Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


There used to be a beautiful spot on the top of Mount Maelstrom. It was a rock just above the vista that one could easily access by jumping across a few slanted stones, and running up to the tip. It would put you nearly at the cloud layer, where you could see off into the distance at the lightning and stormy sky due to the active volcano below. I went and got the vista today on an alt and thought I’d go up there because I liked the spot.

Anet made that impossible by changing the rocks. Instead you walk around the side and you see a series of sloped rocks leading up to the area, blocked off by an invisible wall.

Why? How is it that the developers are more focused on removing fun scenic areas and things like a popular stump in Southsun than fixing all of the crap bugs that actually plague character classes? Why was it even necessary to “fix” something like this? I actually had a few good memories chatting with people on top of that high rock near the clouds, but we can’t have nice things like that, can we?

(edited by Sil.4560)

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neb.4170


Your first mistake was having fun.

Don’t do it again.


Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marxo.3829


I hates these non-descriptive “ORLY” thread titles. I does hates it so.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


Are you sure its gone completely? I remember running into a few different walls on the way up and having to take specific paths to get around them.

If it is walled off completely, then maybe its because they didn’t want you to see above the skybox.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


Good to see I’ve successfully tricked Marxo into reading the thread, nonetheless. Mwahaha.

But yeah, they’ve walled it off with an added rock and an invisible barrier beyond that. I feels…unnecessary. You couldn’t really see beyond the skybox.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


baffles my mind as well 19 pages of bugs in the engineering folder but they take the time to fix a nonvista location in the open world, a world they want us to appreciate the time they took on it. smh

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoterFuchs.9216


Problem with “bugs” like this is, they’re easy and quick to fix. Probably doesn’t take more than 5 minutes. Major bugs that affect traits and skills need more review, probably even a programmer and the guarantee that it’s working properly now. When it comes to balancing there’s even more stuff involved.

It is sad and discouraging, but that’s the way it is.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


You’re not suppose to be having fun, you’re suppose to be grinding for legendaries and buying Gems, please do what you’re told..

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


Problem with “bugs” like this is, they’re easy and quick to fix. Probably doesn’t take more than 5 minutes. Major bugs that affect traits and skills need more review, probably even a programmer and the guarantee that it’s working properly now. When it comes to balancing there’s even more stuff involved.

It is sad and discouraging, but that’s the way it is.

Doesn’t answer the question of why it needed “fixed”. My warrior’s Rush skill could easily be changed to function properly instead of running in place for a solid second and a half or missing the target and swinging at the air. Instead we get this, though it wasn’t something that was by any means necessary.

It is sad and discouraging…just another pointless restriction on the game. Now I’m wondering how many other cool spots are inaccessible. I remember back in the days of the N64 and similar eras, finding obscure spots out of the way was something a lot of gamers really had fun with, myself included. Removing cool spots like this just makes the game feel so much more…flat, at least to someone who enjoys exploring.

You’re not suppose to be having fun, you’re suppose to be grinding for legendaries and buying Gems, please do what you’re told..

I already have three legendaries.

Or… maybe really, really – its handy to have more descriptive subject titles.

Maybe it’s really handy to read the post. Cry more. Don’t like a subject title? Don’t read a thread. Your problem, not mine.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basharic.1654


Yep, my buddy and I liked to throw ourselves off of that point into the volcano, competing to see who could get the furthest into the lava. And now we have to launch from the lower vista point, becausekittenthat’s why. It’s really annoying.

So we’ve upped the difficulty on our game. Now we jump off of the LA diving board, or Malchor’s leap. To be declared the winner you have to hit a rock and die, but do it in such a way that you skip off the rock and end up dead in the water. Whoever ends up deepest in the water upon meeting these conditions wins.

Added bonus to the Malchor’s site, if you jump off the north side instead of the point with the goggles, you can fall with a wall whizzing past you. The wall has a curve as it nears the water and you can position yourself in such a way that you actually hit the wall and slide the last few feet on the wall at terrific speed into the water. If you do it right you can even pull it off without dying.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560



I actually did throw myself from that point on the volcano once or twice. I waited until the event below was going on and actually managed to land directly on another player while they were fighting the destroyer. I don’t think he knew how to respond. XD

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Problem with “bugs” like this is, they’re easy and quick to fix. Probably doesn’t take more than 5 minutes. Major bugs that affect traits and skills need more review, probably even a programmer and the guarantee that it’s working properly now. When it comes to balancing there’s even more stuff involved.

It is sad and discouraging, but that’s the way it is.

How is it even a bug?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Why? How is it that the developers are more focused on removing fun scenic areas and things like a popular stump in Southsun than fixing all of the crap bugs that actually plague character classes? Why was it even necessary to “fix” something like this? I actually had a few good memories chatting with people on top of that high rock near the clouds, but we can’t have nice things like that, can we?

That’s one of my major gripes. They change things (ie spend time working on) that are basically irrelevant (that spelling has got to be wrong) to the player base, while ignoring things that are exceedingly important to the player base. Ofc everything is subject and open to debate, but come on let’s be honest…..hard to do for some.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoterFuchs.9216


Problem with “bugs” like this is, they’re easy and quick to fix. Probably doesn’t take more than 5 minutes. Major bugs that affect traits and skills need more review, probably even a programmer and the guarantee that it’s working properly now. When it comes to balancing there’s even more stuff involved.

It is sad and discouraging, but that’s the way it is.

Doesn’t answer the question of why it needed “fixed”. My warrior’s Rush skill could easily be changed to function properly instead of running in place for a solid second and a half or missing the target and swinging at the air. Instead we get this, though it wasn’t something that was by any means necessary.

It “needs” to be fixed simply because it wasn’t intended to be accessible in the first place. This is just guesswork, but I bet ANet didn’t really pay attention whether the spot had been used or not. Someone at ANet noticed it wasn’t properly sealed off and fixed it.

Do you know about game development? What makes you think that fixing your warriors rush is an easy task? If he’s stuck in place that means there’s something wrong with the physics, the world or both. If it’s the world, then have fun fixing all spots that might affect the skill. If it’s physics you gotta be really careful, because changes on such a delicate system may create a backlash in a way you never expected.

How is it even a bug?

Like I said, it was probably never even inteded to be accessible in the first place.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Dat thread title doe

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Why? How is it that the developers are more focused on removing fun scenic areas and things like a popular stump in Southsun than fixing all of the crap bugs that actually plague character classes? Why was it even necessary to “fix” something like this? I actually had a few good memories chatting with people on top of that high rock near the clouds, but we can’t have nice things like that, can we?

That’s one of my major gripes. They change things (ie spend time working on) that are basically irrelevant (that spelling has got to be wrong) to the player base, while ignoring things that are exceedingly important to the player base. Ofc everything is subject and open to debate, but come on let’s be honest…..hard to do for some.

That’s what I’ve been noticing as an engineer.

Scopes has been broken and turrets has too for a very long time now. Wanna know how many steps it’s taken to get to scopes?

just look at the notes since December for class balance, and they’re just now talking about scopes in the engineer forums not necessarily to fix it but to change it may the six help us!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sil.4560


It “needs” to be fixed simply because it wasn’t intended to be accessible in the first place. This is just guesswork, but I bet ANet didn’t really pay attention whether the spot had been used or not. Someone at ANet noticed it wasn’t properly sealed off and fixed it.

That doesn’t really answer the question I was asking. What kind of person looks at a simple rock area and says, “Oh, we can’t have that”, when it’s hurting absolutely nothing at all?

I bet half of Black Citadel isn’t supposed to turn invisible when I approach the laurel vendor there. I bet auras aren’t supposed to stick when you swap weapons a certain way. I bet you’re not supposed to animate forever if you use an attack and swap weapons at just the right moment. I’m probably also not supposed to be able to walk up a mountain and off the edge of the map, or access the Polymock Arenas right now. I can confirm that most of those aren’t “fixed” yet either.

The point is that they blocked off a spot higher than their vista for no reason other than to cause a restriction to players who like to explore, and now another fun, beautiful spot has been removed from the game. Maybe Anet should start paying attention, because that seems to be their problem on a number of issues. They don’t seem to give a single kitten anymore about the actual player.

Do you know about game development? What makes you think that fixing your warriors rush is an easy task? If he’s stuck in place that means there’s something wrong with the physics, the world or both. If it’s the world, then have fun fixing all spots that might affect the skill. If it’s physics you gotta be really careful, because changes on such a delicate system may create a backlash in a way you never expected.

Rangers and Guardians both have similar attacks (Swoop and Leap of Faith) which do not have this problem. It would be a small matter to mimic one of those. They already fixed the Elementalist’s Magnetic Grasp in that sort of way.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoterFuchs.9216


That doesn’t really answer the question I was asking. What kind of person looks at a simple rock area and says, “Oh, we can’t have that”, when it’s hurting absolutely nothing at all?

A game developer. Players are simply not supposed to go as high as the clouds. It was a bug. There was no intention that this was possible at all.
Try viewing this problem from the developers point of view: You create a map, let’s say a few indoor rooms. One of the rooms that’s connected via a door is blocked off with furniture. But you forget the invisible wall so it may actually be entered. You might not even know if players have discovered that they can enter that room, and it doesn’t matter. You later return to that map you’ve worked on, notice that you forgot the invisible wall and add it. Simply because nobody was supposed to be able to enter that room from the beginning.

I bet half of Black Citadel isn’t supposed to turn invisible when I approach the laurel vendor there. I bet auras aren’t supposed to stick when you swap weapons a certain way. I bet you’re not supposed to animate forever if you use an attack and swap weapons at just the right moment. I’m probably also not supposed to be able to walk up a mountain and off the edge of the map, or access the Polymock Arenas right now. I can confirm that most of those aren’t “fixed” yet either.

And what do all these bugs have to do with anything? The stuff you listed ranges from gameplay bugs (auras) to serious issues with the graphic engine (black citadel turning invisibile). Yes, they’re not fixed. Because it takes time to fix them. Because they’re a lot more difficult to fix. Blocking off that specific spot can be done by a single world designer in about 5 minutes. Fixing graphic glitches in the engine is highly complicated. Not even fixing, just locating the bug will take hours or more and often more than one developer. Even if it is fixed it requires intensive testing and quality assurance, just to make sure the fix didn’t cause more bugs.

The point is that they blocked off a spot higher than their vista for no reason other than to cause a restriction to players who like to explore, and now another fun, beautiful spot has been removed from the game. Maybe Anet should start paying attention, because that seems to be their problem on a number of issues. They don’t seem to give a single kitten anymore about the actual player.

If you really think that ANet blocks off such spots to restrict players who like to explore, then there is no helping you. ANet doesn’t do that to tease you. Or to make you have less fun. They’re fixing the game, fixing bugs and shaping the world how it is supposed to be. The vista was probably supposed to be the highest accessible point of the mountain. So they fixed it.

Rangers and Guardians both have similar attacks (Swoop and Leap of Faith) which do not have this problem. It would be a small matter to mimic one of those. They already fixed the Elementalist’s Magnetic Grasp in that sort of way.

Oh really? Rush let’s you slide across the surface. Leap of Faith is a leap, you’re actually jumping. While you can jump from one rock to another with Leap of Faith, you would just fall to the ground with Rush. Different mechanics. Cannot be compared.
Apart from the fact that swoop is a combination of sliding across the ground and leaping, it’s bugged as well. I’ve played ranger more than enough to get stuck with swoop somewhere or the leap being delayed and so on. Fixing skills like this is not as easy as you want it to be.
And you know what? That wasn’t even the point. Even if it was just copying other skill mechanics, there STILL needs to be testing and quality assurance involved, simply because a game mechanic is more prone to bugs than adding an invisible wall. Comparisons like this is like comparing apples and oranges.

Get over it. ANet is not doing it to tease you, they’re doing it because it was a bug. Never supposed to be possible in the first place. And other, major bugs not being fixed as fast is simply a matter of complexity.

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I don’t really get all this fuss and lengthy posts because a spot you liked to stand on is gone. It’s a pretty big environment. Maybe instead of posting here get into the game and go find some place else to stand on and look around.

There was nice spot in the woods behind my house that I liked to go spend time in. The land was purchased by a developer and they trashed it to build crappy cookie cutter homes. Now that’s something to be unhappy about.

The Burninator

Mt Maelstrom: dislike that rocks were changed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


What? No screenshot of this supposedly gorgeous spot. Must have been a dream.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”