi (think of basically Transformers Style Mounts that have different modes for various visual looks) or Raptors

Humans would have Horses/Big Moas

Sylvari would have Thorn Wolves/Kirins

Charr would have Steam Bikes or Siege Devourers

Norn would have Gryphons/Drakes, basically just large beasts that are big enough for them to be working mounts

Based on which mount you use, a player could then have also different Mounted Combat Skills, what would add more diversity to the system and would make mounts further unique for GW2.

I hope ,that we will see one day Mounts in GW2 as additional part of Traveling Masteries that will count for the whole game world andn ot like Gliding only for a specific region of the game (I think Anet shoudl rethink that and make gliding also possible everywhere in the game to make all maps after some little reworks via Living World Updates more interesting and interactively compelling, how much fun would it be for example also in WvW to glide down from a high spot to try to perform an air assault on your enemy what would work naturally only, if your skilled enough at gliding to glide as long as you want to be able to reach also wider away locations before your stamina is out?)

so much potential to make the game more fun

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I was watching some videos of Guild Wars 1, and I saw some players riding a giant scorpion mount that shot trebuchet shots. So with the first gaming having mounts, and none in Guild Wars 2, I was wondering if mount are really part of the lore of this game or not.

The Siege devourer, this one mentioned above and the Junundu wurm are the only 2 map bound mounts I remember, in gw1…

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bomber.3872


There are no mounts in gw1. There shall never be any mounts in gw2!

IGN: Euer Verderben
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


There is a bow that shoots a unicorn running over a rainbow.

I dont think “lore” and the explanation for there not being any mounts is a thing that you can combine.

To be short: all GW2 characters are superhuman gymnastic athletes that can run faster than centaurs for an eternity without even breaking a sweat.

Why would you want to be on a mount when you’re running faster than the mount?

That would be like The Flash doing an F1 race in an actual car because its cooler to drive.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


There are no horses in tyria. Maybe was one time, because there was undead horsemen in gw1. I think horses was not indigenous on tyria humans bringed some with them when they came here and they extinted

Just the WvW

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Hmm, made it about two weeks without a mounts thread. That should be a record!

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

Mounts for transport are practically (though not completely) unheard of. Mounts for combat, however? Those have been utilised for a long time. From the dwarven war dolyaks to the charr chuggers, mobile murder machines are definitely a thing in Tyria.

Most of the people who want to see mounts in this game are asking for transportation advantages. Speed boosts and the like. Well, mounts have never really been used for that.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narwhalsbend.7059


Siege Devourers and Junundu are just very limited transformations. I would NOT call them “mounts”.

Also please stop making “PLZ GIB MOUNTS” threads. It’s never going to happen.

I’m not a fan of limiting free speech, but can we just ban the word “mount” already?

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


GW2 should get mounts somewhen, Anet could make some great money from them by selling “Mount Skins”
The Game could receive a great new Prestige item for people which dislike Legendary Weapons and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around.


Mountable (Mobile) combat mechanics already exist:
Charr Tank in story (less mobile unless you actually count the NPC function of the tank as movement) (GW2)
Siege weapons (also mobile in the form of Golems) (GW2)
Siege Devourers in EotM… (clearly movable) (GW2)

but considering all mounts as you suggest are P2W….

People were completely outraged by the watchwork mining pick.,.. Some even left.
Now you want a speed buffed mount? For gems? how would you use combat mechanics? mounted? the same as you have now?

Even when the Eternal Fire freezes over and The Mists will have been blown away there is no chance this will happen… ever.
They will be nerfed untill they are just another (big) mini.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There are no mounts in gw1. There shall never be any mounts in gw2!

And you dont have this to decide!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ganix.8297


So dont enter to these posts. Its easier than deny mount posts. And if it never going to happen there is nothing to worry about for u dont?

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


GW2 should get mounts somewhen, Anet could make some great money from them by selling “Mount Skins”
The Game could receive a great new Prestige item for people which dislike Legendary Weapons and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around.



People were completely outraged by the watchwork mining pick.,.. Some even left.
Now you want a speed buffed mount? For gems?

Even when the Eternal Fire freezes over and The Mists will have been blown away there is no chance this will happen… ever.
They will be nerfed untill they are just another mini.


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around

And what part of THIS is just a skin? Have you already forgotten your own post?

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pyriel.4370


Mounts are interesting and have appeared in the lore, same with horses.

E.g. In GW2 there are rocking horses, the dreamer bow shoots unicorns and a place called Iron Horse mine.

There are also horses in Guild Wars with the Necrid Horsemen.

It stands to a few questions;

1) If they did exist, why did the humans and other sentient races allow such a handy animal to go extinct?

“Maybe we should protect the horses, captain , they could all die!”

“What?! And miss all the wonderful scenery on foot?!”

“But sir, we are prone to fatigue, injury and disease if we march everywhere on foot!”

“…….but look at that waterfall design!!! The Devs spend months on that!!!”

“What Devs sir? Are you ok?”

2) If they did exist, what would have such a vendetta that it would only attack the entire population of horses (which humans seemed to have bred a lot of them for war purposes, see Necrid Horsemen)? Was their horsemeat scandal way worse than Europe’s 2013 horsemeat scandal?


Perhaps the usage of any mount would be to traverse a specific area and you would just have different skins.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


I wonder how many people would really ride a siege devourer with runspeed like -50%

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


ever seen the damage it does?

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Centurion.7296


Dollies fdw, imagen if you could only tame a mount according to you’re size. Norns will ofc only be able to ride dollies but, asuras will have the fastest mounts; like a puma or something XD

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yorick.1305


There are no mounts in gw1. There shall never be any mounts in gw2!

I remember reading similar about an expansion.

How wrong THEY were.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bovish.4768


Maybe i’m not alone in this, but the feeling in being able to have mount regardless of speed or not in Guild Wars 2 is a cool feeling.

Im all up for mounts in Guild Wars 2, as i have both tunneler AND the broomstick.

but it would be nicer feeling if you culd mount-up a in-game wild animal that are around in the different locations somewhere in the awsome world of Tyria.

In Necromancer – I trust

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Browner.3715


Would be an awesome addition to the game IMO.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bovish.4768


Would be an awesome addition to the game IMO.

I think that too. Taking in how the game handle and how the physics is, i think it would be cool.

In Necromancer – I trust

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It will take a lot more work than people seem to be acknowledging (and almost certainly more than I’m able to guess).

The current cosmetic mounts lock your char in a pose and just float them, I don’t think they’ve made the skeleton for the motion of riding or repositioning of the char model. Then you need to do it for all the races while making it all updatable to any new mount or race AND design them to not clip with the char models and all the vast array of armours and outfits (Norn to Asura). Its an awful lot of art and design work for something that isn’t really going to change the way the game plays.

Thats before you consider level design, remember WoW had that “you’re indoors” effect which dismounted you – they’d need to go back over the world adding this so you could fit into houses, caves and things.

I wouldn’t say “don’t add mounts” BUT I do think there are things I’d rather their design team worked on.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Zietlogik.6208:

It’s a big difference to implement something like Mounts as a Feature and what ANet sells later then in the Gemstore!
I was writing absolutely clearly enough, that I suggest that Anet shoul sell in the Gemstore SKINS, not Mounts as a whole.
Selling Mounts as a whole via Gemstore even wouldn’t be “P2W” like people love to call it instantly, if the mechanics that you receive are in no way better, than what you can get just normally in the game through other means, like Runes, Traits, Sigils or Buffs…
P2W would it be first, if the mechanic thats sold from the Gemstore is in everything better, than what a player can earn in the game and get in the game from normal playing!

I haven’t ever suggested anywhere in this forums, also not with my last posting, that Anet should sell Mounts as a full thing from the Gemstore.
Whenever I have written something about it, I made sure, that I talk about just only Skins; the mechanic itself should be earned in the game by the player first and should be hard to earn similar like working on a Legendary Weapon, so that it is made sure, that your permanent Mount has the same value as prestige.
It should be like working on making a legendary weapon, that isn’t needed to have, but nice to have, because it offers you some little nice comfort, which is in this case permanent 25/33% faster traveling speed without having to waste sigils/runes/traits for that and without that you need to permanently cast any skills that cause Swiftness and we already have classes, that can have Perma Swiftness and its annoying as peep to have to cast it every few seconds just to maintain that buff to travel faster, when you could have just the comfort of having a mount that lets you travel faster – same as fast – as if you would have that persistent +25% signet/trait or swiftness buff on.

Adding on top of that Mounted Combat Skill is just visual fluff, if these combat skills would be weaker than the normal combat skills to give players an incentive to dismount as quick as possible as soon as you get in near of enemies. Anet could make sure, that these mounted skilsl are better suited for support/control eventually, rather than dealing any significant damage with them.
Or Anet could handle it like in Wicher 3, that Mounts have a “Fear Meter” and when they get too much fear, they throw you off, if you face too many foes at once when beign on mount and get surrounded and hit too much, so that you want to dismount, before you get too near to prevent that from happening.

You just need to be openminded enough to come up with plenty of options,how Mounts could be implemented so that they would suit very well into the game with none of them ending up in any way as P2W when being implemented just right – and for that it s only important to ensure, that everythign sold via the Gemstore will always be only visual changes, not gameplay mechanics and that the gameplay mechanics won’t disturb players while playing in any aggresive way (grieving), what is easily preventable by making mounts only there useable, where it makes sense and thats surely not in towns or in the PvP Lobby for example. This should be clear I think.

i would have understood your complaint, if i would have suggested, that Mounts should increase your Max Health by say +10000 and should add to you a free Bag Slot with + 40 SLots, plus make you travel like + 100% faster and that this should be sodl in the Gemstore.
Then I would have understood you.
But nothing of this is the case.

All I want is Mounts as Prestige Items of a value comparable to Legendary Weapons, which need to be earned ingame and for which you can just buy unique SKINS in the Gemstore.
Say you don’t like the Standard Horse Skin “Tyrian Wildhorse” for your Human Mount, then you could buy for example in the Gemstore the Skin “Elonian Wildhorse”, which would make your Horse look different, change it from a brownish horse for example into a black horse that has also a different looking saddle and different looking reins and saddlery.
Or you could buy they a kind of Cavalry Skin, that makes you horse look more like a battle hardened warhorse with a kind of heraldry cape and armored plates to protect better its legs, head and body (visually, NO BETTER DEFENSE, before you ask…)

This way Moutns are just a Quality of Life Item, just like Legendary Weapons, giving you the comfort not to have to use anymore traits, sigils, runes or swiftness buffs for faster travelment, but you won’t be faster than anyone without a mount.

People which don’t like legendary weapons would have then however a nice alternative wherefore to spent alot of money and other ressources.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huggywuggles.2814


Just to let you know: Blizzard realized how flying mounts devaluate a game exploration wise so that flying won’t be available at all anymore from WoD onwards.

Interesting move, ofc the WoW community is raging about this. But imo they’re right and I hope flying won’t ever be possible in GW2. But I can imagine it must be hard to take away their candy they were used to lol

Blizzard also lost 1/3 of their player base in Q1. The issues the company are experiencing go well beyond just flight alone (something GW2 is addressing in HoT with gliding, fyi) and has more to do with a distant and outright dismissive development team.

That being said, I do believe that mounts in general would take a great deal away from what makes GW2 a more attractive game and that is player immersion and interaction with the world itself.

Besides, simply put mounts are simply a method to introduce “fast travel” which GW2 deals with quite capably with the prolific placement of waypoints. So yeah, I’d be sorely dissapointed if GW2 introduced mounts as a prominent feature of the game, I’d be sorely dissapointed.

I am a Juicebox Hero. I poke straws in Risen Eyes.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Just to let you know: Blizzard realized how flying mounts devaluate a game exploration wise so that flying won’t be available at all anymore from WoD onwards.

Interesting move, ofc the WoW community is raging about this. But imo they’re right and I hope flying won’t ever be possible in GW2. But I can imagine it must be hard to take away their candy they were used to lol

Blizzard also lost 1/3 of their player base in Q1. The issues the company are experiencing go well beyond just flight alone (something GW2 is addressing in HoT with gliding, fyi) and has more to do with a distant and outright dismissive development team.

That being said, I do believe that mounts in general would take a great deal away from what makes GW2 a more attractive game and that is player immersion and interaction with the world itself.

Besides, simply put mounts are simply a method to introduce “fast travel” which GW2 deals with quite capably with the prolific placement of waypoints. So yeah, I’d be sorely dissapointed if GW2 introduced mounts as a prominent feature of the game, I’d be sorely dissapointed.

Do you believe that teleporting past scenery and the like provides more immersion and interaction with the world than riding past would ?

Selling Mounts as a whole via Gemstore even wouldn’t be “P2W” like people love to call it instantly, if the mechanics that you receive are in no way better, than what you can get just normally in the game through other means, like Runes, Traits, Sigils or Buffs…
P2W would it be first, if the mechanic thats sold from the Gemstore is in everything better, than what a player can earn in the game and get in the game from normal playing!

A mount with a speed buff, purchased in the gemstore, would provide something that cannot be otherwise gained in game:

That speed buff without having to use runes, traits, etc. This would free the gemstore mount purchaser to spend their traits, runes, etc on character power instead of speed.In other words the gemstore purchaser could have both while others would have to choose one or the other.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Ashen

Not if Anet would finally implement as counter solution “Templates” so that players can quickly change builds/equipment while being outside of combat before they engage into combat…
A person on mount (a matter of design) could naturally also be forced to dismount, if Anet would have no plans for mounted combat or if yes, then I say, mounted combat skills should be weaker, than normal combat skills so that theres an incentive to dismount for combat..

However, your analogy isn’t fully correct, because also players can have both, movement and the power at the same time (mostly all classes), cause if you use the runes for movement, your traits and utilities are free for more power/ better combat relevant skills and runes are something, that all classes can use without any restrictions (Rune of Speed 6 gives + 25% movement speed.

If you want to have a more balanced alternative, take rune of the traveler, but with these runes you can ignore the traits/utilities and use better options in these two areas. The choice of the rune set is just very minor and you can easily compensate that tiny loss of max dps through just better player skills.

However, P2W by definition is, when you pay with real money something in a Gemstore of a Gem, to become this way alot better with/or in something, than somebody, who didn’t do the same thing and doesn’t have the same thing on the character. Somethign, thats only obtainable via Gemstore and can’t be earned.

Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.
I’m not suggesting here to make Mounts a sellable thing in the Gemstore. God darn it!! Do I write chinese!!?

Everyone should be able to earn his/herself their very own permanent mount, but it won’t come cheap, it will be very valuable and a long term task, like working on making a Legendary Weapon.
You DON’T buy it from the Gemstore, you earn it for yourself through doing a long successful journey of obtaining lots of things and doing lots of various tasks all over Tyria to get it.
The only thign after that point, which you will be able to buy from the Gemstore should be the looks of your Moumt, how you want to make your Mount look like to be able to personalize it more, if you want.

Mount Skins, that you buy, like Finishing Move Skins, like Mail Bird Skins, like Minipet Skins…

I hope I was finally understandable enough!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neox.3497


Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.

Suddenly they are skins?
You said it like you could only get mounts through the gem shop earlier.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeT M.4319

DeT M.4319

Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.

Suddenly they are skins?
You said it like you could only get mounts through the gem shop earlier.

You already can. Magic carpet … you dont get any bonuses from it anyway. So u shouldn’t get from others as well.

Soo. Mounts will be just a visual coz we really can travel faster with WP then…. it will be fine. Add as much u want cosmetic in gem store.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huggywuggles.2814


@ Ashen

Yes I do believe that being able teleport acrossthe continent in the blink of an eye is, in fact, immersive for Tyria.

I don’t know if you’ve played an Asuran but it’s quite clearly explained that they invented Waypoints thus tying WP directly to the lore of Tyria.

I haven’t yet had the opportunity to really delve into Asuran lore but given that they were driven from underground, one can only surmise they used WP as a means to travel there as well. Upon their emergence, it makes perfect sense for a Techno-Arcane race to implement that technology in their new environment and enriching the lives of the other races.

I am a Juicebox Hero. I poke straws in Risen Eyes.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


I could care less about mounts considering GW2 has the least number of times for me playing a game where I felt I was just way too slow. However, it would be cool to see npcs using larger mounts and moving around for things like transporting troops or bringing goods to market. There are events for these, but I was looking for something more… common. It would be particularly interesting if some functioned as mobile platforms you could hop aboard. Better yet, a mobile camp at some point would be awesome. Put it in some sort of flat desert map and give it a waypoint so you could watch the thing move around on the map.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.

Suddenly they are skins?
You said it like you could only get mounts through the gem shop earlier.

Sigh, learn to read, I give up!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside