My Condi Fix
In other way, you want to halve the condition damage in PvE without giving anything in return (i’ll give you time to read up and realize why your point 2 is total bunk).
Doesn’t look like a great fix at all. And that’s even without considering there’s no proof there’s something broken to be fixed in the first place.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The biggest problem with condition builds are the fact you only need the one stat for the damage, where as power builds require 3 stats in harmony.
The biggest improvement to how condition damage works would be to require power and precision to up it’s damage rather than just condition damage alone. You want a powerful condi build, you’ve got to have pow/prec to get that. How to go about reworking that is up for debate.
The biggest problem with condition builds are the fact you only need the one stat for the damage, where as power builds require 3 stats in harmony.
The biggest improvement to how condition damage works would be to require power and precision to up it’s damage rather than just condition damage alone. You want a powerful condi build, you’ve got to have pow/prec to get that. How to go about reworking that is up for debate.
What ? This isn’t very accurate.
A condition build using just Condition Damage doesn’t do hardly any DPS, the people you see doing really high DPS with condition builds are running a three stat combination of Condition Damage, Condition Duration/Concentration, and Precision to land conditions on critical hits/sigils (Warrior, Ranger, Guardian, Engi, etc.).
Viper gear is used for those three stats, not the additional Power.
If any classes can do high DPS with a stock “Condition Damage” build (such as full Dire), then its something very class (and usually, weapon) specific (say, scepter Necro?) and not something that is global to the game itself …
The people who critisize condition builds as being “easy” have clearly never had to make one or seen it countered by an enemy player or encounter.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
The biggest problem with condition builds are the fact you only need the one stat for the damage, where as power builds require 3 stats in harmony.
The biggest improvement to how condition damage works would be to require power and precision to up it’s damage rather than just condition damage alone. You want a powerful condi build, you’ve got to have pow/prec to get that. How to go about reworking that is up for debate.
What ? This isn’t very accurate.
A condition build using just Condition Damage doesn’t do hardly any DPS, the people you see doing really high DPS with condition builds are running a three stat combination of Condition Damage, Condition Duration/Concentration, and Precision to land conditions on critical hits/sigils (Warrior, Ranger, Guardian, Engi, etc.).
Viper gear is used for those three stats, not the additional Power.
If any classes can do high DPS with a stock “Condition Damage” build (such as full Dire), then its something very class (and usually, weapon) specific (say, scepter Necro?) and not something that is global to the game itself …
The people who critisize condition builds as being “easy” have clearly never had to make one or seen it countered by an enemy player or encounter.
actually most classes i have played condition builds are easier to apply and maintain. there are a few classes with complex condi mechanics, but they are the exception, not the rule. Condi duration isnt really needed for many condi builds, and in pvp, its use is generally not worth it.
the condi fix the op has in mind has some merits, but its too simple. condi removal will be extremely powerful.
really condi overall is hard to solve due to various reasons.
i think for condi to reaaly be balanced and interesting, the basic design may need some alterations, it needs more counterplay and strategy if its going to be equivalent to best dps/burst.
The biggest problem with condition builds are the fact you only need the one stat for the damage, where as power builds require 3 stats in harmony.
The biggest improvement to how condition damage works would be to require power and precision to up it’s damage rather than just condition damage alone. You want a powerful condi build, you’ve got to have pow/prec to get that. How to go about reworking that is up for debate.
What ? This isn’t very accurate.
Viper gear is used for those three stats, not the additional Power.
Well, I like the power, because almost all my condition sources come from things that land power damage and leave a dot. It’s not the most significant contributor to my damage, but I wouldn’t turn down those extra hits … though they will necessarily be lower than a power build because I don’t have higher crit-damage stats as well.
Maybe it’s an insane suggestion, on breaking existing gear stat selections alone, but for the sake of symmetry they could just merge Power and Condi Damage. Might already doesn’t differentiate.
Offensively, you’d have a primary stat (Power), a secondary stat (Precision), and then, depending on whether you go spike or sustain, you’d go with Ferocity/DD or Expertise/Condi (though skills would have to be balanced to support the split as well).
Defensively, you’d have a primary stat (Vitality), a secondary stat (Toughness), and then, depending on preference, Healing Power or Concentration.
If nothing else, it would mitigate the impact of balance changes between power and condi, since it would mainly come down to the effects of expertise versus ferocity.
How about this:
At the moment normal damage is reduced by toughness/armor and then it hits the lifepool/Vitality. So if a player has like 50% Damagereduce from Toughness/Armor and 20k life it would take 40k normal damage to kill him.
Conditiondamage on the other side goes straight for the Lifepool and is only reduced by some feats, but not by equip.
So, why not change Toughness and/or Vitality to reduce the incoming conditiondamage ?
It would require a rework of toughness and Vitality, but that could be really interesting.
Im thinking about something likes this:
Toughness reduces incoming direct damage by a certain amount and incoming condition damage by half of that amount. E. g. toughness 1234 reduces direct damage taken by 30% and condition damage taken by 15%
And the same for vitality. E.g. vitality 1234 reduces condition damage taken by 30% and direct damage taken by 15%
What do you think about that ?
So, why not change Toughness and/or Vitality to reduce the incoming conditiondamage ?
It would require a rework of toughness and Vitality, but that could be really interesting.
What do you think about that ?
One of the reasons condi damage exists is as a counter to people that stack toughness and direct damage resistance. So no, unless somekind of armor piercing is added to the game, that aspect of condition damage shouldn’t be touched.