My char's 43; my Girlfriend's char is 14
wow, your title is a little bit misleading xD
you can travel to the starter areas for free. press “b” and go to the wvwvw, then use the asura portal to lions arch and then use the asura portal to whatever starter area (capital city of each race) you want to go..
you can get enough money (for traveling) by completing every zone you are doing.
Lol @ title. Seriously.
I personally think they need less waypoints (major cities: Lions Arch, Divinities Reach, Black Citadel, Hoelbrak, Rata Sum, and the Grove); they could then make teleporting free.
I mean for an open world game it feels pretty instanced…
OT: If you feel low on cash make sure you NPC all blue and green equipment (easy to at least get traveling fees that way, although you should be able to make quite a bit more). NPCing yellows might be good too since lower level equips don’t sell for much on the Trading Post (although you might want to double check from time to time). Also, don’t use waypoints on the same map too often; save it for when you need to waypoint across at least a map or two.
You can also travel to the nearest city and then use the Asura Gates to get to places much cheaper (Insert city -> Lions Arch -> Insert closest city to where you want to go).
You don’t need to waste a slot in WvW to get to Lion’s Arch for free. You can go there through the mists, just open the pvp tab.
I was just being humorous. Tell me if i got you guys with the title. ;P
Rate 1-10
You got me – lol…
But, erm, when the lady from social services comes round, just tell her it was a misunderstanding, OK?
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
Hmmm ….. Man up and stop whinning might be a start…..
Ohya Chris Hansen approves.
can’t really see it why, espacilly since gold has become easier to get.
if u spend ur time just bouncing around without purpose then you might feel it in your purse, but ikittenill mobs on the way, and complete quests here and there…
as you progress in the levels the price of teleporting becomes higher.
you are suppose to play the game – it’s not “work” but it is the way to get extra cash.
also sell most of you stuff to vendors. only yellows are worth Black Lion Trading Post.
1. Spend most of your time around the areas north of Hoelbrak (i.e. where the Maw is) and north of the Black Citadel. (The two areas are connected.) Keep repeating the events on both maps, near the entrance/exit, and always do the Maw when it comes up.
2. Go explore an area together that neither of you have been to before.
3. Hold off on all Personal Story missions until you’re both pretty high level.
I swear I’ve read this same thread with this same title a couple months ago.
Ha, I see what was done here.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
Wait until she gets to 18 before doing anything….
LOL man the mods in this place have no idea how to mod I don’t think they know what they’re reading most of the time.
You can close this joke thread I mean if your going to change the title. The ops post was just a filler hes not being serious.
Write stuff in defense for anet infraction get called a troll by anet for talking about bots infraction. Start a joke thread anet doesn’t blink an eye goes over head changes title, just close it. These mods are so freaking weird. They need classes.
Get an Alt Girlfriend at your level. It can be a bit tricky but if you make sure they aren’t both in the same Guild it might work.
Seriously I have same problem because my wife’s characters are all low level. I made a Guardian who only plays when she does, level 17 at the moment. It does mean having two Guardians, I got hooked so made one to play with alone, but it has solved the problem.
Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]
(edited by Thord.2017)
Just thought I’d say that this thread title has made my morning.
“I swear bro! she was wearing level 20 armor! how was I supposed to know she transmuted it?!”
8/10. Good job OP
“I just thought she was an Asura!”
She was wearing Tier 1 Cultural armor so I thought she’s 35.
Yeah it sucks that you have to throw away money everytime you want to help out friends/guildies. Best to just throw alts around instead.
9/10 – sure got a o_O from me at 1st glance!
And yeah make another alt for running around with her.
Has the added bonus of trying out another part of the personal story and/or different class.
And you get to use all those low level greens you might have found.
Plus more space to store stuff.
BTW, you two did make your own personal Guild to work towards the free 50 slot guild stash, right?
why was she in the kitchen while you were leveling up is the real question
1/10 – It’d be legal if you played on the German servers
Garnished Toast
8/10. Good job OP
“I just thought she was an Asura!”
She was…
Now about the other part of ths topic which is a lot less interesting my only comment is that I was under the impression that the whole point of the develing thing was so that high levels and low levels could play together? If he is worried about port fees he could just not port around so much and make her play more so they can both spend more time together.
Levels 1-30 isn’t exactly a marathon, for her still to be such a low level would suggest she barely plays at all, if she even still plays.
(edited by Ellisande.5218)
Its very hard for me going back to the starter zones to play with her since the teleport and repair bills are so high compared to the rewards. Any help?
fun from two ppl playing worth much more than the coins you have.