My biggest issues with Guild Wars 2

My biggest issues with Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So I’ve been playing almost every day for the past few months and have come to the conclusion that, while being an incredible game, Guild Wars 2 doesn’t entertain me as much as WoW did.

Now before you freak out on me for bringing up WoW, I’m doing it because that’s the only other MMO I’ve played and have compared my experience in GW2 to that of my WoW experience.

Playing GW2 has made me realize how much I loved the loot system in WoW. Sure having my gear be determined by a random drop and roll of the dice could be annoying. But the feeling of pure nerd joy I got when I had an off hand I wanted SOOO bad finally dropped in heroic halls of reflection totally eclipses any amount of joy I’ve ever had (or more like not had) while getting gear in GW2.

Another huge issue I have with GW2 is the lack of end game content and dungeons. Running around Orr feels like torture with the respawn rate and density of the mobs, I feel required to bring a friend. And 100% map completion? I just did that for the past 80 levels, I don’t want to do MORE of the same once I hit level cap. As for dungeons, the majority of the time they’re treated like these horrible experiences. People don’t want to be there and find ways to make it go by faster. I don’t think I’ve ran a dungeon yet where mobs haven’t been skipped or bosses glitched. And by the end of it I have a bag full of blues and green, no upgrades, and a sense of disappointment.

And last but definitely not least, there’s no competition in PvE. I loved the competitive feel of WoW PvE. Spending time getting BiS gear and then going into a raid and doing enough dps to be recognized was awesome. In GW2 your contribution to your group goes unnoticed unless you’re reviving someone.

In closing, GW2 has an amazing template with its combat system but has nothing to keep you logging on and working towards a goal. I’m not going back to WoW because I don’t feel like its worth 15 bucks a month and I’m only sticking around with GW2 because I don’t have to pay 15 bucks.

End vent.

My biggest issues with Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IceBlizzard.1054


To each their own of course but I dont feel that way. SO many people feel like they need raiding. I feel like guild wars 2 will adapt something that will keep players going because it would seem players need that “carrot” in front of their face to continue to pursue.

Me and my friends are content with how it is. Sure there are flaws but I overall enjoy the design of the game. TO each their own of course. Also I uderstand the possible drop joy and I hope they do that as well its also nice to think “omg maybe I got an epic drop here!” but at the same time I enjoy the token system so maybe a combination? Like give the player the ability to either choose tokens at the end or loot the corpse. The corpse could have a chance at a sweet item, or you could take the guaranteed tokens.

GoF Commander

My biggest issues with Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Careful, your legitimate concerns might be overturned by people under the impression that you “just weren’t doing it right”.

Time will tell if they will do anything about it. The created Greens/Uniques in GW1 that often had unique skins or unique stat combos that only dropped from specific bosses making them worthwhile to kill.

It would be nice to see something like that for GW2 because right now it seems like anything that is even remotely nice looking and therefor of value is crafted in the forge or is simply much much easier to get by throwing merch fodder into it making any ‘slay it for stuff’ element of the game kind of moot.

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