Dear GW2 players and ArenaNet,
In my point of view this system is not functioning as it was intended to. There are several threads and multitude of players discussing the issues concerning the RNG (Random Number Generator) placed upon loot rarity obtained from killing mobs within this game.
The Risk and Reward system, on the other hand, is simple to comprehend; i.e. the higher the risk, the higher the reward should be. However, when this is coupled with the RNG vs. Loot, it falls apart as observed by the countless disappointed players obtaining lower than anticipated loot based on the risk they took upon themselves.
Defeating harder mobs and/or at higher levels should increase the RNG values towards higher rarity items. Therefore, the RNG parameter should NOT be the same through the entire game. This is an assumption; however, I have not come across any information stating otherwise, but only read countless threads with players frustrated and disappointed.
I understand that the Trading Post plays an integral part within this game and, perhaps, why the RNG values need to disfavour the player from obtaining items of rare/exotic level. However, in my honest opinion, this is too harsh. Furthermore, it would seem that there is too much emphasis put towards using the TP. Any imbalance found results in players being punished via the RNG.
Here are some examples I have come across during my gameplay which I would consider unbalanced:
i) Killing a champion/Veteran yielded no reward some times.
ii) Chests near high-end Dynamic Event mob(s) yielded blue most of the time and sometimes green. Not even once have I gotten a yellow in over 200 hours of gameplay, let alone an orange rarity item. Only time I have gotten them was by completing a zone or a jumping puzzle.
iii) Spending several hours killing mobs across GW2 land resulted in NO items above green!
iv) Crafting items obtained from loot are biased. I would tend to obtain three times the leather than cloth; regardless of the tier. Not to mention that other ones are as rare to obtain.
Some adjustments I would like to eventually see with regards to this debacle are:
i) Killing any mob should always result in an item.
ii) Veteran/Champions based on their level should yield items appropriately. The higher the level, the higher the minimum rarity item. A level 80 veteran should not give you a white or nothing!
iii) Killing meta-event boss should yield one green and either yellow or exotic item – or some appropriate combination. These events don’t occur often; and several are bugged to begin with. Players knowing that the reward will be of high value will want to part-take in the event.
iv) Increase the crafting material loot output. There is no need to put emphasis on people buying these on the TP to save time; unless this is what ArenaNet intended to do. If that is the case – shame on you.
v) The more people feel that the rewards can be acquired from playing the game, the less time they will spend farming/grinding and using the TP instead. At the current state there is too much emphasis put towards gaining gold and using the TP to get even general items. Few players are using this to their advantage (mainly botters), which causes inflation to items and frustrating many players. This will end up crashing the market and result in the death of this game. ArenaNet (you) are trying to balance this, however, this situation is like a seesaw in constant motion; at some point it will topple over one or the other side.
The RNG, in my opinion, needs serious rebalancing. Some items are too rare. As an example: the black lion chest and its key. The ratio between these two is ridiculous.
At this point I would like the players to provide their feedback based on their game experience and the loot outcome they received. I am certain that in the most part they were displeased.
Please ArenaNet, take this into serious consideration and provide feedback to us, loyal GW2 fans/players. This is not a small bug, but a serious issue that can eventually result in the demise of this game.
Kind Regards,
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