I got very bored today and thought I would write down my Dream Patch notes. Theses are things I would like to see in the game and are just my personal opinion and thoughts. Let me know what you all think
Gem Store
Adventure Box Key(1000 gems): Unlocks permanent access to adventure box (see environment section)
Mystic Dye Box(200gems): Once a week players can use their Mystic Dye Box to unlock a random unlearned Dye. (50% chance to be common, 35% uncommon, and 15% rare)
All Permanent harvesting tools now have higher chance to obtain rare and extra resources. (10%) excluding special loot items (sockets etc)
All Outfit and Style purchases now come with one 1 free transmutation Stone per transaction on top of one time use item transmutation
Captain’s Airship Pass: No longer purchasable (see item section)
Seasonal Sales: Fall, Winter, Summer all items are 30-50% off no coupons are useable during sale. Sale lasts only 24hrs. Will not be announced until day of release.
Marriage License(1000 gems) (see player section)
Super Cape: Fly like a superhero and hover like a boss. (see item section)
Dolka Dance(250 Gems) (see player section)
Ditterwasp dance(250 Gems) (see player section)
Gem Store Loyalty System
1000 Gems spent
1 random common or uncommon Dye
1 Random Booster
1 Black Lion ticket scrap
2500 Gems spent
1 random common or uncommon dye & 1 rare dye
1 Random Boosters
1 Black Lion Key
1 Black Lion Ticket scraps
4000 Gems
2 random common or uncommon dye & 1rare dye
1 Random Boosters
2 Black Lion keys
1 Black Lion Ticket scraps
5500 Gems
Choice of One: Aviator Cap, Covert Charr Backpack set, Fuzzy Quaggan Hat with bow, Inventor’s Sunglasses, Plush Quaggan Backpack Cover, Reading Glasses, Ringmaster’s Hat, Sailor’s Beanie or Top hat.
Permanent Daily Banker Golem (see Environment/Items)
50% off Home Portal Stone
Title: Supporter, Master of Trade, Anet Loves me
50 gems
1 Black Lion ticket Scrap
1 Black Lion key
Permanent Communal Fire (Weekly Cooldown)
70% off any Permanent finisher
50 gems
1 Black Lion Ticket Scrap
1 Black Lion Key
20% off any 1 item
Emote: /cash
Title: Sparkles
A special thank you letter sent via in game from the Anet team.
Mail has a 50% chance to kill player or reward player
Random Rewards include: 5-10gold, 1hr Boost to either xp, crafting or Karma, random disco ball above character for 1hr or player model changes color for 1hr
50 gems
1 Black Lion Ticket Scrap
5 Black Lion Key
50% off any 1 item
Title: Best Customer, Gem Colletor, Gem Spender
Belcher’s Bluff Permanent table
Account Bonus: +5%Xp, +5% Karma, +5% Gold
1 Sincere Letter of Thanks
Level 20 boost: Boost any character to level 20 instantly
Summon GM: (see item list)
Leveling System
Skill Points via map are unlocked at lvl 5.
Super Adventure Box
-No longer available unless you own the Adventure Box key
—Bi-Annual Feature Packs (Free if you own Adventure Box Key and log in during launch week otherwise 400 gems per release.
-1 New World
-unlock able New Weapon Skins for every weapon
-unlock able New Armor Set (useable on any armor piece)
-unlock able New Emote
-unlock able New Dance
*Following items are unlockable via achievements in world 1-2
—/dance2 (Retro-Robot theme dance)
—/plumber (Character jumps into a green pipe, random chance a vine creature bites character and is knocked back)
—/coin (Places 1 Bauble Bubble) anywhere in the world lasts 30secs or until picked up.
Players can only pick up 1 per week
—Unable to pick up your own Bauble Bubble
Captain’s Airship: If a player logged out inside the airpship, enter WvW or The Mists they will return to the Captain’s Airship when logging back in, leaving WvW or the Mists.
Daily Banker Golem: Useable once per day, resets on daily reset. Once summoned can be used by anyone. Despawns after 5 mins.
Riding Broom, Sonic Tunneling Tool, Flying Carpet and Super Cape now have a passive 35% speed buff, only useable in PvE does not stack with skills or boosters.
*Makeup Gun: Are your guildies ugly? Fear not with the new Makeup Gun you can blast some style onto your friends!
—Changes targets hair to: “Vomit Green, Bubblegum Pink or Sad Clown Red
—Places makeup on the target’s face: Think sad clown who just got in a slapping contest.
—Per Target use
—unusable on self
—Target can remove buff!
—Players can only be blasted once every hour
—Has a chance to explode in your face turning the user into: Vomit Yellow, Misty Black Vomit or Happy Clown red
—-Player model & armor will change to above colors
—-Lasts 30 mins and can not be canceled!
—-Player randomly mutters words in /say or emotes
“Just gorgeous!” “I once looked ugly!” “/cry” “They said join the carnival” “Whelp I don’t know about you but I am the best looking”
—-Makeup Gun is unusable for 1hr after exploding
Permanent Communal Fire
—Weekly Cooldown
—Choice of Karma, XP or Dungeon Influence
Sparkler(5 min cooldown)
—Skill 1: Throw to a friend! (5 min cooldown), Skill 2: Drop Sparkler
—Has a chance to randomly explode and cause knock back
—Lights area around player (same as torch)
Captain’s Airship Pass
—Unlocks via Loyalty system
—Players who previously purchased will keep and have access to it.
Summon GM: Summons a random Skritt, Orgie or Quaggan npc with Anet Tags.
—NPC will hug you every 30 secs for 5 mins
—1 hour cooldown
—Sells basic merchant items and offers repairs.
Super Cape: Fly like a superhero and hover like a boss.
—Cape is Dyeable
—20g unlock to enable Guild, Race or Class Emblem.
—Fly animation based on race
—Players will still die from fall damage
—You hover & fly 1-3m off the ground (same as broom)
Player Related
—Emotes (all animated!)
cash: Copper coins rain down on the player (coins can’t be picked up :P)
Sitchair: Character sits in a chair. (Chair design based on race)
Bigfish: Player raises their hands this big
Cough: player coughs
Countfingers: Player counts their fingers
Drink: player drinks a mug
Flex: Show us those muscles
playdead: Not useable in WvW or sPvP
Sparky: Equip a sparkler and have it explode!
Jaws: Accumulate 1000 gold
Doctor: Heal 1000 Players
Bag Master: Kill 25 players within 1 min
Bait: Get killed by a catapult 5 times
Explorer: Explore the same zone 5 times on different characters
Goozer the Builder: unlock Gatekeeper & Key Master
Dance Master: Unlock /dance, /dance2, /dance3 and /dance4
‘Last name”: During the marriage process players are able to create a last name that will become this title.
Best Customer: Loyalty program
Gem Collector: Loyalty program
Gem Spender: Loyalty program
Fanboy: Loyalty Program
Addict: Loyalty Program
Sparkles: Loyalty Program
/dance2: Retro-Robot theme dance
/dance3: Disco Dance :: Unlocks when five players clap or cheer for you when * dancing. (not required at once)
/dance4: Slow dance (Partner required): Unlocks with marriage!
/dance5: Jitterbug like dance (partner required) Gem store unlock
/dance6: Polka like dance (partner required) Gem store unlock
—Marriage: Players can now marry each other
One player must own a marriage license and be grouped with his or her fiance only.
Double click [Marriage License] to enable Marriage agreement.
Both players must click “Will you Marry Me” Yes or No popup.
Marriage can never be undone choose wisely!
Players can marry any race or sex they choose
Account Vaults are merged (Players no longer have a personal vault.)
—New Joint Vault = 2 tabs (30 slots each) by default
—Players who purchased expansion tabs before marriage will be added to new joint vault.
—If both players purchased tabs and the amount exceeds 12 before they were married they will be credited gold for the exceed amount.
—Any Bank Tab expansions purchased via Gem store will be applied to new joint vault.
Well, except for the gem2win options like the harvesting tools and the stupid gemstore titles that lead to an even more gemstore focused game, why not?
Why is the 1000g title called ‘jaws’. I dont get that one, or is it an offensive typo-pun?
>Wallets are merged
- DIVORCE! My partner stole my money!
Oh and the mystic dye box. That would be a must have item for everyone since it can create a significant gold income. Not pay2win since, well, you can transfer gold to gem but another gem2win nontheless.
I understand the gem store is important for the game to survive but I dont support it being abused like that. Anet should lower the gold to gem ration in the near future anyway. To work against the passive inflation.
Well, except for the gem2win options like the harvesting tools and the stupid gemstore titles that lead to an even more gemstore focused game, why not?
Why is the 1000g title called ‘jaws’. I dont get that one, or is it an offensive typo-pun?
>Wallets are merged
- DIVORCE! My partner stole my money!
You can’t unmarry
1000g Jaws title means “Once you obtain 1000g you get the title Jaws” its a reference to James bond.
Title Unlocks are not play to win
Gem purchsed Harvesting tools are already in the game they just got a very small buff.
The Mystic Dye box is 5% better then Cooking Profession unidentified dye
A lot of these are neat ideas, but why is your dream notes focused on gems? Just out of curiosity. Do you like gems a lot?
Haha no, i’ve spent a lot of gems in this game and Feel Anet should have some form a loyalty point system in place for people who have spent gems. This not only helps them but also rewards us for making sure our game has a future.
“We will be compensating players for Fractal Reset”
“SAB is now open permanently”
“Utilities can be switched even if on CD”
“We will introduce 1 new dungeon with 3 paths every 2 months”
“We will provide lore for our legendaries”
“Holidays will stop being grindfests, previous items for that holiday will be attainable”
“Mesmers can dual wield guns, Rangers can dismiss pets forever”
lol! – ya right – oh please give us more LS instead of these!
- Twisted Watchwork Gathering tools (also sickle and axe)
-Skin packs of costumes
-Tome of builds (saves your current build, by double clicking it instantly reverts your
build back to the saved build, each tome can remember one build, unlimited use
only occ useable)
-Guild banner toy (basically a warrior banner like item with poses and guild logo, can be planted like a warrior banner for a period of time, no movement skills or anything that could influence wvw in anything but aestetics so that it can be used there aswell)
- Twisted Watchwork Gathering tools (also sickle and axe)
-Skin packs of costumes
-Tome of builds (saves your current build, by double clicking it instantly reverts your
build back to the saved build, each tome can remember one build, unlimited use
only occ useable)
-Guild banner toy (basically a warrior banner like item with poses and guild logo, can be planted like a warrior banner for a period of time, no movement skills or anything that could influence wvw in anything but aestetics so that it can be used there aswell)
All Outfit and Style purchases now come with one 1 free transmutation Stone per transaction on top of one time use item transmutation
Outfits are free to transmute already.
I Know but I feel 800 gems for most outfits is overpriced and Anet would never decrease the price so adding a bonus Transmutation stone in there was just a bonus.
Wow, three hours and not not even a full page of posts? People used to make threads like this every other week and they’d fill pages and pages in an hour.
Condition Cap Fix
Dodge system revamp
There was a time when my dream patch notes hit the word cap. But since we’ve been getting (in my opinion) pretty good content through the LS since season two started, it’s made me realize that there is no bleeding reason to add any new content to the game until they have a functioning combat system to play through that content with.
Wow, three hours and not not even a full page of posts? People used to make threads like this every other week and they’d fill pages and pages in an hour.
Probably because the opening post is horrendous.
here me am patch notes master:
1. New weapon-class combinations.
2. Revamped guild upgrade system.
3. Revamped WvW objective upgrade system.
4. Watchwork Pick no longer generates Watchwork Sprockets.
5. Companion/henchman/hero system added.
6. NG+ Personal Story system added.
7. Revamped personal story which is less bad.
well the more horrendous it is the more likely it will go on for 15 pages
the less it has to do with video games, the more likely a dev will reply to it
and the most rational suggestions will be downvoted, set on fire and burried
i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish
Probably the most important thing in PvE they haven’t fixed, or rather, found a better solution to than the terrible, supposedly temporary, kludge they’ve been using since pre-launch. The cap might be fine to leave in PvP/WvW for obvious reasons, but in PvE it undermines entire skills/builds/professions just because something similar is involved in the fight.
But hey, the last thing they said about this was that they were working on it, about 18+ months ago, so we’ve got that going for us.
-Skyhammer has been removed from tournament queues and Hotjoin rotation,
-You can still play Skyhammer in custom arenas.
-it is no longer possible to join the team with the most points.
-additionally once you have chose to spectate on a match that you were playing,
you can only rejoin your previous team.
-8v8 servers are back, you may now choose to play either 5v5 or 8v8.
-Removed the cap on Reward Track progression via hotjoin.
can you imagine? 8v8 fun back, no team swap exploit, no skyhammer
Wow, three hours and not not even a full page of posts? People used to make threads like this every other week and they’d fill pages and pages in an hour.
Probably because the opening post is horrendous.
here me am patch notes master:
1. New weapon-class combinations.
2. Revamped guild upgrade system.
3. Revamped WvW objective upgrade system.
Pretty much those 3, 1st patches.
Warrior/Guardian spear + shield being trident 2h
Necro/mesmer/Elementalist with trident as land weapon
thief, engi with haarpon gun for trigering traps if case of thief and engi as a very long range CC weapon.
1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.
Got a flat? Blew a gasket? Don’t worry, call Anet! At Anet, we work hard to maintain our MMO’s AAA rating. So the next time you need roadside assistance (insert video clip of dolyak standing on the hood of a ’73 Ford Pinto), send in a ticket and one of our friendly, courteous GMs will be there (insert video clip of GM arriving via mesmer portal) to help get you rolling again!
My dream patch notes would just be for them to one day put out notes that said: NOTHING – because an expansion is coming (insert definitive date here)
They releasing one
If I could only pick one thing from my patch notes to come true it would /bigfish emote :P
I’ve heard a lot of people saying that there’s an expansion coming, especially recently. Where is this speculation coming from? Google hasn’t been able to present me with anything substantial and/or official.
“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
The dye box should be something like the krama converter something you can get in game by getting a number of things and something you can spend krama or some other in game money to have it spit a random account bound dye at you once per week / day.
Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Probably the most important thing in PvE they haven’t fixed, or rather, found a better solution to than the terrible, supposedly temporary, kludge they’ve been using since pre-launch. The cap might be fine to leave in PvP/WvW for obvious reasons, but in PvE it undermines entire skills/builds/professions just because something similar is involved in the fight.
But hey, the last thing they said about this was that they were working on it, about 18+ months ago, so we’ve got that going for us.
January of last year actually, twenty two months since they stated that had a ‘fix’ incoming. Apparently the fix was to pretend it isn’t a problem and ignore the players that speak up about it.
This would be my personal Dream Patch Notes for like a FP3 – Part 1
Release Notes:
Updated the Activities
The Activity NPC in Lion’s Arch has been removed. All Activities will be found now only in their corresponding Towns and Maps. So for Southsun Survival, you have to go visit Southsun Cove. For Keg Brawl, you have to go to Hoelbrak and so on…
In Rata Sum You will find now a new asuran NPC called Polynn, which will give You a Starter Set for the new Polymock Activity
In Divinity’s Reach You can start now in the Taverns the Activity of Bar Brawls
In Divinity’s Reach You can play now also too the new Activity of Target Shooting
A few new Activities more have been added all over Tyria, among them:
- Rollerbeetle Racing
- Dragonball
- Aspect Arena
- Super Adventure Box
- Smash ’Em Up
- F.A.T.E. (Fictive Arcanic Telegraphic Entertainment) (Collectable Card Game)
Corresponding new Achievements Categories will be found in the Actitivy Achievement Panel
Player Housing
Completely redesigned all of the Player Instances to make them fit for the Feature of Player Housing.
The Player Instance is now completely customizable by the Player from begin on using a similar Building System that players may know from Level 5 Games like White Knight Chronicles/Dark Cloud 2, where you can completely design your own Instance, how it should look like, as You want it to look like. No pregiven Instance Designs anymore.
When You enter your Personal Instance, You will get asked now, if You want to enter Your Instance, or if You want to enter it with “Build Mode”, where You can customize Your Instance only.
All previous unlocked PI-Elements will get changed into Build Elements, that You can place in Build Mode where You want them to be.
New Crafting Jobs have been added to provide all the various things needed for Player Housing.
Jeweler and Chef 500 have been added as like as the missing Materials, which weren’t craftable before like Crystalline Ingots and Xunlai Electrum Ingots
Alot of new Cooking Materials based on missing Herbs, Fruits, Spices and the like have been added together with new Cooking Recipes.
You can craft now with the help of Jeweler 500 new ascended Upgrades
- Ascended Runes
- Ascended Sigils
- Ascended Gems
Precursor Crafting is now possible with the help of new “Semi-Precursors”.
For this, alot of already existing exotic Weapons as like also Pact Weapons have been changed into Semi-Precursors.
Semi-Precursors are exotic Weapons, which can be turned into Precursors by using 1 of 3 different methods:
- Through using one of several different Crafting Recipes to refine them into Precursors
- Through going through a long and hard Journey of an epic Scavenger Hunt that requires of You do fulfill various Challenges and Tasks over the course of time.
- Through merging them together with 3 other different specific Weapons in the Mystic Forge
New craftable legendary Weapons and Accesssoires have been added.
New exotic and ascended craftable Aqua Breathers have been added.
A new playable Soldier Class has been added into the Game – the Partisan
The Underwater Spear gets renamed to Harpoon
Harpoon Gun gets exchanged with Rifle now, Rifles become just now modificated Harpoon Guns when going into Water with them, having just different Weapon Skills when being used on land or in water. After this change there won’t exist the Term Harpoon/Spear Gun anymore just Rifles instead. The corresponding Weapon Master Achievement will get removed and exchanged with a new multi tier Achievement that gives a total of 16AP for just dealing critical hits as also one for dealing conditions to foes – the Critical Hitter and Plague Sharer Achievement.
A New Weapon Type has been added together weith its Weapon Master Achievement – Spear as a on land polearm weapon.
Every Class is able to use some new already existing Weapons.
- Warrior: can use now Torches and Spears also.
- Guardian: can use now Axes and Spears also.
- Ranger: can use now Staffs and Spears also
- Engineer: can use now Maces and Hammers also
- Thief: can use now Longbows and Staffs also
- Necromancer: can use now Greatswords and Maces also
- Mesmer: can use now Rifles and Spears also.
- Elementalist can use now Sword and Shield also
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside
Guild Wars 2 supports now also DirectX11 and makes usage of its positive Features.
Guild Wars 2 offers players now also for download on the Webpage a 64bit Game Client
Players are able now to deactivate in the Graphic Settings visual Effects of Legendary Weapons, Minipets, Back Items, Auras and the like of other Players.
The Standard Enemy Model Feature will be usable now also for WvW turning all your enemies in WvW into Human randomized looking Models
The original WvW Achievements have been redesigned and got added improved unique Rewards.
Every 500th Rank Reward Chest will give Players from now on a guaranteed Ascended Equipment. People which have exceeded already Rank 500 or multiples of 500, wil lreceive retroactively these guaranteed ascended random items, when they talk the next time with a new Badges of Honor Reward NPC, who will sell also Ascended Weapons and Equipment for Badges of Honor + Gold, Essences of Luck, Karma and Globs of Ectoplasm.
All existing WvW Traits got their Tiers increased to 10 adding new Perks to the WvW Traits.
Each Class has in WvW now some new Class Specific WvW Traits to improve the Class roles in WvW significantly, which don’t require WvW Ranks, but get unlocked through using Badges of Honor.
The Borderlands have been merged into 1 new single Map, which got included also alot of the Edge of the Mist Features.
The Space of the removed cloned Borderlands got used to implement two new WvW Maps that replace from now on the removed copied Borderlands – The Plains of Chaos and The Fissure of Woe
New WvW Traits with 5 Perks fow now have been implemented:
- Assault Mastery
- Reinforcement Mastery
- Camp Defender
- Tower Defender
- Keep Defender
- War Medic
- Honor of War
- Trap Mastery
- Machine Gun Mastery
- Tank Driver
- Megalaser Mastery
- Arbalesta Mastery
New Siege Weapons from all over Tyria find their way into WvW:
- Charr Machine Guns
- Charr Tanks
- Megalaser Cannons
- Arbalestas
WvW recognizes now heigth differences and gives now a Damage Bonus to attacks, if you attack foes from a higher position and increases also the range of your attacks, when you attack a foe that stands on a lower position than you giving defending players now in Wvw an appropiate Home Advantage making it alot harder also to nuke with AoEs defending Players away, giving them no chance to defend at all.
Any kind of Ground Target AoE Skills can’t be placed anymore on Tower/Keep Walls, if those Walls have been upgraded at least once.
Camps, Towers and Keeps have received now improved and expanded Upgrade Tiers
WvW also provides now Dungeon Token Rewards, by giving out every 25 WvW Ranks, unless its a 500th rank , 500 Dungeon Tokens of your Choice instead of two items to three and badges of honor. This change won’t give out tokens retroactively.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside
Probably the most important thing in PvE they haven’t fixed, or rather, found a better solution to than the terrible, supposedly temporary, kludge they’ve been using since pre-launch. The cap might be fine to leave in PvP/WvW for obvious reasons, but in PvE it undermines entire skills/builds/professions just because something similar is involved in the fight.
But hey, the last thing they said about this was that they were working on it, about 18+ months ago, so we’ve got that going for us.
January of last year actually, twenty two months since they stated that had a ‘fix’ incoming. Apparently the fix was to pretend it isn’t a problem and ignore the players that speak up about it.
I don’t remember that? Do you have a link to that post by any chance?
Probably the most important thing in PvE they haven’t fixed, or rather, found a better solution to than the terrible, supposedly temporary, kludge they’ve been using since pre-launch. The cap might be fine to leave in PvP/WvW for obvious reasons, but in PvE it undermines entire skills/builds/professions just because something similar is involved in the fight.
But hey, the last thing they said about this was that they were working on it, about 18+ months ago, so we’ve got that going for us.
January of last year actually, twenty two months since they stated that had a ‘fix’ incoming. Apparently the fix was to pretend it isn’t a problem and ignore the players that speak up about it.
I don’t remember that? Do you have a link to that post by any chance?
This is from late February (I’m guessing last year, but the forum doesn’t show me year, just month and day.) If that’s the case, it’s been twenty months.
“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?